
Discover the Inter Payroll Card

Do you need help with your purchases and installments? See all about the Inter payroll card and how to apply


How does the Inter Consigned Card work?

Como funciona o Cartão Consignado Inter (Imagem: UTUA)
How the Inter Consigned Card works (Image: UTUA)

The Inter Payroll Card can be the solution to the headaches of most Brazilians with bills at the end of the month. Especially when you can't pay, entering the SPC and Serasa negative list. Seeing your debts increase and not being able to do anything, generates a lot of frustration and it seems increasingly difficult to get out of this situation.

Being negative then takes away the chance of taking out loans and even having a credit card. Therefore, many financial institutions end up refusing their access to credit. This is because they will have little guarantee that they will get the borrowed amount back.

But nothing is lost! Banco Inter has an opportunity for you. With the Inter payroll card, the consumer will be able to make purchases and also withdraw money normally. The amount is deducted from your account. In addition, to obtain the Inter payroll card, no consultations will be made with credit protection agencies such as SPC and Serasa.

This novelty from Banco Inter reached INSS retirees and pensioners, as well as some public servants. And the news doesn't stop there, the bank also guarantees low rates and interest with zero annuity.

Minimum IncomeMinimum wage

How to apply for the Inter payroll card

Do you want to know how to apply for the Inter payroll card easily and quickly? Check it step by step

Here then, you will know every detail about the Inter payroll card. Keep with us!

Difference between payroll card and payroll loan

Diferença entre cartão consignado e empréstimo consignado <br />(Imagem: Foregon)”  id=”18336″ src=”” class=”w-full object-cover object-center border mx-auto uploadcare-image” /><figcaption class=Difference between payroll card and payroll loan
(Image: Foregon)

The payroll card is a means of payment. Therefore, it is a common card for you to buy, withdraw and pay at the end of the month. In the case of the Inter payroll card, you pay the minimum amount of your invoice on the payroll.

How to apply for Inter payroll loan

Do you want to know how to apply for your payroll loan from Inter bank? So find out right now!

What are the advantages of the Payroll Card?

Quais as vantagens do Cartão de crédito Consignado Inter (Imagem: Hub2b)
What are the advantages of the Inter Payroll Credit Card (Image: Hub2b)

Just having the chance to have access to credit, even with a dirty CPF on the market, is therefore a huge advantage. But, Banco Inter offers you even more, the Inter payroll card has numerous advantages and to make it easier we will list them all for you:

  • Payroll discount: the minimum payment for your card is deducted directly from your payroll. This ensures that you always have your debts paid on time and don't run the risk of forgetting.
  • No annuity: unlike many banks that charge very high surprise amounts for you to have a card, with the Inter payroll card the annuity is free.
  • Without consultation with the SPC or Serasa: it is not necessary to consult the credit protection bodies, Banco Inter has its own list of data.
  • Withdraw using card limit: you can withdraw up to 90% from your card limit. The card has up to 60 months to pay and through Tele Saque, it is possible to request the money by calling.
  • International card: Unlock this function to make international purchases.
  • Lower fees: We are talking about one of the lowest interest rates on the market.
  • Installment debts: Installing your purchases in installments is quite an opportunity when we want to make large purchases. When you are negative, this opportunity is greatly missed.

What are the downsides?

Quais as desvantagens (Imagem: Franquia)
What are the disadvantages (Image: Franchise)

Now that you know all the advantages and opportunities that you will have using the Inter payroll card, it is time to know some possible risks that you run when applying for a card with negative credit.

You pay R$ 30 to use the teller machines. This seems off-putting to some consumers, but if you plan on making a high-value cash withdrawal, the billing fee is not a concern.

The discount of the amount is therefore done in direct debit and the company is sure that you will pay the amount due. Therefore, the interest charged is generally lower for this type of card.

This can therefore represent an advantage for uncontrolled consumers, but at the same time a disadvantage because the minimum amount spent on the card is not money that you can count, as it will be debited at the end of every month.

How the minimum card payment is made

Como é feito o pagamento mínimo do cartão Inter (Imagem: IQContas)
How the minimum payment for the Inter card is made (Image: IQContas)

The amount of the Consignable Margin Reserve (RMC) will be automatically deducted from the minimum payment on the consigned card.

Generally, this amount is the minimum payment indicated on the invoice. Except for cases where the minimum value is lower than the RMC. In these cases, the minimum amount on the invoice will be considered.

Remembering that the minimum payment that is deducted from the payroll is no guarantee that you will never default.

Remembering that, you need to follow the discounts to ensure that they are made.

Is the Inter Payroll Credit Card worth it?

Cartão de crédito Consignado Inter vale a pena (Imagem: SenhorFinanças)
Inter payroll credit card is worth it (Image: SenhorFinanças)

After knowing the advantages and disadvantages, it is easier to decide if the Inter payroll credit card will be useful for you.

But if you recognize yourself as an uncontrolled consumer, then prefer to pay your debts first before taking on others. If not, you will only be exchanging one default for another.

Interest may be lower, but still, if you let unpaid debts accumulate, they keep getting bigger in the long run.

And for you who are negative, but already have control over your debts and are on the way to paying off all debts, why not go back to consuming regularly?

How to withdraw with the Inter payroll card

Already then the payroll loan then consists of an amount that you borrow from a financial institution and that will be paid according to fixed installments negotiated with your creditor, within a period determined in the negotiation.

Como sacar com o cartão consignado Inter (Imagem: Foregon)
How to withdraw with the Inter payroll card (Image: Foregon)

You can make withdrawals when you purchase the card or later, all of which are based on the limit available on your card.

Get to know now some withdrawal methods for your Inter card:

  • Authorized withdrawal: it can then be requested at any time after contracting the card. Simply contact the Banco Inter call center at any time. The transfer of the amount therefore takes place within 3 days and the amount to be paid is shown in the invoice every month.
  • Tele Withdrawal: withdrawals are also requested by Banco Inter's call center, available 24 hours a day. The transfer is carried out and the charge is made in cash on the next invoice.
  • 24-hour bank credit withdrawal: withdrawals are made by the customer at any ATM in the Banco24Horas network, according to the limit available on their card. The amount withdrawn is therefore charged in cash on the next invoice.

How to make the Inter Consigned Card?

Como fazer o Cartão Consignado Inter (Imagem: SenhorFinanças)
How to make the Inter Consigned Card (Image: SenhorFinanças)

If you've come this far, you know that the Inter card is for you and that it will meet your needs. Now you're an expert in Inter payroll card, it's time to find out how to apply!

So continue with us to find out how to apply for the Inter Payroll Card for negatives. There we show you the complete step by step of all possible ways to apply for your Inter card.

Did you like our content? So stay with us and learn everything about the financial market.

How to apply for the Inter payroll card

Do you want to know how to apply for the Inter payroll card easily and quickly? Check it step by step

About the author  /  Heloisa Trindade

I'm Heloisa Trindade, journalist at DRT 1424/MS in Campo Grande, graduate in publicity and advertising at Estácio de Campo Grande, editor and content producer for 4 years. My passion for reading and writing came since I was a child, influenced by my mother. In the midst of a financial crisis, I discovered that I could use my passion to generate income and that's when I started my first blogs. My goal is to always deliver true, quality content and information to our readers.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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