
Get to know the Mercado Pago credit card

How about getting to know the Mercado Pago credit card, which has a free digital account with many benefits? Furthermore, the plastic is international and has a free annual fee. So, check out the details here!


Mercado Pago Card: no annual fee and immediate approval

Saiba mais sobre este cartão de crédito. Fonte: Mercado Pago.
Find out more about this credit card. Source: Mercado Pago.

The Mercado Pago credit card is ideal for those looking for something cheap, without bureaucracy, with a lot of technology and immediate approval.

This is because the digital account is opened in minutes, without proof of income and rigorous analysis of personal data.

Furthermore, all transactions are done in the app, where you have the virtual card to make purchases. However, just ask for the physical card for contactless payments and much more!

So, find out about the advantages, disadvantages and how to apply for one of the cheapest cards on the market!

How to apply for Mercado Pago card

A broad credit card, with international coverage, no annual fee and approval in minutes!

How does the Mercado Pago credit card work? 

Faça transações bancárias com seu cartão. Fonte: Mercado Pago.
Make bank transactions with your card. Source: Mercado Pago.

In short, the digital account must be opened through the application. All transactions are made there, in the same place where you find the number, security code and validity of the card.

When placing the order, the account is opened within minutes, meaning you will have a debit card immediately. However, ask for a credit card and wait a few days for analysis, in addition to limit approval.

It is worth noting that the digital account is free, as well as offering free transfers and withdrawals at Banco24Horas ATMs worth R$ 5.90 each.

Furthermore, the card is international with the Visa brand. Therefore, you can use it to make purchases in cash and in installments at thousands of establishments.

What is the Mercado Pago credit card limit?

Initially, Mercado Pago does not inform the minimum limit available. If your name is clean, your score is high and you make a lot of purchases on Mercado Livre, the chances of a high limit are real.

Is the Mercado Pago credit card worth it? 

To help you reach this conclusion, we will highlight the pros and cons of this credit card. After all, it is only through information that you can decide. So, let's go!


This option is very advantageous, see more details below.

  • Free annual fee;
  • Don't pay transfer fees, like TED;
  • Pay with your cell phone, by contactless;
  • Get an easy loan with Mercado Crédito and pay with your digital account;
  • Pay in installments for purchases on Mercado Livre in up to 18 interest-free installments.


Even though it has benefits, this card has some disadvantages. Among them, the greatest chance of approval for those with a clean name, high score and who buy a lot on Mercado Livre.

Furthermore, some cases wait for up to three months on a waiting list to access a credit card! Which is not interesting for those who want urgency.

Even so, we consider that the Mercado Pago card has more benefits than uninteresting features, so it's worth requesting!

How to get a Mercado Pago credit card?

É bem simples pedir o seu. Fonte: Unsplash.
It's very simple to order yours. Source: Unsplash.

First, download the app and open your digital account in a few minutes. Then, apply for a credit card and wait on an interest list!

If you need more details, don't worry! Below, we have a post explaining in detail how to apply for a Mercado Pago credit card, so click!

How to apply for Mercado Pago card

Order online, access the interest list and receive your card at your home in a few days.

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