
Discover the Rebel loan

The Rebel loan is an option that can approve your request in minutes, in addition to offering up to R$ 50 thousand of credit with an interest rate starting at 1,90% per month to be paid in up to 36 months. Learn more about him below.


Receive the loan amount within 24 business hours

Conheça o empréstimo pessoal da Rebel! Fonte: Rebel.
Meet Rebel's personal loan! Source: Rebel.

Rebel is a company that connects financial institutions that offer loans to people interested in hiring them.

In this way, this fintech is able to offer loans with higher amounts that fall into your bank account within 1 business day.

In addition, it has an approval of just 15 minutes and the user has up to 45 days to start paying!

Minimum Incomenot informed
Interest rateFrom 1.90% to 9.90% per month
Deadline to payUp to 36 months
release periodUp to 1 working day
loan amountFrom R$ 1,000.00 to R$ 50,000.00
Do you accept negatives?Uninformed
BenefitsPersonalized analysis of your financial behavior
Discounts on in-app installments
Fast credit approval
Main features of the Rebel loan

How to apply for the Rebel loan

See here how easy and fast it is to apply for this credit to enjoy its exclusive benefits.

Due to all these features, Rebel has been drawing the attention of more and more people who need credit to resolve their financial lives.

In this way, in this post we separate all the information about the personal loan that Rebel offers and its advantages. And if you stay until the end, you can even check how you can apply for the loan!

How does the Rebel personal loan work?

In summary, the Rebel personal loan works in a similar way to the others. However, it uses different technologies that allow you to analyze your credit profile more objectively.

For this, Rebel allows you to register and connect your bank account to their system. So, by doing this, Rebel has access to all the purchases you've made in order to analyze your financial behavior.

Thus, based on this analysis, the company's artificial intelligence is able to show you the main financial products that are already pre-approved for you!

Thus, Rebel manages to innovate in the way it analyzes credit, since it only considers your behavior and not the shopping habits of people with characteristics similar to yours.

That way, you get access to financial products that are customized to your behavior! 


What is the Rebel personal loan limit?

When taking out a loan, it is essential to know the amounts that the company is able to release to the public.

Therefore, in the case of Rebel, you can borrow from R$ 1,000.00 up to a maximum amount of R$ 50,000.00.

Regardless of the contract, you will always be able to pay off your loan in up to 36 installments, allowing you to have a good amount of time to pay off.

Advantages of the Rebel loan

Veja o que o empréstimo consegue oferecer a você! Fonte: Pexels.
See what the loan can offer you! Source: Pexels.

First, one of the biggest advantages of taking out a Rebel personal loan is the fact that you can be approved in a matter of minutes!

With the technology that the company uses, you can receive your approval in up to 15 minutes!

In addition, when using the Rebel application and consuming its financial education content, you can have discounts to use in the amount of your loan installments!

And, speaking of the app, you can follow everything related to the loan in a totally easy and transparent way!

Rebel main features

First of all, it's important to know more about the company that offers so many advantages for loans, isn't it?

Well then, Rebel is a very new fintech, being created in 2015 in order to offer fairer bank loans, with affordable rates for the population and that manage to solve people's financial problems and not bring others.

The company is part of the Lecca Crédito Financiamento e Investimentos group, being a simpler version, fully digital for loans and consolidated with the experience of a large group.


Who the loan is for

In summary, Rebel's personal loan is indicated for individuals who need access to credit to resolve financial issues, make purchases, renovations, among other objectives.

The loan is also an ideal option for those who ended up contracting debts with the card bill or who entered the overdraft.

The company offers special services for those situations where Rebel manages to pay your invoices or overdraft and offers you up to 30 days to pay without interest.

How to get a Rebel personal loan?

In fact, Rebel's personal loan is a differentiated loan option that performs a more objective analysis of financial behavior and, still, manages to be very affordable.

Therefore, if you liked the option it has to offer, check out the post below on how to apply for this loan!

How to apply for the Rebel loan

See here how easy and fast it is to apply for this credit to enjoy its exclusive benefits.

About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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