
Discover the free AVAMEC courses

AVAMEC courses are managed by the MEC and offer you several training options in the education field completely free of charge and online. Find out more about them here.


Access the 221 online courses created by the MEC

Veja como essa plataforma ajuda você no dia a dia no trabalho como profissional da educação! Fonte: AVAMEC.
See how this platform helps you in your day-to-day work as an education professional! Source: AVAMEC.

If you are a teacher or simply work in the education field in other roles, AVAMEC's free courses will certainly help you in your career!

AVAMEC is the Virtual Learning Environment of the Ministry of Education. Therefore, on this platform, you can find a large catalog of courses focused on education.

How to enroll in AVAMEC courses

See how to access various education courses quickly and easily!

This way, you can learn how to manage a school and even delve deeper into the main subjects taught to students to improve the quality of your teaching.

In the following post, you will learn more about AVAMEC and the free courses it offers.

What are the free AVAMEC courses like?

Todos os cursos são organizados para você conseguir aprender com tranquilidade! Fonte: Pexels.
All courses are organized so you can learn with ease! Source: Pexels.

In short, AVAMEC free courses work in a similar way to most free course platforms that exist.

Therefore, all courses are made up of video classes that better explain the main theme of that course.

Namely, the video classes are all divided into modules that facilitate learning and make teaching more organized.

At the end of each module, you will be able to do consolidation exercises to help you remember what was discussed in class.

It is from these exercises that you will be able to obtain the course completion certificate. To do this, simply complete all of them and then issue the document through the website itself.

Furthermore, free AVAMEC courses have a very diverse workload that will depend on the main theme of the course.

Therefore, within the platform you can find course options lasting from 2 to 180 hours.

Finally, it is important to note that each course has a period of days in which you will have access to it to complete it. If the period ends, you may need to start studying again.


What courses are available?

Namely, AVAMEC has in its catalog more than 200 educational courses for you to take and specialize more and more. Some of these options are:

  • School management;
  • How to regulate emotions in the classroom;
  • Improving well-being in the school context;
  • Use of digital educational resources;
  • Role of the pedagogical coordinator in sports education;
  • Active methodologies in physical education
  • Ethics in public administration;
  • Socio-emotional skills in sports education;
  • And much more.

In addition to the options mentioned above, on the platform you can find training courses in science, mathematics, Portuguese and other subjects taught in schools.

This way, from the course you can improve your skills to be able to offer more to the student in the classroom!

What are the benefits of the courses?

So far, you have been able to learn a little more about what free AVAMEC courses are like and what knowledge they can offer you.

But, in addition to the large catalogs of education courses, the platform offers several advantages for you! Discover them below!

  • Fully online;
  • They issue a certificate at the end;
  • Several options for you to specialize;
  • More than 20 educational institutions offering courses.

Furthermore, we can also highlight the fact that the platform is managed by the Ministry of Education itself, thus ensuring that they are recognized options in the market and with excellent teaching for you.

Who are the free AVAMEC courses for?

Even though free AVAMEC courses are options aimed at teachers and pedagogues to specialize, in fact they can be accessed by everyone.

This way, any citizen who is interested in learning more about education in schools can access the AVAMEC portal and, thus, take the courses.


How to enroll in AVAMEC?

Veja como pode ser fácil se cadastrar na plataforma! Fonte: Pexels.
See how easy it can be to register on the platform! Source: Pexels.

If you liked what you saw so far about the free AVAMEC courses, you must be eager to start taking them, right?

To do this, you need to learn how to register on the tool to access all the courses and have this knowledge.

In the following post, we show you how to register on the platform so that you can now access the portal.

How to enroll in AVAMEC courses

In just a few minutes you can register and start taking classes!

About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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