
Get to know the Bradesco automobile consortium

With the Bradesco consortium, it is possible to acquire your new, domestic or imported car without interest through a scheduled purchase without bureaucracy and insurance. Find out how it works here!


Bradesco Consortium: a letter of credit for you to buy your brand new car

Adquira carros de qualquer modelo com o consórcio Bradesco. Fonte: Bradesco.
Acquire cars of any model with the Bradesco consortium. Source: Bradesco.

Many people who are interested in buying their first car usually opt for financing. However, the Bradesco consortium presents itself as a much more interesting option for purchasing your first car. This is because, in addition to the value being more accountable, the payment terms are better and there is no interest.

The consortium is that famous programmed purchase modality in which several people come together to buy the same good and at the end of a payment period, everyone receives. So if you are curious to know all the details about the Bradesco consortium for cars, follow the topics below!

Have a great read!

Minimum Incomenot informed
Interest rateExempt
Deadline to payUninformed
release periodUninformed
Consortium ValueUninformed
Do you accept negatives?Uninformed
BenefitsBuy cars of any model and plan for all audiences
Consortium characteristics

How to apply for the Bradesco car consortium

Request the Bradesco car consortium without interest and without down payment. Know more!

How does the Bradesco consortium work?

As with other programs, Bradesco's car consortium works with a defined number of people who share the same objective: buying a car. Along with this, this group agrees to pay a certain monthly amount for a certain period. 

However, during this entire period of payments you can receive your car 0 km from contemplation. Speaking of contemplation, at the Bradesco consortium it happens in two ways: raffle or highest bid.

In other words, each month a partner is drawn to win the car or a participant pays a higher amount to redeem his car. 

Contemplation in either of these two ways happens from the assemblies, which are nothing more than meetings with all the members of the group.


What is the limit of the Bradesco consortium?

Afinal, qual o limite do consórcio de carro Bradesco? Fonte: Pexels.
After all, what is the limit of the Bradesco car consortium? Source: Pexels.

Bradesco does not give clear information about the maximum value that the car consortium can reach, so you need to do the simulation to check the credit possibilities that the bank can offer.

Bradesco Advantages

The person who chooses to join the Bradesco consortium has access to several advantages. Firstly, the bank has groups for the payment of brand new or semi-new cars, of any model available in the national market or imported.

Therefore, for those who still do not understand the subject very well, be aware that you are not obliged to buy the reference car that is in the contract. That's because the letter of credit allows the consortium member to buy any model.

Main characteristics of Bradesco

As a rule, credit makes available the choice of any car model or even the discharge of one that you have already financed.

In addition, it is worth remembering that a very important part of the consortia is that if it is a car, you cannot buy another product that is not a car.

That is, even receiving the letter of credit with the amount available, it can only be spent to acquire the good that was agreed in the consortium contract.


For whom the consortium is indicated

Literally, there are no rules that specify or even limit who can or cannot join a consortium. In this way, it is enough to be over 18 years of age and to fulfill the duties that are in the contract to enter the consortium plan in any modality. 

How to make a Bradesco consortium?

Você pode fazer o consórcio Bradesco agendando uma visita através da central de atendimento. Simples e rápido! Fonte: Pexels.
You can make the Bradesco consortium by scheduling a visit through the call center. Simple and fast! Source: Pexels.

The first option is to go to the bank's website. If that's not enough, you can call one of the bank's call centers.

All the centers are available 24 hours a day throughout the week and if you want, you can still get in touch through Bradesco's digital service system, BIA. To do this, just read the QR Code available on the website.

Did you like it? To learn more about how to apply for the Bradesco car consortium, just access our recommended content.

How to apply for the Bradesco car consortium

Request the Bradesco car consortium without interest and without down payment. Know more!

About the author  /  Marina Poncio

Graduated in Financial Management from UNOPAR. Acted as manager of large multinational companies. He is currently dedicated to editing, planning and producing content for the web specializing in economics and finance.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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