
Discover the Caixa Internacional card

With the Caixa Internacional card, you will have access to exclusive advantages of the Mastercard or Visa brands and many other benefits. Learn more here!


Caixa Internacional card: buy anywhere in the world and withdraw wherever you want

Conheça o cartão Caixa Internacional e desfrute de todas as suas vantagens. Fonte: Caixa.
Get to know the Caixa Internacional card and enjoy all its advantages. Source: Box.

The Caixa Internacional card is an enhanced service of the Caixa Nacional card. That is, it is not only the coverage, but the advantages and functionalities are also different and superior for the most part.

Therefore, in today's post Mr Panda will show you the features, advantages and disadvantages of the card to decide if it is worth requesting. 

Therefore, we will talk about annuity and other important characteristics so that you can apply for the card and have access to all the advantages of the Caixa service.

Good reading!

Annuity12x of R$ 17.25
minimum incomenot informed
FlagMastercard or Visa
BenefitsCaixa points program
Exclusive benefits of the flags
Minimum credit limit of R$ 1,000.00
card features

How to apply for a Caixa Internacional card

The Caixa Internacional card has international coverage, a Caixa points program and exclusive benefits from the brand. Find out how to apply here.

Main features of Caixa Internacional

First, the Caixa Internacional card has international coverage. Therefore, with it, customers can make purchases inside and outside Brazil in various establishments.

Along with that, we have two flag options available i.e. Mastercard or Visa. Therefore, when ordering, the customer will have access to the most accepted flag options around the world. In addition, you can enjoy all the exclusive benefits offered by both.

Remembering that the terms of payment and installment of the card are very good. After all, it is possible to pay card purchases in up to 24 installments. In addition, in some cases, installments are interest-free in accordance with the conditions of partner establishments.

Another important point is that Caixa Internacional offers additional cards and does not charge an annuity for these. In addition, the established initial credit limit is R$1,000.00, varying according to the financial analysis of the customer's profile.


Who the card is for

Afinal, para quem é indicado o cartão? Fonte: Adobe Stock.
After all, who is the card indicated for? Source: Adobe Stock.

The card is suitable for people over 18 years old. In addition, emancipated people over 16 years old can also apply for the card.

However, it should be remembered that Caixa performs a credit analysis to approve the request. Therefore, possibly people with a negative name or with a low score will not be able to access Caixa Internacional.

Is the Caixa Internacional credit card worth it?

But after all, is it worth requesting the Caixa Internacional card? Therefore, despite some negative points that we will explain later, the card has several advantages. As a result, it can be concluded that it is worth asking.

However, it is necessary to consider the customer's consumer profile. Remembering that Caixa offers different card types for different profiles. Therefore, if Caixa Internacional is not suitable for your profile, the bank will certainly have other options.

However, the benefits of international coverage, the points program and, mainly, the two brands available to the applicant, make the card attractive to the user.

Check now the advantages and disadvantages of the Caixa Internacional card.


  • Interest-free installments and no down payment in some establishments;
  • Go Visa or Mastercard Benefit Surprise;
  • Caixa Points Program;
  • Annual fee waiver for additional cards.


  • Annuity charge;
  • Does not approve for negatives;
  • Available only for people over 18 years old or 16 years old emancipated.

How to make a Caixa Internacional credit card?

Solicitar o cartão Caixa Internacional é simples e rápido, basta se dirigir a uma agência bancária mais próxima. Fonte: Adobe Stock.
Applying for the Caixa Internacional card is simple and fast, just go to the nearest bank branch. Source: Adobe Stock.

Finally, if you want to apply for your card, stay tuned to this topic, as we will explain all the details.

Thus, the application for the Caixa Internacional card is only possible at the branch or bank correspondent. Therefore, these are the only forms made available by the bank. That said, for some customers this is not a very comfortable situation. However, the bank mentions that it is simple and fast.

Therefore, when going to the agency to apply for your card, bring the following documents:

  • Identity;
  • CPF;
  • Proof of income;
  • Proof of address.

Then, after performing the procedure, the attendant will fill out the form. Subsequently, the bank performs a credit analysis of your profile. Finally, if approved, you will be able to leave the branch with your provisional Caixa Internacional card in hand.

Did you like the content? If you still have doubts about how to apply for your card, check out our recommended content and stay on top of all the details.

How to apply for a Caixa Internacional card

The Caixa Internacional card has international coverage, a Caixa points program and exclusive benefits from the brand. Find out how to apply here.

About the author  /  Marina Poncio

Graduated in Financial Management from UNOPAR. Acted as manager of large multinational companies. He is currently dedicated to editing, planning and producing content for the web specializing in economics and finance.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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