Government Aid

Find out about the Continuous Cash Benefit

Elderly people aged 65 or over and people with disabling disabilities are entitled to the Continued Cash Benefit. See now how it works and how to register!


Learn more about the benefit that offers R$1,320.00 per month for seniors and people with disabilities.

Conheça mais sobre o Benefício de Prestação Continuada. Fonte: Canva.
Find out more about the Continuous Cash Benefit. Source: Canva.

The Benefit of Continuous Provision is an assistance program of the Federal Government. It seeks to guarantee a monthly minimum wage for people who are unable to generate income on their own.

With it, seniors aged 65 or over and people with any type of disabling disability are entitled to receive the income.


Government aid


My INSS CadÚnico

See what the requirements are and what you must do to enter the BPC.

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Therefore, in order to receive the aid, it is necessary to meet some requirements imposed by the Government. Among them, having low income and registration in CadÚnico.

Do you want to know more about this benefit and find out if you or a member of your family is entitled to BPC? Then just continue reading below! Let's go?

What is the Continuous Cash Benefit and how does it work?

Confira a seguir como funciona o BPC e como pedir o benefício. Fonte: Canva.
Check below how the BPC works and how to request the benefit. Source: Canva.

First of all, the Continuous Provision Benefit, also known as BPC, is a Federal Government program.

It enables seniors aged 65 and over and people with disabling disabilities to have access to a minimum wage per month.

This benefit is provided for in LOAS, the Organic Law of Social Assistance. Based on this law, it is possible to offer a fixed income to people who are unable to guarantee their own livelihood.

For the elderly and people with disabilities to have access to this benefit, the family group must have a specific income.

Therefore, each person who lives in the same house as the elderly or disabled person must receive less than ¼ of the minimum wage.

In addition, it is also necessary that the beneficiary is registered in CadÚnico. It is from him that it is possible to receive the BPC.

When meeting the requirements, you can schedule the service through the “Meu INSS” application. It is also possible to make an appointment over the phone, or in person at an INSS agency.

Persons with disabilities must undergo a medical examination. In this way, it is possible to assess the applicant's condition and only then release the benefit.


Government aid


My INSS CadÚnico

See what the requirements are and what you must do to enter the BPC.

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What diseases qualify for BPC?

The BPC offers a minimum wage for people with any type of disabling disability. This includes long-term physical, mental, intellectual and sensory disabilities.

However, the BPC does not have an official list that specifies the diseases that qualify for the benefit.

As long as your condition prevents you from exercising a paid activity, you are entitled to the benefit.

However, it is still necessary to prove monthly income and keep the registration updated in CadÚnico.

What is the age for the Continued Cash Benefit?

To gain access to the BPC, only elderly people have a minimum age to request it. In this case, it is necessary to be 65 years or older to be able to access the benefit.

In the case of people with a disability, the BPC has no minimum or maximum age. Therefore, anyone who meets the benefit requirements can receive it.

If you believe you are entitled to assistance, applying for inclusion is simple. Do you want to know more details about how to apply for the Continuing Benefit? Then check out the content below!


Government aid


My INSS CadÚnico

See what the requirements are and what you must do to enter the BPC.

You will remain in the same website

About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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