Government Aid

Find out about the Permanent Aid benefit

Permanent Aid promises to offer a fixed monthly income of R$1,200 to low-income single mothers. Learn more about the benefit right now!


New government measure will pay R$1,200 to women who are heads of households.

Saiba como funciona o Auxílio Permanente. Fonte: Canva.
Find out how Permanent Aid works. Source: Canva.

The approval of the new Bill (PL) 2099/20 by the Women's Rights Committee has generated great expectations about the release of the Permanent Aid benefit amounts.

According to the rules contained in the text, the new government income transfer will be worth R$1,200 for many women. In this way, the government intends to help the neediest families.


Government aid

Permanent Aid

$1.200,00 CadÚnico

See how to register for assistance and receive up to R$1200 per month from the government.

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The big news is that the Permanent Aid document is being processed conclusively in the houses of the legislative branch.

This means that the PL does not need to be approved by a vote in the plenary, but only by the chamber's internal committees.

But after all, what is the Permanent Aid benefit and how will it work? Check it out right now!

What is Permanent Aid?

In short, the Permanent Aid benefit is a new measure by the Federal Government to help single mothers in situations of social vulnerability. 

The measure aims to reduce the number of families living in poverty and extreme poverty.

As previously stated, the scenario is still positive for women waiting for the benefit. However, there is still a need for approval by internal committees of the Chamber of Deputies. 

On the other hand, fortunately the project is in a conclusive nature. Therefore, it will not need to face a vote in the plenary, which makes approval easier. 


Government aid

Permanent Aid

$1.200,00 CadÚnico

See how to register for assistance and receive up to R$1200 per month from the government.

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What are the benefits of Permanent Aid?

Without a doubt, the greatest benefit of Permanent Aid is helping women who are going through great difficulties.

Women who are heads of single-parent families often have to work, take care of their children and also take care of the family environment alone. 

In this scenario, it is obvious that the lack of financial resources is the biggest difficulty this group faces.

So the government will transfer R$1,200 each month to these family units that are not only experiencing, but living in a state of extreme poverty.

So that you can better understand how it works, currently, for the government, families that are in poverty are those that have up to R$200 in per capita income.

For the situation of extreme poverty, the public administration considers values of up to R$100 of per capita income.

Who is entitled to assistance?

Quem pode receber o benefício do Auxílio Permanente? Fonte: Canva.
Who can receive the Permanent Aid benefit? Source: Canva.

Women who raise their children or dependents without any help from their spouse and who also meet the following requirements receive assistance:

  • Being a responsible woman in a single-parent family;
  • Have at least one child under 18 years of age;
  • Be over 18 years of age;
  • Being formally unemployed;
  • They cannot be beneficiaries of social security or assistance insurance;
  • It is also not possible to receive it if you are a beneficiary of social transfer programs;
  • If you receive unemployment insurance, you will not be entitled to the amounts;
  • The family's per capita income must be within the ceiling of R$660;
  • The sum of the salaries of all those who work cannot exceed R$3,636;
  • Beneficiaries must have an up-to-date CadÚnico registration;
  • The beneficiary must be formally or informally employed, be an individual worker or be currently unemployed, even if inactive;
  • The beneficiary can also be an individual microentrepreneur or contribute to social security.

How do you know if you will receive Permanent Aid?

The big secret here is to check if you meet the requirements mentioned above.

This is because the government categorically requires that you be in all of them. However, we still do not know what the definitive criteria will be for granting the benefit. 

Therefore, the more requirements are met, the greater the chances of receiving the Permanent Aid benefit.

For now, it is expected that after approval the government will inform how it will be possible to consult Permanent Aid. 

So far, the expectation is that the consultation of values will be available through the Caixa application, Caixa Tem.

Registering for the Permanent Aid benefit is also simpler than you might think. Want to know more about the process? Then check out the content below!


Government aid

Permanent Aid

$1.200,00 CadÚnico

See how to register for assistance and receive up to R$1200 per month from the government.

You will remain in the same website

About the author  /  Marina Poncio

Graduated in Financial Management from UNOPAR. Acted as manager of large multinational companies. He is currently dedicated to editing, planning and producing content for the web specializing in economics and finance.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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