
List of competitions planned for 2022: registration open!

The expected tenders for 2022 are coming soon, so we must pay attention to the publication of notices. Do you want to know which are these most awaited announcements and a little about each contest with open registrations for 2022? So come with us!


Check the list of the main competitions planned for 2022

Veja quais são os concursos previstos para 2022 para fazer a sua inscrição. Fonte: Freepik.
See which contests are planned for 2022 to register. Source: Freepik.

Knowing which tenders are planned for 2022 is a way to prepare yourself and, thus, keep an eye on the call for tenders of interest to you.

That's because public tenders are a way to guarantee a stable career in your field, but due to high competition, it takes a lot of study and dedication to secure the vacancy.

Fachada de um prédio da Caixa

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In addition, knowing the different test options available makes it possible to learn about new positions and new opportunities.

Therefore, keeping an eye on the most awaited edicts is the best option! Want to know more about what these edicts are and a little bit about each one of them? So, continue reading with us!

List of expected tenders 2022: most awaited notices

Veja mais sobre a lista dos concursos de 2022 adiante! Fonte: Canva.
See more about the list of 2022 contests ahead! Source: Canva.

The year 2022 is full of public tenders and, as a result, the candidates are already waiting for the main notices to be able to prepare more assertively for the tests.

Below, check out the list of the most anticipated public notices of the year and a little about each contest. Let's go?

Imagem de um celular ao lado de um teclado repousado em uma superficie de madeira. O celular mostra a logo da receita federal.

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Now, if what you want is to start your career with good positions and salaries at the Federal Revenue, it's time to learn what and how to study for the contest, see here.


Contests 2022 – Senate

The Federal Senate contest is one of the most anticipated of 2022. The organizing bank chosen this year was the Getúlio Vargas Foundation.

And the event will offer training vacancies for reserve registration and immediate vacancies. At the moment, we must still wait for the publication of the notice to know more details about the day, time and place of the test.

The data released refer to the availability of 19 vacancies for immediate start and formation of a reserve register of 983 vacancies.

The 19 positions with immediate start have a higher education requirement and are distributed in the following positions:

  • Attorney;
  • Legislative consultant specializing in budget advice;
  • Legislative consultant specializing in legislative advice;
  • Legislative analyst;
  • Archival; 
  • Social worker;
  • Accounting;
  • Nursing;
  • Legislative informatics; 
  • Legislative process;
  • Parliamentary registration and writing;
  • Work engineering;
  • Electronic engineering and telecommunications; 
  • legislative technician,
  • Legislative Police.

Contests 2022 – Federal Revenue Service

The Federal Revenue public tender received official authorization this year, with 699 vacancies open in the positions of Tax Auditor (230 vacancies) and Tax Analyst (469 vacancies).

It is estimated that the tender notice will be released by December of this year, but preparations for the test should start as soon as possible, to have a good result.

At the moment, the Federal Revenue is in the process of deciding which bank will be the organizer of the 2022 contest.

The expectation is that the name of the chosen company will be disclosed in the coming weeks, according to the vice-president of the National Sindifisco, Natália Saraiva.

It is estimated that the public body will apply the tests within two months after the publication of the notice, so it is still not possible to know whether the tender will be in 2022 or early 2023.

Contests 2022 - INSS

The public tender for admission to the National Institute of Social Security (INSS) is close and recently, a notice was published in the Official Gazette informing the anticipation of the test.

That is, the ordinance reduced the period between the publication of the notice and the first test, which will be 2 months. The call for tenders has not yet been published and the public body is in the process of choosing the organizing committee.

1,000 vacancies will be opened for the position of social security technician, of medium level, with remuneration between R$5,447.79 to R$9,099.25, at the top of the career. 

Therefore, the next step is to define the bank, which will be responsible for handling the INSS tender.

The public notice will be published within six months after the publication of the authorization ordinance. According to data, nominations for positions will begin in January of next year.


Contests 2022 – EMBRAPA

The Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA) is still waiting for authorization to carry out the new public tender.

The last test applied by the body was in 2010, with Instituto Cetro as its organizing committee. At the time, 676 vacancies were offered for the most diverse upper and middle level positions.

For this reason, for the time being, there is no further information regarding the EMBRAPA competition, only the possibility that the company will be considered for the transfer of funds to carry out the test and open new positions.

Contest 2022 – TRE

The Superior Electoral Court contest is one of the most sought after and the forecast is that the next test will be unified.

Some actions by the TSE itself indicate that the public body is soon preparing a single selection to promote various positions in TREs in several states. 

With a unified test, it will not be necessary for the regional courts to include the amounts intended for the contest in their budget proposals, since the test will be a national selection.

On November 22 of last year, TSE Ordinance nº. 757 informed that there are a number of 608 vacant positions in all regional electoral courts in Brazil and, therefore, the expectation is that the next notice will offer the necessary vacancies to cover this deficit.

Contests 2022 – TRT

Sabe qual concurso é mais a sua cara? Então, faça a sua inscrição e comece a se preparar. Fonte: Canva.
Do you know which contest is more your face? So, register and start preparing. Source: Canva.

The contest for the Regional Labor Court is coming up, and it was awaited for a long time by the contestants.

Some of the courts already have authorization from the STJ to carry out the test and, now, they are waiting for the new steps to be taken. 

However, no further details have been provided about the tender, which is awaiting publication of the public notice and confirmation of how many vacancies will be opened over the 24 TRTs in Brazil.

So, what did you think of the contest options with open enrollment this year? Have you chosen which one you will do?

We hope that our content helps you to learn a little more about each competition option and that you have a better chance of securing your much-desired vacancy!

For more content like this, read our recommended content below. Until later!

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About the author  /  Maria Luisa Barbosa

Advertising with extensive experience in creating content for the web. I've been writing about finance for over a year in order to help you have a better financial experience. In my spare time, I'm a pet mom, art and fashion lover. Pleasure Malu! (:

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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