
Civil Police Contest: 5 notices planned for 2022

This year, the Civil Police competition will distribute several vacancies for different positions in many Brazilian states with salaries up to R$ 23 thousand. Check the post below for more information about the contest and how to prepare for this test.


See how to participate in the contest with salaries that can reach R$ 23 thousand

Veja como vai funcionar o concurso da Polícia Civil. Fonte: Adobe Stock.
See how the Civil Police contest will work. Source: Adobe Stock.

Certainly, many people want to take part in a public tender this year, especially now that the Civil Police contest has already opened some public notices for tests that may still take place in 2022.

That's because joining the Civil Police is the dream of many people. But, to guarantee the vacancy, it takes a lot of study and dedication, since this contest is competitive and requires a high level of knowledge.

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INSS 2022 contest: starting salary of R$5 thousand

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Therefore, those who want to join the Civil Police already need to pursue their studies. Here, the most important thing is to set up a good schedule, to be able to learn as much as possible and be well prepared for the test.

Therefore, if you want to know more about the Civil Police and the current public notices, just continue reading this article!

Civil police

Conheça mais sobre este importante órgão! Fonte: Adobe Stock.
Learn more about this important organ! Source: Adobe Stock.

First, it is interesting to know a little more about the Civil Police before understanding its competition. Thus, the Civil Police is a government agency that helps to promote the safety of citizens.

In this way, he works to ensure that people are complying with the law, in addition to following the right processes to bring to justice those who do not follow the laws of the country.

Thus, the main function of civil police officers is to investigate crimes that occur in the state in order to monitor compliance with the law.

To work in this institution and contribute to the state, it is necessary to hold a public tender. It is carried out periodically in all Brazilian states in order to fill existing vacancies to work in various positions in the Civil Police.

Imagem de um celular ao lado de um teclado repousado em uma superficie de madeira. O celular mostra a logo da receita federal.

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Civil Police Contest: latest news on public notices

Confira os editais que saíram em agosto! Fonte: Pexels.
Check out the edicts that came out in August! Source: Pexels.

In summary, the Civil Police has been releasing since the beginning of the year the notices for holding its contest. Each public notice refers to a specific state, and in the month of August there are at least 5 public notices scheduled to be released.

Therefore, as each announcement that comes out is about a different state in the country, the distribution of positions and vacancies are also different.

Among the notices that come out, they are distributed among open notices, that is, that are already available for consultation. And the expected public notices, which are those that are not yet ready, but which already have a forecast for publication.

Will there be a civil police contest in 2022?

Those who want to join the Civil Police are already happy to know that in 2022 it has already been confirmed that competitions will be held to fill new vacancies within the body.

Vacancies will vary according to the state, but with the notices coming out, it is already possible to confirm which positions they will be distributed to and what the salary of the professional will be.

Just to give you an idea, in the public notice issued for the Civil Police of the Federal District, the position of Custody Agent can have a salary of R$ 9,394.68.

In addition to the agent, in the public notices that have already been released, vacancies are foreseen to work as a delegate, scrivener, expert, among others. Of all the positions, salaries range from R$ 6 thousand to R$ 23 thousand.

What goes on the Civil Police test?

In short, the civil police contest has several stages. Among them, there is a test of general knowledge that is objective. Upon being approved in it, the candidate still needs to take the specific discursive test or essay.

To get through them, you need to create a good study schedule. At first, the themes of the questions are present in the notices. 

But, for the public notices that have not yet been released, we have already managed to advance the main topics that can be charged, such as:

  • Mathematics and logical reasoning;
  • Notions of Criminal Law;
  • Computing;
  • Public administration;
  • Notions of Administrative Law;
  • Portuguese language;
  • Notions of Constitutional Law.

Namely, the contents of each test may vary according to his position and level, but generally the above contents are charged in all tests.

What are the requirements to apply for the Civil Police exam?

Veja se você realmente pode participar do concurso! Fonte: Pexels.
See if you really can enter the contest! Source: Pexels.

Above all, a person working in the Civil Police usually has to deal a lot with the public and citizen's rights. Therefore, to participate in the Civil Police contest, it is necessary to meet some basic requirements, such as:

  • be Brazilian and have fulfilled all of your military and electoral obligations;
  • be aged between 18 and 45 years old;
  • have physical and mental aptitude for the position;
  • have no criminal record;
  • have a regularized CPF;
  • have a category B driver's license.

In addition, it is important to note that, depending on the position you want to apply for, there may be other requirements to be able to work in the role.

But, so far you've managed to get a good idea of how the Civil Police contest works and that it will be held in 2022.

However, despite having the important information about the contest, many people can be distressed when studying for the test.

After all, her level of difficulty can be high and many people need to reconcile work with the exam studies.

Therefore, if you have difficulty studying for exams, we have a very interesting article that shows how you can start studying with very simple tips. Check it out below!

What to start studying for competitions?

Find out what to study and how to reconcile studies with work!

About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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