
Buying a car with debt: is it worth it?

Did you know that there is an option to buy a car with debt? But is this type of investment worth it? See the text below for the tips we have separated for you.


Buying a car with debt

Comprar carro com dívida (Imagem: AutoPapo.UOL)
Buying a car with debt (Image: AutoPapo.UOL)

Many people wonder how buy car with debt. After all, it's common to want to move your car forward and acquire another one. Or even securing the first four-wheeled means of transport.

Thus, this is a subject that is still little discussed in the market. Many users do not know if this action is really worth it. Therefore, it is important to understand all the details involving the theme.

This article comes with exactly that proposal. Here you will find out if buy car with debt it is something advantageous. Also discover some elements that deserve more care when carrying out this transaction.

Buying a car with debt: know the types that exist

Dívidas de veículos: conheça os tipos que existem (Imagem: DOKDespachante)
Vehicle debts: learn about the types that exist (Image: DOKDispatcher)

When taking over a car with issues, you need to be aware of what they are. Therefore, it is important to know what debts a particular vehicle may have. Check out some examples below.



IPVA (Imagem: qwerty)
IPVA (Image: qwerty)

Means Tax on the Ownership of Motor Vehicles. IPVA is a type of state tax and is charged annually. It has a body responsible for its collection. Thus, we are talking about the Treasury Department of the state where the car is registered.

Not all IPVA has the same value. So, this happens because the amount charged is a percentage of the amount of the car. Therefore, each model will have a price variation there. 

In addition, the rate of this tax varies from state to state. This also applies to IPVA exemption rules.


Multas de trânsito (Imagem: EducadoraFM)
Traffic fines (Image: EducadoraFM)

Another important point you should know about buy car with debt. Points related to fines go to the driver's CNH. However, the value is linked to the car.

Therefore, the owner is responsible for the payment. Remember that the amount varies according to the seriousness of the offense committed. So, you may have to pay little or a lot of money.


DPVAT (Imagem: SmartiaSeguros)
DPVAT (Image: SmartiaSeguros)

It is the insurance for Personal Damage Caused by Land Motor Vehicles. It is mandatory insurance and is also paid annually.


annual licensing

Licenciamento anual (Imagem: SuperRádioTupi)
Annual licensing (Image: SuperRádioTupi)

It works as a kind of registry. If you decide to buy a car with a delayed license, be careful. Be aware that non-payment will result in a very serious fine.

In short, there are many debts that you must consider before making an important decision. Of course, you may find a vehicle with just a simple fine. Either way, it's something you need to pay attention to.

How does buying and selling cars with debt work?

Como funciona a compra e venda de carros com dívida? (Imagem: DoutorMultas)
How does buying and selling cars with debt work? (Image: DoutorFines)

Many people doubt the possibility of selling and buy car with debt. However, you already realized that this is indeed true. Now, there is a working scheme that is important to be aware of.

From now on, know that this is the type of negotiation that can only be done by the owner. After all, he is the one who has the vehicle in his name. Therefore, he is responsible for signing the agreement.

Many people buy cars through financing. As a result, a large part of the value ends up being paid in installments. Of course, depending on the input, the divided amount can be more or less.

In any case, this is a debt that takes a long time to settle. Hence, many users wish to exchange their vehicle in the meantime. So the question arises, is this possible? After all, the funding is ongoing.

The answer to that question is yes. You can buy another car even if you owe it. Soon, you have 3 great alternatives to reach this goal. Find out what they are.

  1. Pay off the debt by contacting the bank.
  2. Transfer financing to buyer.
  3. Sell to a company that will assume your debt.

Imagine you don't have a car and you want to buy your first one. In this way, he prefers to take a used car that has not yet been paid off.

In this case, realize that option 2 would apply very well, right? So, you who would assume the financing from the purchase.

Of course, the ideal is that each possibility is analyzed very carefully. So this was just an example so you could understand how things work in practice.

Is it possible to buy a car with overdue installments?

Comprar carro com parcelas em atraso é possível? (Imagem: DoutorMultas)
Is it possible to buy a car with overdue installments? (Image: DoutorFines)

Another very common scenario. Many drivers want buy car with debt. However, the debt here is theirs. These people have overdue installments on their old automobile. And then, they want to switch vehicles.

In this way, whoever is going to buy his car must pay off the entire debt. The good news is that most dealerships make this commitment to you.

Despite an interesting alternative, great care is needed. So remember that this is a delicate operation. Also, if there is no company facilitating the negotiation, even more attention is needed.

That's because you should take the reins and decide how those debts will be paid. Therefore, everyone involved must be aware of the entire situation. It's the only way to avoid future problems.

How to sell and how to buy?

Como vender e como comprar? (Imagem: Matel)
How to sell and how to buy? (Image: Matell)

Regardless of whether there are debts or not, there are some procedures that need to be followed. This every time a car is sold. So, imagine that the negotiation has already been settled.

Therefore, the back of the CRV needs to be completed. This is where the authorization to transfer ownership of the vehicle is located. Therefore, both need to sign the form.

In addition, it is necessary to recognize the signature in a notary. This is not the end of the process. Therefore, the seller must contact the Detran.

This is so that the agency will know that the car has been transferred from ownership. Anyway, that's what the signed CRV is for.

Once done, the vehicle will be delivered to the owner. Again, the bureaucracy does not end there. Then it is necessary to issue a new registration certificate. This is a rule that must be followed every time the car passes to another owner.

Thus, the Traffic Code establishes a period of 30 days for this process to be completed. Although that seems like a long time, you should do this as quickly as possible.

Thus, when starting the procedure, the vehicle will undergo an inspection. Only after that he will obtain the Vehicle Safety Certificate, CSV. So, in this new document, will be the buyer's data.

Find out which are the 10 cheapest cars

Find out now which are the 10 cheapest cars to buy in Brazil and what are the advantages of each one of them. Check out!

Fine for not transferring the vehicle

Multa por não transferir o veículo (Imagem: Recorraaqui.JusBrasil)
Fine for not transferring the vehicle (Image: Recorraaqui.JusBrasil)

As mentioned above, you have 1 month to resolve the entire process. Now, imagine that due to some unforeseen personal circumstance, this was not possible. In this situation, you are assuming full responsibility for the infractions that the new owner commits.

That's why we don't recommend that you make a purchase like this without planning each step very well. Otherwise, the consequences can be quite severe and you could end up with a big loss.

Is it possible to buy a car with debt online?

É possível comprar carro com dívida online? (Imagem: DoutorMultas)
Is it possible to buy a car with debt online? (Image: DoutorFines)

Yes. You can purchase a car over the internet. It sounds like something very grand, but believe me, it's true. There are some platforms that allow you to buy car with debt. In them, several people advertise their vehicles. That way, you have a catalog to choose from.

Also, the acquisition process takes place directly with the owner. Check out now, some websites where you can start your search.


OLX (Imagem: RondoniaAgora)
OLX (Image: Rondonia Agora)

This is one of the most well-known and respected sales portals on the market today. The most interesting thing about OLX is that it allows the user to set search filters.

So you don't waste time viewing offers that don't meet your needs. Still, most online shoppers prefer this platform to purchase large items, such as a car.


Repasso (Imagem : NoticiasAutomotivas)
Review (Image : NoticiasAutomotivas)

It works like a kind of car classifieds. This includes not only cars but motorcycles, trucks and even real estate. In addition, this site has a differential when compared to the others on this list.

Therefore, it is aimed at people looking to transfer or take on financing. Therefore, this can be a great option for finding your ideal vehicle.

Free market

Mercado Livre (Imagem: AcontecendoAqui)
Free Market (Image: HappeningHere)

It's a site very similar to OLX. Mercado Livre is one of the largest e-commerce platforms. It has advertisers from all over Brazil. That way, no matter where you live, you'll find a car nearby to buy.

Care that you can't let have you

Cuidados que você não pode deixar te ter (Imagem: BancoBV)
Care that you cannot afford to have (Image: BancoBV)

Let's say you decided you would buy car with debt. For this, you will use one of the platforms mentioned above. So, it is necessary to be very careful with the negotiation process.

Remember that in this scenario, there is no reseller to help you with the “bureaucracies”. Therefore, you should check every detail of the agreement. Even if you know that the vehicle is pending, it is essential to check what they are.

In this way, we indicate that you use the Renavam code. Soon, with it it will be possible to check a series of important information. See just a few examples.

  • Year of manufacture of the car;
  • original color;
  • Debts;
  • Sinisters;
  • History of thefts and robberies.

So, this query can be easily done through the Denatran website. It is the Services Portal of the National Traffic Department. In addition, on this platform, it is possible to use Renavam, license plate number and CPF or CNPJ of the owner.

Now, if you ask the seller for this information and he refuses, be careful. There is good reason to be suspicious. In this way, continuing with the negotiation is walking in the dark hoping that everything will work out. Undoubtedly a very high risk to take.

Is buying a used car with debt a safe procedure?

Comprar carro usado com dívida é um procedimento seguro? (Imagem: Matel)
Is buying a used car with debt a safe procedure? (Image: Matell)

It all depends on the negotiation process. Speaking of vehicles financed with open installments, always pay close attention. You need to sign a contract. It is this document that will give you all the legal apparatus in case something unforeseen happens.

Soon, it will contain a lot of relevant information. The main one refers to the rights and duties of all those involved in the agreement. Also, the contract should emphasize the seller's obligation to transfer the car.

Now, there are other scenarios that need to be considered. Let's say that the vehicle you want to buy has debts such as fines or IPVA. Therefore, understand that these elements will prevent obtaining a new registration.

So, the best alternative is to negotiate. Therefore, always be very calm when establishing agreements. Remember that as a buyer, you assume these debts. And so, the seller's obligation ends.

In summary, doing each step carefully, this is indeed a safe procedure. The most important thing is to always try to clarify any aspect about the car and its purchase. With that, you don't have to worry about anything else.

Debts: try to avoid them at all costs

Dívidas: busque evitá-las a todo custo (imagem: BomPraCrédito)
Debts: try to avoid them at all costs (image: BomPraCrédito)

This article is being based on a context where debts are always present. Now, is this kind of situation really interesting? Understand that debts during and after the purchase can bring you serious consequences. Fines and seizure of the vehicle are the main ones.

Thus, we can conclude that the best option is to avoid these pendencies. Although it is possible to acquire a car with this status, this does not mean that it is an interesting alternative.

Of course, funding is not being questioned here, but delays in bills such as IPVA and so on. Also, you may have already noticed that this buying process is quite complicated.

So, getting rid of these debts can simplify things a little more. The best tip we can give for this is planning.

So, is it worth buying a car with debt?

E então, vale a pena comprar carro com dívida? (Imagem: InfoMoney)
So, is it worth buying a car with debt? (Image: InfoMoney)

Each person lives within a reality. So, there is no single answer to this question. For some it's worth it, for others it's not. You saw that debts like fines are not so interesting to assume or pass on.

Now, in the case of financing, there is no recommendation against changing the vehicle. Despite being a debit, it works differently. In this way, only you can assess the real viability of the purchase.

This article gives you the tools to make a good assessment. See that we mention very important points that interfere in the negotiation process. Now it is your turn. Finally, that's all you need to know to buy car with debt.

How to buy a car with a dirty name?

Did you know that it is possible to buy a car with a dirty name? For this, you need to be careful and follow certain steps. Learn more below!

About the author  /  Heloisa Trindade

I'm Heloisa Trindade, journalist at DRT 1424/MS in Campo Grande, graduate in publicity and advertising at Estácio de Campo Grande, editor and content producer for 4 years. My passion for reading and writing came since I was a child, influenced by my mother. In the midst of a financial crisis, I discovered that I could use my passion to generate income and that's when I started my first blogs. My goal is to always deliver true, quality content and information to our readers.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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