
How to apply for Caixa Tem credit

Caixa Tem credit is the solution for small entrepreneurs who need quick cash at competitive rates to update their finances. To find out more, just continue reading.


Affordable rates, fast analysis and more

Antes de mais nada, descubra aqui como pedir o seu empréstimo Caixa Tem agora mesmo! Fonte: Freepik / Caixa Tem.
First of all, find out here how to apply for your Caixa Tem loan right now! Source: Freepik / Caixa Tem.

Caixa Tem Credit is a great option for those who need quick cash, as the bank provides the requested amount in a short time, directly to your Caixa account. 

In addition, the interest rate is much lower than that charged by traditional banks. Therefore, it is ideal for those who want to save money.



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Online Order Account Debit

Apply for the Caixa Tem loan online and organize your finances!

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Want to know more about this credit? So, read on and check it out!

Order online

Afinal de contas, quais são as formas disponíveis para a solicitação do seu empréstimo Caixa Tem? Te contamos a seguir, confira. Fonte: Freepik.
After all, what are the available ways to apply for your Caixa Tem loan? We tell you next, check it out. Source: Freepik.

There is no way to apply for Caixa Tem credit online, only through the Caixa Tem account application. So, just download it and make the request.


Request via phone

Unfortunately, credit cannot be requested via telephone, as this form of contact is specific for doubts and other issues.

Request by app

To request credit through the Caixa Tem app, just access your account in the app, update your registration, click on the “loan” option, fill out the form and submit. The analysis is fast and the answer comes from the application itself.

Tem Caixa credit or payroll-deductible Caixa credit: which one to choose?

Por fim, descubra de uma vez por todas qual empréstimo mais condiz com suas necessidades. Fonte: Freepik.
Finally, find out once and for all which loan best suits your needs. Source: Freepik.

But if you realize that Caixa Tem credit is not the best option at the moment, that's okay. There are other alternatives that may be of interest to you, such as the Caixa Consignado loan.

To learn more, just click on the link below and check out more information

Caixa Tem LoanPayroll Cash Loan
Minimum IncomeNot specifiedNot specified
Interest rateFrom 3,99% per monthCustom
Deadline to payUp to 24 monthsNot specified
Where to use the creditNot specifiedNot specified
BenefitsOnline application, direct deposit into account, available for those receiving Brazil AidOnline application, special conditions for retirees, attractive rates
Comparison table - Tem Caixa Loan vs Consigned Caixa Caixa Loan

How to apply for a Payroll Loan

So, have you decided that the Caixa Consignado loan is the best for you? So now it's time to check out the ordering process before ordering yours, see!

About the author  /  Maria Luisa Barbosa

Advertising with extensive experience in creating content for the web. I've been writing about finance for over a year in order to help you have a better financial experience. In my spare time, I'm a pet mom, art and fashion lover. Pleasure Malu! (:

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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