
How to apply for the Santander real estate consortium

How about purchasing your new property, interest-free and with installments that fit your budget? With the Santander real estate consortium, this is possible. Find out how to apply for yours in our post!


Buy cheap property with Santander

Consórcio Santander oferece condições acessíveis para você adquirir seu imóvel novo. Fonte: Santander.
Santander Consortium offers affordable conditions for you to purchase your new property. Source: Santander.

Anyone looking for their dream home knows the many difficulties involved in finding the ideal housing option and paying for the property. Therefore, to solve the problem once and for all, Banco Santander offers affordable consortiums. In addition to the Santander real estate consortium, the bank offers other contract models, but we will cover that in a future article.

What many people still don't know is that real estate consortiums offer great opportunities for those who want to get rid of rent and start paying for their own home. This is because this service offers up to 180 installments to pay for your home in small installments. 

In this sense, it is worth knowing all the ways to contract a real estate consortium. To do so, just keep reading the topics!


real estate consortium


Safe great deadline

Santander real estate consortium in up to 180 installments and with zero interest. Apply here!

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schedule call 

Afinal, como solicitar o consórcio Santander? Fonte: Pexels.
After all, how to apply for the Santander consortium? Source: Pexels.

First of all, telephone service is a great option for those who do not have access to the services that we will detail below, and many elderly people do not know how to use the internet. Therefore, in this case, the advice is to try to sign a contract by phone.

Customers wishing to call Santander can use the following channels:

  • Call Center: 4004 3535 (capitals and metropolitan regions);
  • 0800 702 3535 (other locations);
  • 0800 723 5007 (people with hearing or speech impairments).

Request visit

In addition, you still have the more normal option of going to a Santander bank branch and requesting service there at the bank.

From then on, the sector responsible for the consortiums will be available to assist you and show you all the plans according to your financial availability for the Santander real estate consortium. 

When looking at the plans, you must pay attention to the Terms and Conditions that the consortium member must accept when signing the contract.

This is because the consortium is a long-term commitment and therefore, you need to be guaranteed your income for a long time to be eligible for contemplation. It is worth remembering that if the winner of the draw is not up to date with payments, he or she will not receive the good.

Request via app

Joining a consortium through the app is, without a doubt, the simplest way to join a consortium. To carry out the procedure via the app, the first step is to download it by accessing both the Play Store and the App Store.

After this part of the download, the app will take care of everything, you just need to inform your financial characteristics and the plan you will choose to take on in your consortium. 

Caixa real estate consortium or Santander real estate consortium: which one to choose?

Well, first of all, we must be aware that banks have some differences, because while Caixa releases larger amounts with more time, Santander tends to draw more quickly. Given this, the main factor to be careful about here is how long you are willing to wait. 

If your property is more expensive and you don't want to rush, Caixa is the best option. Otherwise, if your goal is to buy a cheaper property and move in straight away, Santander is the best option because it has fewer consortium participants. 

Check out the comparison below and draw your own conclusions about the Santander real estate consortium.

Box Santander
Minimum Incomenot informednot informed
Interest rateExemptExempt
Deadline to payUp to 200 installments Up to 180 installments
Where to use the creditResidential or commercial propertyResidential or commercial property
BenefitsZero interest, 200 installments, 50% of the bid amountZero interest and great payment terms
Characteristics of consortia

How to apply for Caixa real estate consortium

Purchase your property (commercial or residential) in up to 200 interest-free installments. Find out how to request it here.

About the author  /  Marina Poncio

Graduated in Financial Management from UNOPAR. Acted as manager of large multinational companies. He is currently dedicated to editing, planning and producing content for the web specializing in economics and finance.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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