
How to apply for the Bradesco real estate consortium

With the Bradesco consortium, you can make your dream of owning your own home come true. With the best and interest-free payment plans, Bradesco has exclusive service channels for consortium members. Find out more here!


Bradesco: the real estate consortium that will get your dream off the ground 

Solicite o consórcio Bradesco sem burocracia em canais exclusivos do banco. Fonte: Bradesco.
Request the Bradesco consortium without bureaucracy through the bank's exclusive channels. Source: Bradesco.

Requesting the Bradesco real estate consortium is a much smarter solution to purchasing your home compared to the famous financing.

This is because the consortium has more attractive terms and values that fit your pocket without the need to pay interest. Furthermore, if all participants maintain payments, there is no mistake, your property will become available very quickly. 

Bradesco administrator includes a consortium member each month, either through draws or through bids made by participants.

With a letter of credit in hand, it is possible to realize your dream of owning your own home and even save money by purchasing the property in cash. If you are a worker, you can still use your Service Time Guarantee Fund (FGTS) balance to help with the purchase.

Are you interested? So understand right now how to hire the Bradesco real estate consortium!


real estate consortium


Safe great deadline

ZERO interest rate, up to 180 months to pay and no bureaucracy. Request yours!

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schedule call

To schedule entry into the consortium through the call, it is obviously necessary to contact the bank through the following service channels:

  • Capitals: 4004 4436;
  • Other locations: 0800 7224436.

Services are available on weekdays, from 8am to 8pm, Brasília time. It is worth remembering that we recommend this form of contact only when the others below are not possible. Otherwise, choose the ones below, as they are much more viable and simple.

Request visit

This form of service is the simplest of all, just go to any Bradesco bank branch and request service inside the Bank. From there, the employees will direct you to the sector responsible for the consortia.

In this sector, the manager has the responsibility to make all clients aware of the rights and duties of the consortium member, and the interested party must clarify their needs.

When opting for physical service, keep the budget in mind, that is, an idea of how much you can spend per month, the value of the consortium and other information.

Request via app

Afinal, como solicitar o consórcio Bradesco? Fonte: Adobe Stock.
After all, how do I request the Bradesco consortium? Source: Adobe Stock.

Requesting via application appears to be the most advantageous of these two options above, as it offers a quick simulation and consortium contract at the same time. Furthermore, it is worth remembering that in the Bradesco real estate consortium there is no need to be an account holder to join the plan. 

To request via the app, simply download the Bradesco app, which is available for Android and iOS devices.

Caixa real estate consortium or Bradesco real estate consortium: which one to choose?

Between the Bradesco and Caixa real estate consortium, the biggest difference is in the amounts that each releases, as Caixa releases more money to its consortium members. On the other hand, we can often find more consortium members at Caixa and this indicates that you may have to wait longer to receive the prizes via draw.

Therefore, it is necessary to understand what consumer profile you are. In other words, if you want to purchase your dream home straight away, the Bradesco real estate consortium is the best option. However, if you want a more expensive house and give up the rush because of that, in that case Caixa comes out ahead.

Box Bradesco
Minimum Incomenot informednot informed
Interest rateExemptExempt
Deadline to payUp to 200 monthsUp to 192 months 
Where to use the creditResidential or commercial propertyResidential property or land
BenefitsZero interest, 200 installments, 50% of bid amountZero interest and great payment terms
Characteristics of consortia

How to apply for Caixa real estate consortium

Purchase your property (commercial or residential) in up to 200 interest-free installments. Find out how to request it here.

About the author  /  Marina Poncio

Graduated in Financial Management from UNOPAR. Acted as manager of large multinational companies. He is currently dedicated to editing, planning and producing content for the web specializing in economics and finance.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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