
How to apply for the Minha Casa Melhor card

The Minha Casa Melhor card is an excellent opportunity for you to furnish your home with reduced interest rates and extended payment installments. Find out how to apply for the card here.


Minha Casa Melhor: request yours and enjoy all the benefits

Afinal, como solicitar o cartão Minha Casa Melhor? Fonte: Gov.
After all, how to apply for the Minha Casa Melhor card? Source: Gov.

The Minha Casa Melhor card is exclusive to low-income families who purchase property through the Minha Casa Minha Vida program. Therefore, the forms of requesting the card are not many and, in fact, they are not very practical. In this sense, Caixa's website or app is not on this list.

However, there are other ways to apply for the card and we will explain exactly how to carry out all the processes in this content. Follow!

Order online

Therefore, it is not possible to apply online. That is, on the website, customers can only obtain information about the card. In addition, it is possible to check the chains of stores that accept the same.

Request via phone

Entre em contato com a Central de Atendimento da Caixa para esclarecer suas dúvidas sobre o cartão Minha Casa Melhor. Fonte: Adobe Stock.
Contact Caixa's Customer Service Center to clarify your doubts about the Minha Casa Melhor card. Source: Adobe Stock.

However, to apply for the card, you can use Caixa's telephone number. Therefore, we can call the following number: 0800 726 8068.

In this way, when contacting the Caixa Econômica Federal service, ask all your possible questions and request your card.

Request by app

Afinal, posso solicitar o cartão pelo app? Fonte: Adobe Stock.
After all, can I request the card through the app? Source: Adobe Stock.

It is not possible to make the request through the Caixa app. However, your request can be made at a branch closer to you. Therefore, go to one of the agencies carrying all the documentation required to apply for the card. Once approved, the card is delivered to the registered address.

Caixa Consignado card or Minha Casa Melhor card: which one to choose?

Finally, you've come this far and still have questions? In fact, the Minha Casa Melhor card is indicated for a more restricted group of people.

Therefore, not everyone will be able to access it. However, we have prepared a comparison below showing you the Caixa Consignado Card option. Check it out and see which option is best for your profile.

Payroll BoxMy home better
AnnuityExemptnot informed
minimum incomenot informednot informed
FlagLinkno flag
BenefitsZero annuities and International coverageLow interest rates and ample payment terms
card features

How to apply for the Caixa Consignado card

The card offers free annual fee, international coverage and Elo Flex benefits. Also, find out how to apply here.

About the author  /  Marina Poncio

Graduated in Financial Management from UNOPAR. Acted as manager of large multinational companies. He is currently dedicated to editing, planning and producing content for the web specializing in economics and finance.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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