Government Aid
How to enroll in the CadÚnico Program
CadÚnico is the program that integrates all government social assistance. That is, to receive any benefit you must be registered. In today's article, see how to apply!
Sign up for CadÚnico to receive government aid
CadÚnico is the government program that gathers all data on Brazilian families in poverty. That is, it is through this program that the government manages to help families. This is because it has access to data and is able to offer the best benefits to each family group.
Discover the CadÚnico Program
Learn all about CadÚnico, the government's program to gather information about low-income families.
In addition, many social aids depend on registration in CadÚnico at the time of registration. Therefore, in today's article we will explain how to apply for the program. Continue reading and find out!
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How to enroll in the CadÚnico Program?
Firstly, enrolling in CadÚnico is very simple. In addition, the municipality usually promotes home visits. That is, you don't even have to leave each to register. However, if you want to complete or regularize your registration, it is also easy. Just look for the CRAS, Social Assistance Reference Center, in your city or neighborhood.
Therefore, for the registration, the family must have a responsible person. This person must be part of the family, be at least 16 years old and reside in the same place as the entire group. Incidentally, it is also necessary to take the CPF or Voter Title.
However, for indigenous and quilombola families, any other document listed below can also be presented.
See the necessary documents for family members:
- Birth certificate;
- Wedding certificate;
- CPF;
- Identity Card (RG);
- Administrative Certificate of Indigenous Birth (RANI);
- Work Card; or
- Voter Title.
In addition, the person in charge must bring a proof of address. Although not mandatory, it helps when registering.
Remember that it is very important to keep the registration up to date. That's because, if your family hasn't gotten any benefits yet, you can get it if the family's situation changes. For example, moving house, having a child or if someone moves out of the house. Therefore, just go to the nearest CRAS to update the data.
How do you know if you are subscribed?
There are a few ways to find out if your family group is enrolled in CadÚnico. The main one is directly through the MeuCadÚnico website. In this sense, the Ministry of Citizenship has provided an online form of consultation. Just put your data like full name, date of birth and address.
Soon the system already indicates if everything is right with your registration. In addition, CadÚnico also has an application in which it is possible to consult the situation of your family. Finally, the government still makes available the telephone number 0800 707 2003, created for assistance and to answer questions.
Therefore, you already know the CadÚnico program and you also know how to apply. Now, find out more about Auxílio Brasil. The new federal government program that uses the Cadastro Único to carry out the selection process. Check out!
About the author / Leticia Maia
Reviewed by / Junior Aguiar
Senior Editor
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