Financial education

How do I know if I have old debts?

Did you know that you can have old debts barring your CPF? See now how to find out and rectify this situation


old debtss

Dívidas antigas (Imagem: Reidel advogados)
Old debts (Image: Reidel Advogados)

many people have old debts and they don't even know it. The problem is that this situation causes complications in the financial autonomy of individuals. This is because your default history is available for institutions to analyze.

So, if you need their help, it will be more complicated to get it. Therefore, it is essential that this subject be further discussed. This so that everyone can be aware of the damage that involves the latter.

Therefore, the purpose of this post is exactly that. Here you will find out about absolutely everything on the subject. See also, how to identify if you have it or not old debts.

Identifying old debts

Identificando dívidas antigas (Imagem: telesintese)
Identifying old debts (Image: telesynthesis)

This is a simpler task than it seems. Currently, there are 3 ways to know if you have old debts. The next topics will explain how each of them works. So, just choose the option that suits you best.


Serasa (Imagem: turismoemfoco)
Serasa (Image: turismoemfoco)

the platform of Serasa is one of the most popular. It allows you to consult your CPF for free. This through the application or the Consumer Portal.

Then, just click on the “Consult debts” button. Then you need to make a small registration. For this, you will enter some personal data. Also, you must create an email and password.

Don't worry, this is not a time-consuming or labor-intensive process. Once this initial part is done, just go to the pending tab. There you can see all the information.

In addition, you can check which company registered the debt. Also, the value and original expiration dates are available. Another interesting point of this platform is that you can analyze the offers for settlement of old debts.

Thus, you can participate in the famous Feirao Limpa Nome. Now, if you would like to consult a CNPJ, the gratuity no longer exists. The only exceptions are Black Friday events.

Even so, it is possible to have access to everything mentioned above. Also, you can hire Serasa Antifraude. It is a subscription service.

Its function is to alert the consumer if there are new pendencies registered. This also goes for inquiries made by companies and credit score changes. Even if your data is leaked, you will be notified.


SCPC (Imagem: aciapnet)
SCPC (Image: aciapnet)

Boa Vista offers free consultation to the SCPC database. All this can be done on the Positivo Consumer website. It also has a mobile version. That way, you can do it anytime and anywhere.

Like the option above, this platform also requires an account with CPF. Therefore, here you must do the same cadastral procedure. Then just go to the debt tab.

Then, check if there are any pendency registered. This alternative has a very interesting point. It separates visible and invisible debts for the market. This way, you have an idea of what is being publicized.

However, the platform takes into account some points to make this division. Check out what they are below.

  • Date of occurrence;
  • Values;
  • Company that registered.

Also, it is possible to check if there is a record of returned checks and protests. So it's a very versatile site. In addition, the score query is free. It has some benefits obtained with payments in the Positive Register.

The site usually charges a small fee to activate a kind of radar. The latter identifies whether your CPF will be negative. This even before anything appears in the database.

SPC Brazil

SPC Brasil (Imagem: Edição Litoral SP)
SPC Brazil (Image: Litoral SP Edition)

The SPC Brasil base also allows you to consult your CPF. However, here you need to pay a fee. It costs just R$ 9.90. This service is offered through an app and website.

Its operation is basically the same as the other two. You need to register with a few details. However, here you can make more in-depth queries.

They go far beyond the default record. Thus, it is possible to see registration data held by associated companies. Also, you can discover all queries made to the CPF.

That's at least in the last 6 months. Finally, you can view information from the Judiciary. Now, if you want to see the participation of people in companies, you need to pay an additional amount.

In short, there is a lot of data available on a single platform. That's why she is the favorite of many. However, to check old debts, any of the 3 works great.

Expired debt: understanding this term

Dívida caduca: entendendo esse termo (Imagem: serasa)
Expired debt: understanding this term (Image: serasa)

You already know how to identify if you have any pending. However, it is important to understand more about this topic and its details. That's where this and the following topics come in.

It is common to find people who have no idea what this expression means. However, she is not difficult to understand. A debt expires from the moment the place you owe it to issues a statement.

It says that payment must be made within 5 years. If you are not aware of it during that time, it is extinguished. So, it is no longer necessary to pay it.

However, it is very difficult for this to happen. The companies and banks have a habit of sending a charge multiple times. Even so, when there is no success, they don't give up.

So, a company specializing in collections is usually hired. They are the ones who will continue with the whole process and contact the debtor.

Also, there are some cases where the debt is low. Thus, collection and legal costs are much more expensive. In this way, the company usually evaluates what is more worthwhile. Hence arises the possibility that the debt may expire.

Now, when it comes to credit protection services, things are different. This is because of the Consumer Protection Code. According to him, debts older than 5 years are no longer in the databases.

That way, they are no longer part of the credit score calculation. However, care is needed. This does not mean that it ceases to exist.

Your default history will still be available for consultation. Not to mention the company you owe may continue to issue charges. So don't rely on it. The ideal is always to remove the old debts.

The difference between expiring and prescribing old debts

A diferença entre caducar e prescrever dívidas antigas (Imagem: Rtek)
The difference between expiring and expiring old debts (Image: Rtek)

These terms are quite different. However, many people believe that they mean the same thing. Just above, you already learned what an expired debt is. It can be charged even after the default is registered.

In the case of prescribed debt, this does not happen. So, imagine the following situation. You owe a debt to a certain company. Thus, the latter issues a statement for payment.

However, you do not pay off the debt and the creditor does not take any further action. So, when the debt expires, the company can no longer charge you. This is legally determined.

It is necessary to understand that the company cannot take legal action because of this debt. However, she has the right to do so before he prescribes it.

In any case, it is a very unpleasant situation for those who are indebted. This is especially true if Justice is on the side of the creditor.

Thus, she can move various actions such as blocking the current account balance. Still, as a last resort, she can opt for the pledge of assets.

In addition, some debts may prescribe in less than 5 years. Rents are great examples. Therefore, it is very important that you be aware of these possible debts.

Old debts: name off the negative list

Dívidas antigas: nome fora da lista de negativados (Imagem: Adimplare)
Old debts: name off the negative list (Image: Adimplare)

As stated above, after 5 years your debt expires. This removes it from the credit bureau's database. So, anyone who consults your CPF will not find it.

However, don't be fooled into thinking your name is clean. Your debt with banks and other institutions remain exposed at the Central Bank. All in a scheme called Registrato.

That way, you can apply for a credit or financing. However, be aware that the bank may look up your name in this file. As a result, your chances of approval may decrease considerably.

Be very careful with surprise old debts

Muito cuidado com as dívidas antigas surpresas (Imagem: loccusimoveis)
Be very careful with surprise old debts (Image: loccusimoveis)

When a financial commitment is made and there is no record of payment, companies take action. Thus, they can include the name of the debtor in the credit protection register. That's just 30 after the debt delay.

This non-payment can be the result of numerous reasons. Lack of money and forgetfulness are always the most popular reasons for the formation of old debts.

The current world situation is a good example. Thus, several surveys have already confirmed the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy. According to them, many people are prioritizing some debts to the detriment of others.

So, most Brazilians stopped paying debt negotiations. Not to mention credit card and electricity bills. In addition, there are many backlogs that end up catching people by surprise.

Residual checking account debts are great examples. Operator, TV and internet changes also stand out a lot in this category. Therefore, you should always be very careful about these details.

How to get rid of this problem in a practical way?

Como se livrar desse problema de maneira prática (Imagem: ecommercenapratica)
How to get rid of this problem in a practical way (Image: ecommercenapratica)

The problem of not solving these pendencies is the interest that keeps running. This makes your situation worse. That way, the famous ′′ let it go ′′ doesn't work here.

That's where alternative trading comes in. However, for this you need to know that you are indebted to someone. Then, choose one of the identification options mentioned at the beginning of this article.

Then, realizing that there is a debt, rest assured. Today there are several ways to negotiate with institutions. Including this can be done completely online. So, you don't even have to go there.

This process can guarantee you very good discounts. So it is always better to try to resolve the situation. Sometimes, you end up paying a much lower amount compared to what you owed.

Also, some companies forgive up to 95% of your debt. In short, that's a lot of opportunities to stabilize your financial status. However, despite being simple and practical, care is needed.

Like any agreement, you always need to evaluate every detail of it. Therefore, do not rush and always be rational. Not every negotiation proposal will be advantageous.

Do not hesitate to observe each established condition before making a commitment. The next topic will give you tips on how to renegotiate your old debts, accompany.

Renegotiating an old debt

Renegociando uma dívida antiga (Imagem: investnews)
Renegotiating an old debt (Image: investnews)

There are some strategies you can follow to solve this kind of problem. Check out some of the most important ones.

1- Study your financial situation

Estude sua situação financeira (Imagem: A Gazeta)
Study your financial situation (Image: A Gazeta)

Don't do anything without understanding how your finances are doing. After all, it is from this point that you will be able to look for ways to solve the problem. In this way, it is indicated to put all your expenses in a spreadsheet or paper.

Then make a comparison with your monthly income. Take away what is superfluous and leave only the essential things. It's an excellent first step.

2- Set a limit for the installment

Determine um limite para a parcela (Imagem: Pixabay)
Determine a limit for the portion (Image: Pixabay)

Knowing your condition, it is important that you establish a ceiling for the monthly installment. Thus, this must be done before receiving a proposal. So, it is easier to know how to conduct the dialogue with the creditor. After all, you will know your limits.

3- Give preference to the most expensive debts

Dê preferência às dívidas mais caras (Imagem: querofinanciar)
Give preference to the most expensive debts (Image: Querofinance)

Higher debts also have higher interest rates. So always prefer to get them out of the game soon. That doesn't mean, however, that you should neglect others.

4- Submit a proposal to the creditor

Lance uma proposta para o credor (Imagem: meutudo)
Submit a proposal to the creditor (Image: meutudo)

Knowing your financial condition well, you can propose a deal to the creditor. The interesting thing is that both parties benefit. No one better than you to lead the negotiation.

5- Don't accept the first offer right away

Não aceite a primeira oferta logo de cara (Imagem: afolhatorres)
Don't accept the first offer right away (Image: afolhatorres)

Understand that the creditor will not always be flexible. Therefore, it may be that the first proposal is not interesting at all. So, you need to be patient and think of other solutions.


Conclusão (Imagem: Cake ERP)
Conclusion (Image: Cake ERP)

Finally, you already know how to identify if you have old debts and also, how to eliminate them. Now it is your turn. Use all the tips mentioned here and take another step towards achieving your financial autonomy. And if you want to clear your name, take advantage of important tips to get it.

How to clear name Serasa?

Did you know that it is possible to clear the name with only real R$100 in some situations? Learn how to clear your name through the platform right now.

About the author  /  Heloisa Trindade

I'm Heloisa Trindade, journalist at DRT 1424/MS in Campo Grande, graduate in publicity and advertising at Estácio de Campo Grande, editor and content producer for 4 years. My passion for reading and writing came since I was a child, influenced by my mother. In the midst of a financial crisis, I discovered that I could use my passion to generate income and that's when I started my first blogs. My goal is to always deliver true, quality content and information to our readers.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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