
How to settle debt from R$50 reais

Do you know how to settle debt from R$50 reais? Let's talk about this and other useful information for you to pay all your bills!


How to settle debt from R$50 reais

Como quitar dívida a partir de R$50 reais Imagem: O presente
How to settle debt from R$50 reais Imagem: O presente

Initially, the number of debtors in Brazil has grown a lot in recent years and one of the factors is the crisis of the new coronavirus that has affected people all over the world. And despite that, the bills keep coming, so how to settle debt from R$50 reais?

That's because, just like the bills keep coming, you can't always find ways to pay them. So today we're going to show you how you can pay off these debts and learn other useful information about it! Continue reading!

How to settle debt in Serasa?

Well then, Serasa created the debt discharge program for those who have debts between R$200 and R$1,000. In this regard, companies offer special payment conditions, and among the companies we have Ativos, Santander, Tricard and Recovery.

Through this initiative, consumers will be able to pay their debts and still clear their name. To settle the debt with Serasa, just access the Serasa Limpa Nome website. After that, inform the CPF and password. If you haven't registered yet, just register now for free.

Soon, you will be able to check the offers that will be available for your CPF and then carry out the negotiation. This is because, as soon as you enter the platform, your entire financial history will appear on the screen, including expenses that have not been paid.

After that, you can issue the bank slip to pay the debts. Then, after 5 business days, those debts will be out of your name!

It is important to say that the Serasa platform can generate one or more slips, depending on the payment method you choose. And the ticket already issued with the chosen payment date! And in addition, with the slip in hand, you can choose to make the payment through the bank application or at a branch or lottery outlets.

How to negotiate to pay off debt?

Como quitar dívida a partir de R$50 reais Imagem: Migalhas
How to settle debt from R$50 reais Image: Crumbs

So, to negotiate to settle debts, just contact Serasa's whatsapp number which is (11) 99575-2096. You can also download the Serasa application for free and have access to all information about Serasa.

07 tips to pay off debts in 2021

Want tips for paying off debts in 2021? Then know that you are in the right place! Read our text and understand how you can get rid of financial issues.

How to check offers at Serasa?

Well, to check out the offers at Serasa, just access the Serasa Limpa Nome website and have access to all the offers at Serasa. After that, you opt for the offer of your choice and then move on to debt settlement!

You can also see the offers on the Serasa app and by contacting them by phone. In any case, stay tuned on the official website to be aware of all the debt settlement fairs that are on the way! And most of the time, the offers are also shown on the main communication vehicles!

Get to know the Serasa Program to pay off debts

Como quitar dívida a partir de R$50 reais Imagem: Exame
How to settle debt from R$50 reais Image: Exame

Well, in March and September of 2020, Serasa campaigned with several partner companies to propose new forms of debt renegotiation and thus help people who are indebted.

That's because, in one of the most difficult times in our history, being up to date more than ever has become something difficult to achieve! So, Serasa created the program to settle debt of up to R$1,000 for just R$100. And in the month of August alone, almost three million debts were paid off.

After that, in November 2020, Serasa held another fair, creating the debt settlement program for just R$50. That is, several companies committed to negotiating debts with consumers for the amount of R$50 (fifty reais).

In this, the offers had discounts of up to 99% and with more than 50 partner companies from different segments. Among them: Casas Bahia, Recovery, Ponto Frio, Claro, Cemig, Hipercard, Riachuelo, Pitágoras, BMG, Pernambucanas, Avon, Bradesco, Carrefour, Porto Seguro, Havan, Elmo, Unopar, Cetelem, Ipanema, Fama and several other companies.

And in addition, the fair also features Serasa Turbo, which allows you to increase your credit score instantly, and even shows how many points the consumer will increase after having paid off debts. In fact, this program was a true success for Serasa!

Therefore, Serasa always seeks to make fairs to bring more accessible means to consumers to settle their debts, especially at a time as financially harmful as the one we are experiencing! So, if you're in debt, go to Serasa's website to see all the fairs on the way!

Serasa promotes action for consumers to settle debts

Serasa, in partnership with several companies, promotes an action for the consumer to settle debts in 2021. Discounts can reach 90%. Check out!

About the author  /  Joyce Viana

Graduated in Law from PUC Minas. Post Graduated in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure by Faculdade Legale. She produces content for different niches, from recipes and finance to beauty and health. Since he was a child, he made writing his best friend, and he never stopped!

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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