Financial education

How to Maintain Financial Balance in 2021

A good financial balance is spending less than you earn. All with financial education, planning and cutting costs. Check it out!


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Find out how to keep your accounts up to date

Do you know what financial planning is? Because it is an essential tool for your life. With it, you can have a good organization of your finances, your household budget, expenses, debts, etc. And all of this is part of planning that is responsible for your financial balance being good in 2021.

Therefore, we know that ensuring good planning and organization in your financial life can make all the difference in the way you enjoy your money and also in how you live. The worst thing is barely starting a year and already being covered in debt and stressed about how you're going to pay it off, right?

So, in this article we have gathered a series of information and tips to encourage good financial balance. Did you like it? So keep reading because we will help you have a different year and feel more at ease with your spending and investments. Let's go!

What does it mean to have financial balance?

Basically, having a good financial balance means not spending more than you earn. In other words, you keep your personal finances in balance between what comes in as your monthly income and what goes out in expenses. Thus, those who avoid debt, have their accounts up to date and have an unrestricted CPF, have achieved a good financial balance.

Furthermore, those whose finances are in real balance can have the security to make money reserves and even invest. So, how about checking out our tips on how to keep your financial life in balance? Well, just continue reading.


How to maintain balance in your financial life?

Many people are unable to achieve a good financial balance because they avoid financial planning for the wrong reasons, such as:

  • Finding it complicated;
  • Thinking that you need to be an expert to know how to organize well;
  • Believing that financial planning doesn't really make a difference;
  • See financial planning as something that only those with a lot of money need to do.
  • Thinking that only those who are in debt need to plan financially.

And this is all very far from reality! So take control of how you use your money. Understand that a lack of planning is the main cause of debt and your account always being in the red. Are we going to change this?

The main way to get out of this vicious circle of expenses, debts and a red balance is just through financial planning. And to help you, let's start by bringing you some tips on how to start the year debt-free and still get out of the red in 2021. 

By now you have already understood that the key to changing the way you spend and invest your money lies in financial planning. But there are many actions that can be done before, during and after planning that can make all the difference!

So we bring and explain one by one the main tips for getting out of debt, improving your relationship with money and avoiding debt this year. Keep reading and understand how!

Financial planning

Planejamento Financeiro
Financial planning

So, in general, to achieve a good financial balance, it all starts with your financial planning. So, to do this you will need:

  • Organize your household budget;
  • Get a good sense of how your credit score is doing;
  • Know your situation in relation to debts, both settled and outstanding;
  • Write down your recurring and circumstantial, long-term and short-term expenses;
  • Anyway, carry out a good organization of your personal finances.

This way, it will be much easier and simpler to achieve good financial health in your life. This way, you will live with less stress regarding your money and your expenses. And who doesn't want to live with more peace of mind and financial balance, right?

How to organize your finances step by step

Organizing your finances may even seem like a simple task, however, it is a very important task, since the lack of organization of this can lead to very serious problems.


Know what you intend to achieve from managing your finances. And they can be long, medium or short term goals.

So, in short, to have good financial balance with your planning, you need very clear goals, such as:

  • Control what goes in and what goes out;
  • Establish realistic priorities;
  • Think about which habits and attitudes should change;
  • And always stick to your financial goals, think about how you will feel when you get what you want so much!

emergency reserve

Reserva de emergência
emergency reserve

For those who want to escape debt once and for all and achieve the long-awaited financial balance, the essential attitude for change should be to start saving money. There is no better way to balance your finances.

Now that you've done all your pre-planning and have started to plan financially for 2021 in a more organized way, it will be easier to know how you will be able to save money.

Because planning guides you on how to spend less, thus leaving more money for your savings. And of course, the fewer outstanding debts to pay, the more money can be saved over time.

This way, you start to build an emergency reserve in case any unexpected debt appears. And to make good use of this reserve, you must learn more about investments and make that money yield more.

Check out some investment options that do not require a high initial value:

  • CDB (Bank Deposit Credit), with an initial value that varies from one bank to another;
  • Treasury Direct;
  • Investment funds, some allow you to start investing with very low amounts – such as 50 reais;

So, prioritize your financial balance through an emergency fund. Research more about finance and make your money yield more and bring security.

Debt settlement

Don't let debts accumulate and become a big mess and snowball, if necessary, negotiate the debt. But financial planning will help you with this.

So with the list of your expenses and debts in hand, separate those that can be negotiated, which can be paid off, etc. Also try to exchange more expensive debts for cheaper options, this way you can achieve a better financial balance while paying your debts.

For example, it is more expensive to go into debt using a special check than through a payroll loan. It's good to keep an eye on these small details that can make all the difference.


  • Swap “more expensive” debts for similar ones that are “cheaper”;
  • Check the interest rate for each type of debt;
  • Negotiate debts that you cannot pay off at once;

Be careful with your credit card

And anyone who understands how to organize finances and values good financial balance already knows: installment purchases with credit cards are big villains.

Because purchasing in many installments will always make it easier for you to lose control of your finances, especially if you are no longer organized and have no idea how much you earn and how much you spend.

So, avoid installments whenever possible. Mainly very long installments with built-in interest rates. It may seem like little, but in the long term, what you will pay in interest can be very high.

But imagine how wonderful it would be if all that money spent on installments and fees could be invested in another more profitable way? This is how you should think to keep your financial balance up to date.


  • Always try to buy in cash;
  • And use the debit option as much as you can, so as not to lose track of your expenses and exceed the amount you earn monthly;
  • But if you need to pay in installments, look for short-term options with no interest rates;
  • However, in case of extreme need for long installments, keep a check on this expense, which will become monthly. 
  • Therefore, add the installments to your financial planning, and don't forget that you will have this expense for a certain time. Thus, it needs to balance spending in other areas.

So, what do you think? It may seem silly, but these small attitudes when shopping and spending will make all the difference in balancing your personal finances!

Beware of revolving credit

Revolving credit may seem like a good option to alleviate financial difficulties when paying your credit card bill. But make no mistake, it will greatly harm your financial balance in 2021.

Basically, revolving credit is the type of credit in which the financial institution offers you the option of paying part of the invoice amount, and paying the rest in installments over subsequent invoices.

And this can give you the false impression of relief and debt payment, right? But in the end, depending on how many installments you need to divide your current bill, you could end up sinking into interest rates and creating more debt in the long term.

Because the entire remaining amount of your bill will have an interest rate on it. In other words, the more installments, the higher the final amount you will pay to the institution that provides you with the credit.

Therefore, avoid paying your credit card bill in installments! 

But what about those who are already on the rotation?

But for those who are already in the rotation, it is interesting to think about:

  • Always have an exact notion of how much you are paying in interest and what will be the final amount to be paid for the invoice you paid in installments;
  • Add this value to your financial planning, so that you can rebalance your finances so that you can afford these installments and interest;
  • And if you really cannot pay off the revolving loan, you must negotiate your debt with the financial institution;
  • Also, as a last resort, there is the option of analyzing a loan with interest rates lower than that of the revolving card, and making a request. Because if the loan has lower rates, it is better to pay off the revolving debt first.

So, we hope it is clear that the best strategy for financial balance is to always avoid falling into revolving credit at all costs. This way, you lose less money and gain more peace of mind, right?

Cost cutting

You analyzed your spending pattern, your debts and your attitudes that need to change in 2021, right? And one of the main villains of financial balance is impulse spending. 

Because it's often those impulsive purchases online, in apps, things that in the end we didn't really need.

But of course you don't need to stop spending and deprive yourself of small pleasures. However, do this consciously and prioritize your financial balance.

In other words, before making that impulsive expense, think about two things:

  • Is the expense really necessary at the moment?
  • Can I pay for it now or in the future?

For good financial planning, especially for those who are in debt, it is essential to cut unnecessary expenses wherever you can. And we're not just talking about reducing shopping and traveling.

It is necessary to reduce costs in everyday life, both at home and on the street. 

Cut spending at home

At home you can:

  • See which household bills are the most expensive and how they can be reduced;
  • Observe expenditure on devices that are turned on unnecessarily or for a long time;

For example, if your water bill is very high, try to take shorter showers and always turn off the taps when brushing your teeth and washing dishes. In the case of a high electricity bill, you can turn off lights that are on unnecessarily and turn off electronic devices that don't need to be plugged in all the time.

Cut spending outside the home

Regarding spending outside the home, you can:

  • Evaluate travel expenses, such as car, fuel, public transport, transport apps, etc.;
  • Reflect on spending on food outside the home, such as restaurants, delivery orders and grocery purchases.

Regarding travel expenses, rethink whether it is really viable to keep a car, or purchase a new one. For those who spend a lot on transport apps, you can try to start using public transport more, for example.

You can redo your shopping list and find products from cheaper brands, or remove products that are not really necessary. You can also reduce going to restaurants and using food delivery apps.

This way, you will understand where the expenses are that could be harming you completely unnoticed. They may seem innocent at first glance, but in the long run they are very dangerous. Always keep an eye on unnecessary expenses.

Optimization of financial resources

Otimização de recursos financeiros
Optimization of financial resources

If it is difficult to reach the end of the month with a good financial balance, you can try to optimize your resources through extra income.

Because there are many autonomous and freelance activities that can bring extra income every month. So, even if it's little, the extra income in the long term can make a lot of difference in maintaining a good financial balance! 

So, here are some ideas for extra income:

  • Resale of products;
  • Craftsmanship;
  • Freelance work;
  • Application driver;
  • Application delivery person;
  • Thrift stores selling used clothing and items;
  • Use cashback apps for your purchases.

financial education

Educação financeira
financial education

In this case, you need to improve your personal financial organization. In other words, it is your household finances and personal and family expenses that are included in your financial planning.

But all of this will only be possible through the knowledge you have about financial education. Because only with this knowledge will you know how to make decisions that help you keep your finances in balance until the end of the month.

Therefore, what is taken into account for a good personal financial balance is the way you organize your expenses and debts, in relation to your income. In other words, it basically doesn't lose control, and it doesn't let more money go out than it comes in. 

And also your possible investments in financial institutions. Because anyone who wants personal financial health follows good organization and does not lose control of their money, even if it is distributed across several areas.

In other words, those who know financial education also have greater possibilities of having a better financial balance. So, invest in yourself and start understanding more about your personal finances in 2021.

Do you know your financial profile?

Financial profile is an essential factor to understand how you relate to money and define goals and objectives. Click and learn more!

About the author  /  Aline Saes

Master in Social History from USP. She is a freelance writer for various subjects. Always passionate about writing, her mission is to bring information to people in a simple and attractive way.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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