
How to calculate percentage quickly

Calculating percentages is one of the things we learned in school and can carry with us for life. So if you don't remember how to make this account, find out in today's article!


Remember how to calculate percentage? Look here!

A porcentagem é muito útil no dia a dia. Veja como calcular! Fonte: Pexels.
The percentage is very useful in everyday life. See how to calculate! Source: Pexels.

Whether as young people at school or already as adults, there are some mathematical operations that are fundamental. Btw for financial life. This is the case of the percentage! Therefore, the sign is present in discounts, promotions, fees and tariffs. In this way, it is essential to understand what the percentage is and also how to calculate it. Thinking about it, in today's article we will remember how to calculate percentage. Check out!

What is percentage?

First, let's understand what is – in fact – the percentage. Basically, it is a calculation that seeks to measure the proportion of one part in relation to another. It is usually compared against the whole. For example, if a restaurant has the capacity to receive 150 people, but during the pandemic it had to reduce its occupancy to 25%. How would this account look? 

First, the value of 150 corresponds to 100%. In this sense, the percentage always corresponds to the number divided by 100. That is, in the case of 25% it is 25 divided by 100. Therefore, to know what is the allowed occupancy is very simple. Just divide 25 by 100, which is 0.25. After that, just multiply 0.25 by 150. Finally, you will arrive at approximately 37. In this sense, the maximum occupancy of the restaurant will be 37 customers.

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How to calculate percentage of a value?

So, above we quickly calculated the percentage. However, there are a few different ways to calculate it. By the way, if you are going to take the entrance exam, it is essential that this account is at the tip of the pencil. So let's show you some ways to calculate percentage. Read on!

Rule of three

In short, the rule of three is a lot of people's favorite way. This is because it is very simple to calculate. Basically it goes like this:

Rule of three

So, just cross-multiply the values, do the division and you will have the result.

percentage to fractional number

Also, another way to calculate a percentage is to turn it into a fraction. In this way, the denominator is always at 100 and must divide the top value by the bottom. 


percentage to decimal number

Finally, you can also solve percentage calculations by turning the number into a decimal. That is, multiplying 150 by 0.25%. That is, 25 will be divided by the whole, which is 100. This way, you arrive at a value of 0.25.

How to calculate percentage in Excel?

Saiba como utilizar a porcentagem no Excel. Fonte: Pexels.
Learn how to use percentages in Excel. Source: Pexels.

Now, talking more about real life, we'll show you how to calculate a percentage in Excel. This tool is widely used in the day to day work of many people. Therefore, it is very important to know how to do this calculation there.

So, the good news is that Excel itself provides formulas that help you in the calculation. Basically, just enter the total amount in the first column of the table. In the second, you enter the percentage that will be calculated. After that, just divide one cell by the other.

Other topics involving percentage

Simple and compound interest

In addition to all this, if you are going to calculate the cost of a loan, for example, you are probably aware of other topics involving percentages. For example, simple and compound interest. In addition, this subject is very recurrent in mathematics tests, especially in the Enem. See the difference between the two and how to use the percentage:

Simple Interest

In short, in simple interest rates growth is linear. That way, they don't grow over time and are applied right away at the initial value. Therefore, the account is very simple. Just follow the formula:

j = quote

 (j = interest; C = capital; i = rate; t = time)

compound interest

Compound interest, on the other hand, is what we see most in financial companies. This is because they are applied only to the final value. In this sense, growth is exponential and increases over time. See the formula:

M = C (1+i)t

(M = the total investment; C = invested capital; i = interest rate; t = period of time)

ratio and proportion

In addition, there is also ratio and proportion. In short, this is one of the main concepts in mathematics. Therefore, the ratio is the comparison between two magnitudes. Proportion is the equality of two ratios.

Thus, the percentage is extremely necessary for everyday life. Also, being good at basic mathematical calculations is critical to maintaining a good financial life. As we mentioned earlier, the percentage is present in many environments. For example, bill increases or discounts. All of these are percentages.

That is, if at some point the water bill increases, for example. You can already do the calculation and prepare for how much the value will be.

Finally, see how to apply percentage calculation in real life. In the recommended article below, we show you how to calculate interest on loans and debts, check it out!

How to calculate loan or debt interest?

Learn here how to calculate loan interest!

About the author  /  Leticia Maia

Journalism student at UFSC, has always been passionate about writing. In the middle of college, he met digital marketing and was enchanted. She is a content producer for blogs and social networks.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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