Financial education
How to increase your credit score
Do you want to get back to having an active and healthy financial life? Learn how to boost your credit score right now
credit score
If you then have difficulty getting your credit approved, take out that loan, a financing. Or if you want to get a new credit card, we want to help you start with tips to increase your credit score.
But what does it mean? The credit score is a score that ranges from 0 to 1,000. It shows the market if you are really a good payer. In addition, it is with him that banks and companies evaluate you to find out if it is worth approving your credit application, if your score is low on the score, your application may be denied.
And thinking about making your life easier, we gathered in this post everything you need to know. So you can do and increase your credit score, without complications. Follow with us!
How many points on the score are considered good?
Whenever you're late or don't pay a bill, your name goes to Serasa and that's when your score starts to drop. In short, the score will define your chance of paying what you owe based on your market payment history.
If you are between 0 and 399 points, it means that you run the risk of being in default. Those between 400 and 599 points have medium risk. If your score is between these ranges, you will hardly have credit approved.
Now the points considered good are: those who are between 600 and 799 points represent on average 7 out of 10 Brazilians who pay their bills on time. So it may be easier to get credit.
As for those between 800 and 1,000 points, they represent 9 out of 10 people who pay their bills on time. Those in this range are therefore seen as having a low risk of default.
Tips to raise your credit score
There are no miracles or tricks to increase your score, you need to be patient and maintain good consumption habits throughout the year.
Here you will find everything you can do to improve your score, but remember that the result is not immediate, your points will go up over time, from the discharge of your debts and your good habits as a consumer, and that's what we're going to teach you now.
have a clean name
There's nowhere to run, you can't do much with a dirty name in the market, much less manage to increase the score, quite the contrary. If you don't negotiate your debts as soon as possible, your dirty name tends to leave your score lower and lower.
Be smart and pay your bills on time without delaying installments. Also pay debts always within the due date, if you can't, try changing the payment date.
But having a clean name is the first step you need to take to start thinking about other alternatives to raise your score. And with Serasa Limpa Nome, there are no excuses for not negotiating your debts.
Without leaving home using the website or the application, you can get up to 90% discount on your trading. In addition, with Serasa Limpa Nome you select the number of installments you want to pay and the due date of your slip.
Maintain regular payments
It's not because you've paid your bills on time for a month that your score will go up, you need to maintain regularity and really get into the good habit of making payments on time, as it is with consistency that the system recognizes you as a good payer.
Don't despair if your score hasn't gone up yet, you need to demonstrate that your behavior has changed and keep payments on time in the coming months, your score increases and so creditors can reassess your opportunities and possibly grant you credit.
Have accounts in your name
Having accounts in your name makes it easier to assess whether you are a good payer, as you are noticed as a consumer. Companies and banks will notice that you have information in your CPF and it will be easier for them to approve your credit.
If you are over 18 years old, start by putting simple bills such as water, electricity and telephone in your name. If everything is paid on time, Serasa and SPC can have a clearer view of your payer profile, thus increasing your score.
Update your data on Serasa
This one is easy, just keep your data up to date, such as age, address and telephone number in your registration serasa score. This step is very important as it facilitates the process of searching for information if you already keep everything up to date.
And what's better, you can do everything online, without leaving home. But even if you can't, it's possible to update the data in an agency too. However, make sure you follow the prevention protocols and the fight against Covid-19.
Make installment purchases
Making payments in cash, in cash or on a debit card does not contribute to increasing your score, the ideal is to always pay in installments or in cash, but using your credit card.
There is also no point in putting the CPF on the invoice in order to increase your score, as this is a myth. Putting or not your CPF in the note won't make any difference, so it doesn't affect your score score.
negotiate your debts
One of the most important steps in the process is to be willing to go after solutions to pay off your debts, so look for a payment that fits your budget.
It is good that you choose to pay the entire amount due even if in installments, as this demonstrates that you are interested and want to maintain a good relationship with the company, thus increasing the positive points of the score.
When you negotiate a debt and pay the first installment, this already gives you the opportunity to have a clean name in the market, leaving Serasa and this is already a big step taken towards increasing your credit score.
Too many credit cards
Be careful with the excess of credit cards, those who apply for too many end up losing score points, this happens as a form of security because Serasa suspects that malicious people are involved in these requests and end up reducing your points so that other card institutions deny them. your orders and thus avoiding possible fraud.
To be safe, do not ask for more cards than you can use, if you already have a card with a good limit it is advisable to refuse others. It is more worthwhile investing in increasing your single card limit than having multiple cards that add up to a high total limit.
Avoid many queries to your CPF
When you apply for a new card, take out a loan or apply for credit before being approved, the company or bank will make a credit inquiry to your CPF and when this happens very often, Serasa and SPC understand that you are experiencing financial instability.
So, for that reason, choose to apply for loans or new cards if it's really necessary. For example, instead of using the card of that store that tries to push you every time you make a purchase, choose to pay with a card you already have.
Even if there are advantages in buying with a store card, it is more worthwhile to keep your CPF without consultation and keep your score high, so don't be ashamed to refuse a seller's proposal, the fewer cards, the better.
Each company that consults your CPF is registered for 90 days, so when you make a lot of inquiries in a short period of time, this lowers your score.
Maintain a good relationship with your bank
When you invest in solving most problems with a single institution such as having a checking account, credit card and products from the same bank, this increases your score.
Showing that you have a good relationship and always taking care that payments are up to date, your score will only go up, as the institution passes on to Serasa that you are a good payer.
Is there a trick to increase the score?
Balela. So what you need to do is follow the steps we describe here and develop good financial habits for a while so that Serasa can review and bring good results for your score.
What to do to increase the score fast?
This is the great will of everyone who has a red score and there is a solution! These are simple tasks that only demand constancy, and if you read all our tips in this article, you will definitely get positive points on your score.
The truth is that there is no magic formula and you will need patience, the results are not immediate and those who promise this type of quick service are usually lying. What will really make your score go up fast are all the actions you take to become a good payer.
Get to know ScoreTurbo
But since we love to give you valuable tips, you will also learn more about this 100% safe way to increase your points with Score Turbo:
It is a service offered by Serasa itself in which it is possible to increase your score faster by negotiating your debts and paying on time. Paying your debts with the turbo plan you get a special increase in advance of your score on time.
All this to keep your Positive Registration (CP) active. Which is like a ′′ financial resume ′′ where your score is calculated. The creation of your CP is automatic, all individuals and legal entities that buy in installments and have accounts linked to the CPF have this registration open, but there is the possibility of interrupting this registration.
It is worth mentioning that your score only increases after the payment is approved, if you delay, do not pay or make a new debt, your advantages with Score Turbo are disabled.
Remembering that only some offers are selected with the turbo so you need to look for offers that have the rocket symbol, those are valid.
Score Turbo is a way to give you a greater incentive to pay off your debts by advancing your points. They don't give you extra points, you just receive the points earlier, but they are the same points you would receive later if you were paying on the regular plan.
Step by step to increase your score
Did you know that it is possible to increase your credit score by up to 900? That's right. Some companies help you with this credit recovery, if the steps above are not enough.
Maximum Score is a product that has been on the market for some time and has helped anyone who needs to increase their score to buy a car, finance their home or even apply for a loan.
Finally, we know that it is not an easy task to increase your credit score, but all these steps are necessary for you to regain the trust of companies.
Brazil is a country with more than 63 million negatives according to the Serasa Experian balance sheet in November 2019, this represents 40.4% of the country's adult population.
There are many people with the dirty name and consequently with the score at low levels. This reveals bad consumption habits that urgently need to be changed and the credit score can help us maintain a healthy consumption routine. In addition to checking your score, it's important to know if the name is dirty so that you can regulate your finances.
How do I know if my name is dirty?
Often you may not know if you have a dirty name or suffer undue negativity. Learn how to query CPF.
Reviewed by / Junior Aguiar
Senior Editor
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