Brazilian celebrities from the 2000s who disappeared from television: find out where 20 celebrities from our past are
Anyone over 20 must remember the great artists of the time. However, many of them disappear and today became Brazilian celebrities of the 2000s who disappeared from television.
Who are the celebrities who disappear from the spotlight?
Anyone over 20 must remember the great artists of the time. However, many of them disappear and today they make up our list of Brazilian celebrities from the 2000s who disappeared from television.
For example: Ana Paula Arósio. She was the protagonist of several Globo soap operas, such as the unforgettable Terra Nostra, which took place in 1999, and was the poster girl for Embratel, one of the brands that marked the 2000s.
However, it's been a decade since Ana Paula disappeared from the spotlight. But not only her! Discover now the whereabouts of Brazilian celebrities from the 2000s who disappeared from television.
Where are 20 celebrities from our past?
1. Ana Paula Arosio
Since we introduced our text about the Brazilian celebrities of the 2000s who disappeared from television talking about Ana Paula Arosio, let us, then, begin with her! For those who don't know, the actress has been completely away from the artistic world since 2010, when she did her last work in the series Na forma da Lei on Rede Globo.
Since then, there has been little news of the artist. This is because Ana Paula Arósio started to live as a recluse on her farm, in the municipality of Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, 253 kilometers from São Paulo, dedicating herself to horse breeding. However, today, the actress lives with her husband in rural Swindon, England, moving away from the Brazilian scene for good.
I mean, almost for good! In August 2020, Ana Paula Arósio returned to the headlines for being the poster girl for Santander's PIX campaign, the new payment system developed by the Central Bank. However, it was an appearance just to give an air of grace and that's it! She is already back to her anonymous life in the English lands.
2. Helena Ranaldi
Another great actress from our past, but who today is one of the Brazilian celebrities of the 2000s who disappeared from television, is Helena Ranaldi. Away from soap operas for six years, she has dedicated herself more to the theater and, for this reason, ended up moving to São Paulo, far from the recording studios of Rede Globo, where she was hired, which is located in Rio de Janeiro.
In 2000, the actress started a partnership of great works with the author Manoel Carlos, which were: Laços de Família (2000), Presença de Anita (2001) and Mulheres Apaixonadas (2003). This telenovela, in turn, gave Helena Ranaldi the most attention, since she played the unforgettable Raquel, the Physical Education teacher who runs away from her aggressive and violent ex-husband.
Today, at the age of 54, she says that the career change happened naturally and that today she feels even more complete. Good for her, but unfortunately, bad for us, who stopped following a great actress on our television.
3. Cristiana Oliveira
Completing the triad of famous actresses from the 90s and 2000s, we have Cristiana Oliveira. The actress, who was immortalized as Juma, from Pantanal, from the extinct Manchete, and was the protagonist of the soap opera De Corpo e Alma, marked by the death of Daniella Perez, murdered by co-star Guilherme de Pádua, has been away from television for a long time.
Cristiana Oliveira's last role was in A Terra Prometida, in 2016, on Record. Since then, the actress no longer appeared on our small screens and, according to her, this has a reason: she is no longer fitting into a soap opera character.
What could be a problem for many professionals, it's not for Cristiana Oliveira. This is because the actress stated that she is on her fifth feature in the last year and a half. Therefore, his removal from TV occurred naturally, with no major ruptures, such as contracts, for example.
4. Marcos Frota
We've already mentioned the names of three great actresses from our past, so now it's time to change it up a bit and remember the male cast that was successful in the 2000s, but is now gone. To begin with, we elected Marcos Frota.
The actor was one of the most emblematic of Rede Globo in the 1990s, reaching his peak of success when playing Tonho da Lua in Mulheres de Areia, in 1993. However, his current professional life on television is far from what he expected. it was in your past.
Marcos Frota, who became one of the Brazilian celebrities of the 2000s who disappeared from television, is away from screens since 2015, when he made a short appearance in Sol Nascente, a soap opera on Rede Globo. In the interview given to Revista Quem, he said he misses acting and, while he doesn't come back, he dedicates himself to the circus, an activity he is passionate about.
5. Victor Fasano
Like Marcos Frota, Victor Fasano was an important actor on Rede Globo, mainly in the 90s, but also in the 2000s. He, who was also in the plot of the soap opera De Corpo e Alma, debuted on television soon with a prominent role: the memorable Zeca de Barriga de Aluguel ( 1989).
His last appearance on our screens was in 2015, when he acted in just two episodes in the series Conselho Tutelar da Record. Since then, Victor Fasano has been dedicated to his environmental activism in favor of the conservation of forests and endangered species. For those who don't know, in addition to being an actor, he has been an environmentalist for over 40 years.
In 2019, Victor Fasano participated in the program Sensacional, on RedeTV!, and said that he did not miss soap operas. Although he missed working and being on stage, he says that the feeling isn't really about everything that surrounds it. Finally, he was emphatic: “if it’s a heartthrob character, forget it”.
6. Cecilia Dassi
Unlike the Globo actors mentioned above, who have been on television since the early 1990s, Cecilia Dassi was an actress who achieved success more recently. In fact, she debuted in 1996, when she was just 7 years old, and worked on television for 17 years in various roles on Rede Globo.
However, in 2012, Cecília Dassi, at the height of her success, announced that she would stop acting to dedicate herself to career in psychology. Since 2013, she has her own clinic and works as a psychologist for child actors in the early years of their career, helping them to deal with their rise to fame without personal trauma.
In addition to these two jobs, the former actress now manages an Instagram profile in which she deals with topics such as anxiety, depression and self-esteem with her more than 240,000 followers. With this change in her professional life, Cecília Dassi put her name on the list of Brazilian celebrities from the 2000s who disappeared from television.
7. Carolinie Figueiredo
Joining Ana Paula Arósio and Cecília Dassi in the group of actresses who gave up acting to pursue other professional fields, we have the Carolinie Figueiredo. Unfortunately, to our dismay, her television career was short-lived.
Carolinie Figueiredo became known to the general public when she played the character Domingas in the youth series Malhação from 2007 to 2009. Thanks to this role, the actress even won the prize for best new actress, the Prêmio Contigo! and Caras magazine.
However, his career in teledramaturgy was short-lived. Her last television appearances were short and took place in 2013, seven years ago. Today, Carolinie Figueiredo is studying Social Communication at UFRJ and has revealed in interviews that she has temporarily given up her acting career.
8. Bianca Castanho
Who remembers the actress Bianca Brown? She, who is one of the Brazilian celebrities of the 2000s who disappeared from television, became very famous in SBT soap operas and was Silvio Santos' darling to star in the broadcaster's serials.
Bianca Castanho stayed on SBT from 2003 to 2006, where she played three protagonists in a row, in the soap operas Canavial de Paixões (2003), Esmeralda (2004) and Cristal (2006). Then, he went to Record, where his last appearances on television were, making a few cameos in the remake Dona Xepa (2013) and in the soap opera Milagres de Jesus (2014).
Since then, the actress disappeared from our screens and news. In 2016, she left Brazil and moved to Miami, in the United States, dedicating herself to work as a voice actress. He even dubbed the Turkish soap opera Minha Vida, which was very successful and even narrated the entire last chapter. Currently, he has a YouTube channel: 2BiMiami.
9. Patricia de Sabrit
Like Bianca Castanho, another actress who gained great repercussions thanks to SBT was Patricia de Sabrit. Although she debuted on TV in 1993, in the soap opera Olho no Olho da Rede Globo, it was on the competing broadcaster that she achieved fame.
This is because Patrícia de Sabrit played the daring and determined Pérola, the protagonist of the telenovela Pérola Negra on SBT, which aired between 1998 and 1999. After the soap opera, the actress starred in the telenovela Vidas Cruzadas on Rede Record, but in 2003 she gave up her career to accompany her ex-husband, the Belgian Michael Hanson, going to live abroad years later.
However, what few know is that Patrícia de Sabrit had a brief and discreet return on television. This is because, in 2018, after seven years away, the actress returned to act in the children's series Z4, a production by Disney Channel, SBT and Formata.
10. Cibele Larrama
Next to Patrícia de Sabrit in the soap opera Pérola Negra, was the actress Cibele Larrama. She was part of several teledramaturgies, including some from Rede Globo, such as Cobras & Lagartos and Sete Pecados, but has not appeared since 2014, when she played Rana in the soap opera Milagres de Jesus da Record.
His downfall came when Cibele Larrama was informed that her three-year contract would not be renewed by Edir Macedo's broadcaster. A curious fact is that the actress was dismissed shortly after having suffered a serious accident during the recording of the miniseries Rei Davi in early 2012, where she had parts of her hair and back burned, needing to have plastic surgery in the region to soften the marks of the fire. .
With Cibele Larrama, we reached the middle of our text about the 20 Brazilian celebrities of the 2000s who disappeared from television. However, there are still 10 more names left! So, do you have any bets?
11. Erik Marmo
Big hit of 2003, the telenovela “Mulheres Apaixonadas”, written by Manoel Carlos and directed by Ricardo Waddington, aired on August 24, 2020 on the Viva channel. With her return, it is possible to notice how many artists passed through her, but who simply decided to leave the spotlight and disappeared from television.
Among them, the actor Erik Marmo. He debuted on television in 2001 as part of the cast of the seventh season of Malhação, playing the first homosexual character in the soap opera's history. He then participated in the Sandy&Junior series, but it was in 2003 that he actually achieved fame.
The soap opera “Mulheres Apaixonadas” was the best moment in the young actor's career on TV, with his character Cláudio. Erik Marmo even participated in other soap operas on Rede Globo, but he moved in 2014 to Los Angeles, in the United States, and since 2015 he has presented the Planeta Brasil program on Globo Internacional.
12. Pedro Furtado
Another actor who gained fame thanks to the soap opera “Mulheres Apaixonadas”, but who is now part of the list of Brazilian celebrities from the 2000s who disappeared from television, is Pedro Furtado. For those who don't remember, he played the student Fred, who got involved with the teacher Raquel, played by Helena Ranaldi and which we talked about above.
Graduated in philosophy from PUC-RS in 2008, the son of award-winning filmmaker Jorge Furtado left acting to dedicate himself to his career as a screenwriter. In her curriculum, there are nominations for several awards, and her greatest reach was in 2013 with the feature film “Boa Sorte”, whose protagonist is none other than Deborah Secco.
With the movie, Pedro Furtado won the award for Best Screenplay at the Grande Prêmio do Cinema Brasileiro. Today, at the age of 36, the former actor can say that he was right in the direction he took for his professional life.
13. Rafael Calomeni
Completing the trio of actors who gained fame thanks to the soap opera Mulheres Apaixonadas, Rafael Calomeni was the heartthrob of the soap opera. By playing the character Expedito alongside Suzana Vieira, which everyone remembers, the actor gained space on Rede Globo and also made other important soap operas.
In 2009, he signed with Record, where he acted in Mutantes – Promessas de Amor (2009), Ribeirão do Tempo (2010), Balacobaco (2012) and in the series Milagres de Jesus (2014). After passing by Record, opened three cake franchise stores and today remains far from the media.
In parallel with entrepreneurship, he became a self-taught director. His first work behind the camera is the series O Quarto ao Lado, starring a gay couple. Currently, he is preparing the feature film Horizonte, whose story shows the drama of an elderly man.
14. Julia Almeida
Do you remember the actress Júlia Almeida? Daughter of writer Manoel Carlos, the actress gained space in her father's soap operas, starting with Laços de Família, but was heavily criticized for this condition. However, even so, she showed her potential in dramaturgy and remained in soap operas for a long period.
Today, Júlia Almeida is part of the celebrities of the 2000s who disappeared from television. Since 2014, she lives in London, England, where she is married to a British man. There, he created a beach fashion brand, whose pieces are made in Brazil.
Four years later, Júlia Almeida appeared on TV in a special participation in the soap opera “Tempo de Amar”, directed by Jayme Monjardim, where she played the character Eva. This, in turn, was her last appearance and since then the actress has not appeared on our screens.
15. Pitty Webo
Acting colleague of Júlia Almeida, mainly in the soap opera Mulheres Apaixonadas, where she played Marcinha, pitty webo he has not appeared on television since 2009, when he made his last work in the special “Por Toda Minha Vida” on Rede Globo.
Later, Pitty Webo revealed that, since her daughter Lucy, 7 years old, was born, she has dedicated herself only to the theater in terms of acting. This is because, in addition to being an actress, she also works as a director.
According to her, after the experience of directing and writing her first play at the age of 24, she made the decision not to dedicate herself to an acting career anymore to venture into this new professional life. With this decision, Pitty Webo literally left the scene and became one of the celebrities of the 2000s who disappeared from television.
16. Luigi Baricelli
Let's go to the top 5 on our list, starting with the great heartthrob of the 2000s: Luigi Baricelli. Absent from soap operas since 2011, the actor returned to appear in the Globo serial as Fred in “Laços de familia”, which he re-released in “Vale a pena ver de novo”.
At the age of 49, the actor has lived for five years in Wildemere, a city in Florida, in the extreme southeast of the United States, with his wife, Andreia, and their two children, Vittorio and Vicenzo. In Uncle Sam's land, he became an investor in the real estate market.
Despite being away from the cameras, Baricelli said that he never stopped being an actor, but that he would not limit himself to performing a single function. As he says, “if they ask me if I'm doing a soap opera or a film, I'll say no, but the actor will never cease to exist.”. Lucky for us, we can still hope to see him again in the serials!
17. Priscilla Fantin
At the age of 37, Priscila Fantin is a Brazilian actress who was very successful in the 2000s. She was even part of the cast of the new format of the series Malhação, which would debut a new season focusing no longer on the academy that gave title to series, but a secondary school, Múltipla Escolha.
Since his role in the feuilleton teen, Priscila Fantin sparkled the eyes of viewers thanks to her professionalism and excellence in acting. No wonder, it signed several partnerships with the author Benedito Ruy Barbosa, which gave him the role of the soap opera Esperança in 2002.
Unfortunately, Priscila Fantin's heyday has come to an end. The actress has been away from open television since 2016, because, according to her, “Fame was exacerbated. Depression forced me to stop“. The important thing is that today she is fine and, despite the regrets, she says she doesn't miss the soap operas.
18. Max Fercondini
Max Fercondini started his career as an actor at the age of fourteen, when he was invited to act in Rede Globo's soap operas. Since then, he has participated in more than a dozen works at the station, within the entire range of soap operas and miniseries.
However, the actor has not participated in soap operas since 2013, when he had a role in “Flor do Caribe”. The reason? He decided to abandon his career to explore the world. In fact, in 2016, he and his former partner, Amanda Richter, lived an adventure through Latin America that became part of the program 'How Will It Be?'.
Since 2018, Max Fercondini has lived aboard his sailboat in Lisbon, Portugal. In an interview, the artist revealed that he does not intend to return to live on dry land anytime soon and I believe he will stay at least another ten years living on board. What a life changer, right?
19. Joana Balaguer
By the way, speaking of Portugal, another artist on our list of Brazilian celebrities from the 2000s who disappeared from television and who is now living in the country is Joana Balanguer. Away from the Brazilian cameras since 2012, when she participated in Rede Record's soap opera Balacobaco, the actress continues with her career in Portuguese lands.
Living in Portugal since 2009, Joana Balanguer has no plans to return to Brazil, as it is already fully adapted to the new Portuguese life. In addition to operating in the European country, Joana created the website “cities in Portugal“, where he suggested itineraries for those visiting the region.
Finally, not only satisfied with the site, Joana Balanguer also created its YouTube channel to bring even more information to its viewers. That is, apparently, it is very likely that we will no longer see her on our Brazilian screens.
20. Ludmila Dayer
To finish the list of Brazilian celebrities from the 2000s who disappeared from television, let's go to Ludmila Dayer. Like many on the list, who left Brazil, the former actress is also part of this group and this is precisely the reason why we no longer see her on our TV.
Since 2006, Ludmila Dayer has lived in Los Angeles, where she runs her film production company, Lupi Productions. However, she is still active on social media to the delight of her longing fans.
So, what did you think of our list of Brazilian celebrities from the 2000s who disappeared from television? Surely, there are many of them that you probably didn't even remember that they existed, right? Normal! After all, it's easy to forget who doesn't show up.
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About the author / Priscilla de Cassia
Reviewed by / Junior Aguiar
Senior Editor
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