
4 best payroll cards 2021

If you are an INSS retiree or pensioner, or even a public servant, how about getting to know the 4 best payroll cards on the market? They work like a traditional card, but have lower interest rates and free annual fees. Check out!


Find out which are the payroll cards on the market with free annuity

Mas, afinal, qual o melhor cartão consignado? Fonte: Pexels.
But, after all, which is the best payroll card? Source: Pexels.

It is true that finding a quality credit card is not always a simple task, because there are several models on the market, mainly for INSS pensioners and retirees. But today, we brought you the 4 best payroll cards so you can choose the best alternative for you.

So, read on to learn more about these cards. Check out!

What are the best payroll cards of 2021?

Mas, afinal, quais são os 5 melhores cartões consignados? Fonte: Pexels.
But, after all, what are the 5 best payroll cards? Source: Pexels.

First, we need to explain what a payroll card is. So, it basically works the same way as a regular credit card, however, it has lower fees and the amount of the invoice corresponding to the consignable margin is deducted directly from the payroll of civil servants or from the benefit of retirees and INSS pensioners.

So, see below the 4 payroll card options for 2021.


1. BMG card

The BMG card is accessible to INSS retirees or pensioners, as well as public servants with or without name restrictions, including this is an advantage of payroll loans.

This is because payroll cards are also more accessible for people with negative credit cards, as credit protection agencies such as SPC and SERASA are not usually consulted, and this happens precisely because the payment of the invoice is made directly from the payroll, thus making default unfeasible.

And, in addition, it is a card with no annual fee and with national and international coverage, that is, it can be used in Brazil and in other countries, such as the United States, Mexico or any other that you want to visit, as well as having a Mastercard flag, that means that you can buy at millions of Mastercard partner establishments in these countries as well.

Furthermore, it is important to point out that only part of the invoice will be deducted from the payment, so the other part you will be able to choose the payment method, the main forms being bank slip and direct debit.

Also, through the BMG application, you can access all your transactions and features, such as balance, invoice, duplicate invoice, among others. Therefore, it is no wonder that the BMG payroll card is among the best alternatives in 2021.

minimum incomeMinimum wage
BenefitsMastercard Surprise Program
Expense control via the app
But, after all, what are the features of the card?

How to apply for BMG card for negatives?

The BMG credit card for negatives is a card that offers ease of approval and can be personalized. Find out how to apply here!

2. Pan Card

Now that you already know about payroll cards, let's talk about Banco Pan's financial product. Like all the other cards of this institution, the payroll card also brings a unique experience to the bank's customers.

First, it is available to INSS retirees and pensioners, federal, state and municipal civil servants, as well as Army servants and pensioners.

In addition, the card does not require an annual fee, that is, you do not have to worry about paying a maintenance fee every month to maintain the card's services.

And furthermore, the credit limit is up to 2 times salary or benefit and you can withdraw up to 70% from it. As we mentioned earlier, only part of the invoice is deducted from the payroll, the other part you can pay at branches or through your trusted bank application.

In addition, Banco Pan does not consult credit bureaus, as it is a fully accessible card for those with negative credit. With it, you will be able to make payments and purchases, withdrawals and all other functions of traditional cards. But with interest rates up to 4 times lower.

minimum incomeMinimum wage
BenefitsGo Visa Program
Expense control via the app
But, after all, what are the features of the card?

How to apply for the Pan Consigned Card

Do you want to know how to apply for the Pan credit card and make your purchases and payments easier? So, watch the step-by-step right now.

3. Olé Consigned Card

Mas, afinal, como funciona o cartão Olé? Fonte: Pexels.
But, after all, how does the Olé card work? Source: Pexels.

Another payroll card option is Olé Consignado, with it you have interest rates up to 4 times lower than those of traditional credit cards and you can apply even if it is negative.

And, in addition, the Olé card is completely free, you do not pay an annuity and you also do not pay a fee for issuing the card, you just need to request it by proving the minimum income. This is because, as it is a payroll card, proof of income is required for the payment to be deducted from the salary.

In addition, the Olé card has international coverage, that is, you can use it in more than 27 million commercial establishments in Brazil and worldwide.

Plus, you can withdraw up to 70% from your credit limit and enjoy it however you want. Incidentally, whenever you use the Olé card at partner stores you can also get discounts. So, we recommend that you take a look at the list of partner stores on the Olé website, to take advantage of all the discounts.

Among the advantages of the Olé card, we can highlight that you can apply for the card without even having to leave your home, as the process is done completely online, as well as managing your card through the Olé application.

minimum incomeMinimum wage
BenefitsGo Visa Program
Expense control via the app
But, after all, what are the features of the card?

How to apply for the Olé Consignado credit card

You already know what the benefits of the Olé Consignado credit card are, so it's time to find out how to apply for it.


4. Celetem Card

To close our list of the 4 best payroll cards, let's talk about the Cetelem card. It is ideal for retirees and pensioners and also accepts negatives.

And, in addition, the Cetelem card has no annual fee and the payment of the invoice is also deducted from the salary or benefit and you can pay the remainder through a bank slip.

Furthermore, unlike other cards, Cetelem has an issue fee of R$15.90, but don't worry, because you can pay in up to three installments on the invoice.

Also, when using the Cetelem card, you get a 20% discount if you shop at Cetelem bank partner stores and the Elo flag, which is the flag used on the card. Remembering that the card is national, that is, you can enjoy these advantages anywhere in Brazil.

Another feature of this card is that Cetelem also has an app so you can control everything that happens with your card. For example, if someone used your card at this time. Immediately, you receive a notification.

Therefore, Cetelem has several advantages, as we can see in the table below.

minimum incomeMinimum wage
BenefitsWithdrawals at Banco24Horas ATMs
flag benefits
Expense control via the app
But, after all, what are the features of the card?

How to apply for the Cetelem Payroll Card

Zero annuity and benefits for you. Request Cetelem now and use this step by step to order yours from home.

About the author  /  Joyce Viana

Graduated in Law from PUC Minas. Post Graduated in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure by Faculdade Legale. She produces content for different niches, from recipes and finance to beauty and health. Since he was a child, he made writing his best friend, and he never stopped!

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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