
PagBank card with digital account

The PagBank card is a financial product with no annual fee. In addition, with it, you can do your online shopping quietly. And it also has international coverage. Learn more about it now!


Learn more about the PagBank card

Descubra todos os detalhes do cartão de crédito PagBank. Fonte: PagBank.
Discover all PagBank credit card details. Source: PagBank.

If you are looking for a card with a digital account, the PagBank card may be a good option. That's because, with this card, you have access to international purchases and benefits from the brand without an annual fee.

To do this, simply request a credit analysis. Remembering that PagBank offers even more chances for those who carry out salary portability. Or else, for those who invest the money through PagBank.

In addition, the Pagbank card has a digital account. Therefore, the account earns up to 30% more than the savings. That's just leaving your money in the account! So if you really leave it invested, you can increase your profits even more.

In this way, continue reading and find out even more about the PagBank card with digital account. Check out!

minimum incomenot informed
BenefitsGo from Visa
card features

Credit card


International Visa

ZERO annuity and digital account that yields more than savings!

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PagBank card: full analysis

At first, the PagBank card is a great option for those starting out in financial life. That's because it's a non-annuity card. That way, you can start your financial life without having to worry about surprise fees.

Furthermore, PagBank belongs to PagSeguro. Therefore, in addition to having a credit card, you also have access to the digital account. Therefore, you can monitor all your card movements through it.


What is the PagBank credit card limit?

In short, the PagBank card limit depends a lot on each person. That's because, at first, the bank will do a credit analysis to understand what it can offer you.

From this, PagBank better understands your financial habits and also your health. In this way, the limit depends on several factors. For example, what is your monthly income, if you pay your bills on time, if you took out loans, etc.

Furthermore, if you make investments in the CDB, your limit will be in accordance with the amount invested, which can reach up to R$ 100 thousand. Or, if you port your salary to the account, you may have a limit of up to 100% of your salary.

Advantages of the card 

O cartão PagBank não possui anuidade. Fonte: PagBank.
The PagBank card has no annual fee. Source: PagBank.

At first, a great advantage of the PagBank card is the fact that it does not have an annual fee. That is, you have access to essential services without having to pay anything for it. In addition, you can also use your credit card to make international and online purchases.

In addition, the PagBank card has a digital account. That is, you can monitor everything you do on the card through the app. Together, you can also make transfers, pay bills and much more.

Finally, a great advantage of the PagBank card is the fact that it has the Visa flag. In this sense, you have access to the Vai de Visa program. A program that gives you discounts on products, stores and restaurants.

Disadvantages of the card

In summary, the main disadvantage is the fact that, under some conditions, fees are charged. For example, withdrawal fees, emergency limit release fees and duplicate card issuance fees are charged.

Also, if you are not interested in a PagBank account, perhaps the card is not the best option, as it is linked to it. Therefore, it is essential to analyze the negative points before requesting the financial product.


PagBank card bill: how to consult

As it is a card with a good integrated application, most of the services can be resolved by cell phone. Therefore, if you need to consult the invoice, it is very simple.

Just have the PagBank application downloaded and check the duplicate. In addition, it is also possible to make this query directly through the website. That way, your expenses are all concentrated in the same place and you don't get lost.

PagBank card phone: Call Center number

PagBank offers some phone numbers for you to contact. By the way, the numbers are different depending on whether or not you are a bank customer. See the numbers for those who are not yet customers:

  • 4003 6624 or 3004 6624: in capitals and metropolitan regions;
  • 0800 882 1100 or 0800 728 2170: in other locations.

For those who are customers, the numbers are:

  • 4003 1775 or 3004 7875: in capitals and metropolitan regions;
  • 0800 728 2174 or 0800 723 4000: in other locations.

Make a PagBank card: how to make a card online?

As an online correspondent, the easiest way to apply for your PagBank card is online. First, you need to download the PagBank app, open the digital account and check if there is already a pre-approved limit.

If the answer is yes, then you can proceed with the application. If not, we recommend that you continue using the digital account, as well as carry out the salary portability or investment in the CDB. For the bank to better understand your financial habits.

If you already have the pre-approved limit, follow these steps:

  • Click on the Cards section;
  • Go to Credit Card;
  • Select Order Card.

So, just wait for your card to arrive or start using the virtual version.

How to apply for PagBank card

Discover now how to apply for your PagBank card!

PagBank card: how to be approved?

Basically, it's not that difficult to get approved for a PagBank card with a digital account. This is because the credit analysis of this institution is much simpler. Also, if you carry out salary portability or invest in the CDB, it can be even easier.

This way, PagBank knows your financial habits better and can offer you a limit compatible with your income or investment.

PagBank income account

Veja os detalhes da conta digital PagBank. Fonte: PagBank.
See details of PagBank digital account. Source: PagBank.

Now, speaking of the PagBank digital account, it is a great option for anyone looking for an account with income. Well, with the digital account your money yields up to 30% more than the savings. And all this just leaving the money there, without having to make investments.

In addition, you are also entitled to an account card. This card can be used as credit for online and international purchases. But it works like a prepaid card, according to your balance.

Together, the PagBank account can be fully controlled by the app. Incidentally, the same application that you monitor your spending with the card. So your financial life is integrated and you don't get scared.

Santander SX Card: another credit card option with a digital account for you

Finally, you learned a little more about the PagBank card with a digital account. In short, he has free annuity. In addition, it has the benefits associated with the Visa flag and has international coverage.

But if you want to know a similar option, let us show you Santander SX. With this card, it is possible to unite the benefits of a traditional bank with the ease of digital banking. See more details in the comparison below. Remember that the choice between the two depends a lot on your financial reality.

Santander SX CardPagBank card
Annuity12x of R$ 33.25
Exempt if you spend R$ 100/month or if you join the Pix system
minimum incomeNot required for account holders
R$ 1,045.00 for non-account holders
not informed
FlagVisa or MastercardVisa 
BenefitsDiscounts with Esfera partners;
Cashback at Shopping Esfera;
Possibility of exemption from annuity.
Vai de Visa Program;
Limit of up to R$ 100 thousand or up to 100% from salary.
card features

How to apply for the Santander SX card

See now how to apply for the Santander SX card!

About the author  /  Leticia Maia

Journalism student at UFSC, has always been passionate about writing. In the middle of college, he met digital marketing and was enchanted. She is a content producer for blogs and social networks.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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