
Magalu Card or Blubank Card: which is better?

Have cards that are easy to approve and that allow purchases in the credit function at different establishments, that is, between the Magalu card or the Bluebank card, you will understand which will be ideal for your financial moment. Check out the comparison!


Magalu x Blubank: find out which one to choose

Mas, afinal, ficou na dúvida entre cartão Magalu ou cartão Blubank? Isso acabará hoje! Fonte: Pxhere.
But, after all, were you in doubt between Magalu card or Blubank card? It will end today! Source: Pxhere.

Today, we are going to talk about the Magalu card or Blubank card. They are two great card options for you.

Furthermore, at the same time that Magalu has become one of the largest retail stores in the world, in fact, the company does not stop innovating to reach different audiences. With that in mind, it created a wide-ranging credit card that offers discounts and, in addition, allows purchases anywhere.

However, it is not accessible to everyone, especially for those who have a low score and just need a good credit limit. In this way, prepaid cards, such as the Blubank card, also fulfill the function and even reach indebted people, who have more difficulty obtaining a traditional credit card.

In this sense, we bring the comparison between the two options, which, in short, serve very well those who need to use the credit function and have freedom in purchases, that is, spend this limit where they really need it. Also, find out the details of the Magalu card or Blubank card below.

How to apply for the Magalu card

Join one of the largest retail companies in the world through a credit card with an international flag, payment in up to 24 installments and exclusive discounts!

How to apply for the Blubank card

Ideal for negatives, this card also allows you to take a personal loan, in addition, you have a low-fee option to pay using credit!

Magalu cardBlubank card
Minimum IncomeR$ 800.00not required
FlagVisaVisa or Mastercard
RoofNational and international National and international
Benefits10% at Época Cosméticos
Go Visa Program
15% on the Netshoes website
15% offers off on Zattini products
shopping abroad
quick request
Does not do credit analysis
Use of the credit function
Personal loan
Cancellation without bureaucracy
Withdrawals from the 24H Bank network
But in the end, which one to choose?

Magalu card

First, without a doubt, the Magalu card arrived as a strong competitor even for traditional credit cards, those associated with large banks. This is because it has a quick approval for those who are in good standing, offers an installment payment of up to 24 installments for in-store purchases and, on top of that, it has an option without payment of fees, such as annuity.

Once the order is placed, you follow everything through the application and can participate, for example, in the exclusive Cliente Ouro program, that is, get special discounts whenever you access the site, in this sense, there are those promotions to pay for one and take several products.

In addition, the Magalu credit card also offers cashback of up to 2% on each purchase in the store or at partner companies, such as Zattini, Netshoes and Época cosmetics, so these features will help you choose between the Magalu card or the Blubank card, for sure !


Blubank card

Since the first restriction imposed on negatives is the impossibility of applying for credit cards. Prepaid cards, such as Blubank, once again open horizons for this public, who often miss out on good purchasing opportunities.

Therefore, the decision between the Magalu card or the Blubank card comes up when looking at the credit score, for example.

In addition, getting out of bad debt is very complicated, which is why prepaid cards are so interesting and accessible. In this way, the Blubank card, whether with Visa or Mastercard, allows international purchases on credit and gives back the feeling of accessing products sold in credit mode.

Also, just to exemplify, imagine that you need to pay Netflix, which only accepts credit cards, or that course that only allows you to subscribe to plans in this type of modality. So, anyway, you top up your card and you can pay with peace of mind, with no surcharges or fees!

What are the advantages of the Magalu card?

Afinal, o cartão Magalu oferece cashback e grandes parcelamentos. Fonte: Magalu.
After all, the Magalu card offers cashback and large installments. Source: Magalu.

As much as it seems like something that limits your purchases, the Magalu card will provide you with a great pre-approved and breaking limit, the possibility of using the card in different places, since it has a flag and is associated with Banco Itaú. Also, check out other benefits below.

  • Personal credit provided and approved within 2 days;
  • Interest-free installments for in-store purchases up to 24 installments;
  • Possibility of participating in the Cliente Ouro program, which generates a lot of savings;
  • Exemption from annuity;
  • Visa Platinum benefits;
  • Online order with quick approval.

What are the advantages of the Blubank card?

Afinal, volte a comprar na modalidade crédito com essa opção. Fonte: Blubank.
After all, buy again in credit mode with this option. Source: Blubank.

Firstly, the prepaid card alone is the only quick way out for negatives who seek to resume the purchases they had before the name got dirty. In addition to other benefits of the Blubank card, see some of them below.

  • No bank account required;
  • Can be bought by people with a dirty name;
  • It has no annuity;
  • You go back to making international purchases and withdrawals;
  • Allows transfers;
  • Quick and bureaucratic access, with request made on the internet.

What are the disadvantages of the Magalu card?

On the other hand, and also due to the growth of the modality, there are several disadvantages, such as high fees appearing in the path of Magalu card customers. Firstly, if you need a withdrawal urgently, you will pay a fee of R$12.00.

Finally, there is also the obligation to open a digital account with Magalu Pay to receive cashback from the card. Just as most of the benefits are associated with the brand and its partners, such as installments in 24 installments. Given this, it is essential to analyze very carefully all the characteristics of the financial product before deciding whether it is the best option.

What are the disadvantages of the Blubank card?

As a result of the advertisements for this prepaid card, which promise a limit of up to 25 thousand reais, many people end up ordering the card expecting a pre-approved limit, which does not happen.

In fact, it is possible to have a limit of this size, the issue is that you will have to deposit the amount or take out the personal loan made available by Simplic, which has high interest rates. Also, for example, the fees are from 2.97% to 17.90% per month. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze this situation very carefully.

In addition, you pay a fee of R$49.90 to access the card. Also, if you issue a recharge slip and do not pay, your name may be denied.

Magalu Card or Blubank Card: which one to choose?

Qual sua escolha entre o cartão Magalu ou cartão Blubank? Fonte: Pxhere.
What is your choice between the Magalu card or the Blubank card? Source: Pxhere.

Finally, we show that the Magalu card is only accessible to non-paying people, while the Blubank card provides access to the credit modality for those who have not had this chance for some time. With that in mind, consider: can you afford the fees of a traditional credit card or do you just need a solution to pay for some specific purchases?

In addition, your answer will appear through these and other questions. On the other hand, the doubt may remain, but don't worry! Anyway, below, you will find another comparison that may have options with more advantages than these. So, click on the recommended content below and get more information.

Impact Bank card or Superdigital card?

Discover two options with international coverage and the Mastercard brand that are great choices for those with a dirty name. Learn more about these prepaid cards here!

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