
Get to know the Itaucard Click credit card

The Itaucard Click credit card can have a free annual fee when monthly purchases exceed R$100. In addition, it offers all the benefits of an Itaucard platinum card.


Itaucard Click credit card, possibility of free annual fee and benefits of a platinum card

O cartão de crédito Itaucard Click oferece isenção de anuidade e benefícios exclusivos. Fonte: Itaú
The Itaucard Click credit card offers annuity exemption and exclusive benefits. Source: Itaú

O Itaucard Click credit card it is among the easiest credit cards to be approved. It belongs to Banco Itaú and is one of the facilities offered among its digital services. There is no annual fee when monthly expenses reach R$100 and other various advantages. If you want more, then read our text and be surprised with Click!

minimum incomenot informed
Benefitsfree annuity
flag loyalty programs
digital control

How to apply for the Itaucard Click card

The Itaucard Click card offers free annual fee and international coverage, in addition to the benefits of Visa and Mastercard! See here how to order yours!

Advantages of the Itaucard Click credit card

There are many advantages of the Itaucard Click credit card, such as:

  • Available under Mastercard or Visa, with international coverage;
  • No proof of income required;
  • Unlimited withdrawals at Banco24Horas; It is
  • Emergency Credit Assessment (AEC), making it possible to exceed the card's available limit upon payment of a fee and approval.

Great benefits, don't you agree? However, there is still so much more! See the main ones


01. Benefits and exclusivities of a Platinum card

With Click, you enjoy everything a Platinum offers without even proving income and without paying any annual fee, which is common for this type of card. Among these benefits are: travel insurance, concierge and participation in the Mastercard Surpreenda or Vai de Visa programs, depending on the chosen card. 

02. Discounts on Bike Itaú plans

With the Itaucard Click credit card, you have discounts on Bike Itaú plans, a shared bike system operated by Tembici with sponsorship from Itaú Unibanco. Discounts can be:

  • 50% discount on monthly plan;
  • 10% on the daily plan;
  • 20% in annual plan

03. Discounts at cinemas and partners

The Click Itaucard card benefits from a 50% discount at cinemas such as Kinoplex, Itaú Cinemas and Playarte. In addition, there are partnerships with several companies such as Magazine Luiza, Netshoes and Abastece Aí, with exclusive discounts. 


04. Forever iPhone Program

Itaucard's iPhone forever Program allows the purchase of an iPhone in the Itaú, Itaucard and Personnalité applications, via credit card and without interest. The big difference is in the act of purchase. The total value of the device will be added to the credit card bill, divided into 21 installments corresponding to 70% of the value of the chosen iPhone + a Final Payment. 

After finalizing the payment, you will have 10 days to choose one of three options in the Itaú applications: keep the iPhone, make a final payment, return it, or exchange it for a new iPhone. 

Alternative recommendation: Itaucard Click credit or Afinz card?

O cartão Afinz tem bandeira internacional e descontos exclusivos. Fonte: Afinz
The Afinz card has an international flag and exclusive discounts. Source: Afinz
Afinz CardItaucard Click Card
Minimum Incomenot informednot informed
AnnuityR$ 227.88Exempt
FlagVisaVisa or Mastercard
BenefitsUp to 40 days to pay
Additional cards with 50% annual fee discount
You Well Program
Program + Limit
Itaucard application
Iphone Forever Program
But, after all, what are the characteristics of these cards?

Did you like the content? So, enjoy and check out how to apply for your Afinz card right now!

How to apply for the Afinz card

Do you want to learn how to apply for the Afinz card, ideal for merchants? So, read this post to learn step by step. Check out!

About the author  /  Priscilla de Cassia

Graduated in business administration and tax auditor, she has been a freelance writer since 2016 to cultivate her hobby for writing and to earn extra income. Currently, he writes about financial life, credit cards, air miles and travel, as well as curiosities in general.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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