Financial education

How to increase the score with Serasa Turbo

Leave your ideal score using Serasa Turbo and have access to the best credit cards and loans available on the market. For that, continue reading and check out our tips.


With Serasa Turbo you increase your score

Use o Serasa Turbo e aumente a pontuação do seu score. Fonte: Serasa.
Use Serasa Turbo and increase your score. Source: Serasa.

Understanding how to increase the score with Serasa Turbo is not difficult. Therefore, for those who think it is complicated to have a good score on their CPF, know that it is possible to change the status of your name.

With this new tool you can carry out negotiations through Serasa Limpa Nome. In addition, find out how many points you earn when paying off your debt. Just as you have access to the platform through the website or application.

Want to better understand how to increase the score with Serasa Turbo? Continue reading and understand how this tool works.

Understand what Serasa Score Turbo is

The Serasa Score Turbo function is available on the agency's website or app. He is the one who gives the consumer the opportunity to increase his score on the score. But this without complication and quickly.

However, it is important to point out that only people with proposals to clear their name can use Turbo. From there, it is possible to consult how many points are inserted in the score, after paying the debt. 

However, even if the consumer has access to the number of points available, he will only receive them after paying off the debt. In addition, only those who have Active Positivo Registration have access to the functionality.

How to leave your turbo score?

Utilize o Serasa Turbo e aumente suas chances de obter crédito. Fonte: Freepik. 
Use Serasa Turbo and increase your chances of obtaining credit. Source: Freepik. 

For a person to increase their score in a shorter period, it is necessary to negotiate their debt with Serasa Limpa Nome. Therefore, just access the website or application and negotiate.

In this part, the consumer will find, under the score, a rocket symbol. There he visualizes how many points he will increase after making the agreement and paying off the debt. 

Once you've done that, click Turbo to preview your settlement proposal. After accepting, Serasa Limpa Nome will generate a slip and send it to you. So all you have to do is pay on time! As soon as you settle the amount, your name's score will increase.

An important tip is, so that your points do not decrease, pay all your bills on time. Including credit card, financing and loans.

What to do to increase the score quickly with Serasa Turbo?

As we said, to increase the score with Serasa Turbo you need to pay off existing debts in your name. However, this negotiation must be done through Serasa Limpa Nome. When paying the debt you receive the bonus, which are the Score Turbo points, in your name.

Therefore, do not delay your debts. Also, don't make new ones. After all, breaking any agreement made will result in the loss of points on your score. 

Complete guide to increase your score

Want to know how to increase your score? So, read our text and clear all doubts about the topic.

Which accounts increase the Score?

The score is something important for everyone, especially for companies. After all, it is through him that you get authorization for a new credit card or to increase the limit and even for a loan and financing.

When you pay certain bills on time, you can increase your score. Are they:

  • Telephone;
  • Internet;
  • Water bill;
  • Loans;
  • Credit card.

These are the accounts that most punctuate the score to increase your points.

Learn how to increase your score in 7 days

Utilize o Serasa Turbo e aumente suas chances de obter crédito. Fonte: Freepik. 
Use Serasa Turbo and increase your chances of obtaining credit. Source: Freepik. 

Some practical actions help increase your score. See how you can boost your score in up to 7 days below.

Pay off your debts within the payment date

It may seem a little cliché, but this is the main way to increase the score in your name. After all, this is a habit that shows that you are a consumer who can honor your commitments. Therefore, it is possible to show the market that it is responsible for paying what it owes.

Make the positive registration

The purpose of the Positive Register is to control or show the real customer behavior to the market. This is because through it it is possible to follow in detail all the deadlines met and the financial situation in which a person is. Thus, the evaluation of the score is done more assertively. 

Pay off all your debts

When a person has debts in their name, it has a big impact on the score assessment. Therefore, the best thing to do before applying for a loan, for example, is to pay off everything you owe.

Keep your registration data up to date

This is a very simple attitude and should be done constantly. That's because it generates a large and positive impact on your score. By updating your phone number, address, wage income, email and other reliable information, your registration has more credibility.

This is a way for you to show your information to the market in a transparent way. Therefore, it is available to negotiate with any company. 

Avoid having too many credit cards

Applying for too many credit cards can demonstrate that you're short on cash. That's not a good sign. So, have as few credit cards as possible. The ideal is to centralize everything in a single agency.

Did you see how difficult it is to increase your score? It is enough to have a controlled financial life, to be able to honor all your commitments. 

What are the advantages of Serasa Score Turbo?

Now that you know how to settle your debts with Serasa, see what the benefits of Turbo are:

  • Loans and financing easier for you;
  • Credit cards with greater ease of approval;
  • Possibility to pay your purchases and debts in installments;
  • Have service subscription.

Another important point is that when making the positive registration, the analysis of your profile is more assertive and reliable. 

Therefore, companies have more security to release some financing, loan and registration approval. But don't forget to keep your registration always up to date.

Is it possible to lose points in Score Turbo?

Serasa Score Turbo is a way of motivating consumers to be in good financial health. Therefore, it will be deactivated if you do not pay any agreements made. In other words, contracting another debt. Therefore, only in such cases is it possible to lose points. How is it possible for a score to drop?

Your score score can drop by a combination of factors. But everything has an explanation. The main reason for this drop in your score is that your financial life is not up to date, that is, having debts in your name.

However, this is no reason to despair, as you can get your points back! You can access the website or app and check the real reason that caused your score to drop. So you will know the next step to recover lost points.

The importance of having a high score

Why is increasing the Serasa Turbo score important? The points show how your consumption and payment habits are going. Therefore, the higher your score number indicates that your name has no active debts and that you have paid all debts in the last 12 months. That is, the possibility that he should not is high!

However, the low score shows that a person has not honored their financial commitments. Also, this low score is a negative sign if someone needs loans, store credit or financing. If you need a credit card, for example, if the score is low, you will hardly be approved.

Did you understand how to increase the score with Serasa Turbo? It's something simple, easy and practical. Remembering that the discharge of your debts is what gives you this bonus, which are the extra points in your name!

Did you like what you saw? We have much more for you. Check out our recommended content below and learn how to increase your score with Serasa Score Turbo.

How to increase the score with Serasa Score Turbo

Negotiate your debts with Serasa Score Turbo and earn points on your score by paying everything on time. Check out!

About the author  /  Marina Poncio

Graduated in Financial Management from UNOPAR. Acted as manager of large multinational companies. He is currently dedicated to editing, planning and producing content for the web specializing in economics and finance.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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