
Artists who no longer live in Brazil: discover the 15 celebrities who left the country

Who never wanted to move out of the country, right? However, some people fulfill this wish and make it happen. Among them, there are several Brazilian artists that you wouldn't even imagine didn't live in Brazil anymore.


Find out who are the celebrities who left our country

Conheça os artistas que não moram mais no Brasil. Fonte: Pexels.
Meet the artists who no longer live in Brazil. Source: Pexels.

That there are several artists who no longer live in Brazil, you know that. However, if we asked you who they are, would you know how to answer?

PS: not worth the actress Ana Paula Arósio, huh?

And why not worth the actress? For she, who disappeared from television for a long period of time, returned to the news for being the poster girl for Santander's PIX campaign. That is, everything about her came to light, so it would be very easy for us to mention the actress on our list.

With this, the question remains: which artists no longer live in Brazil, huh? If you don't know, it's time for you to know!

What are the 15 celebrities who left the country?

Confira quem são esses famosos. Fonte: Pexels.
Check out who these celebrities are. Source: Pexels.

1. Marcello Antony

To start our list of artists who no longer live in Brazil, we have Marcello Antony.

He, who moved without much fanfare, has been living in Cascais, Portugal, for two years with his wife and children, which, according to him, are already adapted.

The actor moved to Portugal after losing his contract with Globo because of controversy with a gay character.

Marcello Antony played a homosexual lawyer in the telenovela 'Amor à Vida', but started to complain about the coherence of his character.

With this, the actor lost his exclusive contract with Globo in 2015, which was the cue to leave Brazil for good.

2. Carolina Dieckmann

Carolina Dieckmann could very well configure our list of Brazilian celebrities from the 2000s who disappeared from television.

After all, his last character was in 2018 in the soap opera “O Sétimo Guardião” on Rede Globo.

Although partially present in the works in Brazil, what few people know is that Carolina Dieckmann no longer lives in the country.

Since 2016, the actress moved to Miami, in the United States, to accompany her husband, director Tiago Worcman.

This process made her leave her eldest son in Brazil, as he was already 18 years old and was moving on with his own adult life.

3. Bianca Castanho

Sweetheart of Silvio Santos to star in the broadcaster's serials, Bianca Castanho is one of the cBrazilian celebrities of the 2000s who disappeared from television.

This is because the actress is also part of the group of artists who no longer live in Brazil.

In 2016, Bianca Castanho left Brazil and moved to Miami, in the United States, as well as actress Carolina Dieckmann.

However, unlike her, who moved to accompany her husband, Castanho moved for professional reasons: her job as a dubbing artist.

Currently, he has a BiMiami YouTube channel, which he plays together with his professional colleague, actress Fabiana Alvarez.


4. Julia Almeida

Like Bianca Castanho, Júlia Almeida is also part of the combo of artists who no longer live in Brazil and who disappeared from television.

This is because the daughter of writer Manoel Carlos has lived in London, England, since 2014 and is now married to a British man.

In England, Júlia Almeida left aside her artistic bias and bet on her life as an entrepreneur, as she no longer works and today owns a beachwear brand, whose pieces are made in Brazil.

That is, your life in the land of the queen is very well, thank you!

5. Luigi Baricelli

One more that is missing from television, but for a just cause: Luigi Baricelli.

As you can imagine, since he is on our list of artists who no longer live in Brazil, the actor no longer appears on our TV because he no longer resides in the country. That simple!

Living for five years in Wildemere, a city in Florida, in the extreme southeast of the United States, Luigi Baricelli left Brazil with his wife Andreia and their two children.

In US territory, he geared up like real estate investor and is doing very well financially speaking.

6. Max Fercondini

How about dropping everything, leaving Brazil behind and venturing around the world? This dream, which is somewhat ambitious, was part of the life of former actor Max Fercondini.

However, unlike the vast majority of people who do not take risks, he left his professional legacy behind and ventured into this journey.

Since 2018, Max Fercondini lives aboard his sailboat in Lisbon, Portugal.

In an interview, the artist revealed that he does not intend to return to live on dry land any time soon and I believe he will spend at least another ten years living on board. How about it, huh?!

7. Joana Balaguer

Like Max Fercondini, actress Joana Balaguer, who became professionally famous after being part of the cast of Malhação, also lives in Lisbon, Portugal.

By the way, as you will see later, there are several artists on this list who no longer live in Brazil who are in Lusitanian lands.

Living in Portugal since 2009, Joana Balanguer has no plans to return to Brazil, as she has already fully adapted to her new Portuguese life.

In addition to acting in the European country, Joana has a YouTube channel where she brings even more information about her new country to her viewers.

8. Ludmila Dayer

Do you remember actress Ludmila Dayer?

She, who was also part of the cast of Malhação, is far away from Brazilian television, as she has lived in the United States since 2006. That is, she has been living outside Brazil for 14 years.

However, the former actress does not have much to complain about her new life in the United States.

Married to a British businessman since 2016, she lives in Los Angeles and has her own film production company, Lupi Productions.

9. Nívea Stelmann

Abroad since 2016, actress Nívea Stelmann moved with her husband and children to the United States.

The reason? According to herself, “I ran away from violence, from the fear of coming and going and focused on freer children“. That is, wrong she is not!

Even leaving almost everything behind, including her already established professional life in Brazil, the actress did very well in her new country.

With a more peaceful and secure life alongside her husband and children, the artist says she would return to Brazil just to make short appearances.

10. Rodrigo Santoro

If Ana Paula Arósio was the most obvious guess for you about artists who no longer live in Brazil, the second would be actor Rodrigo Santoro.

It's not news to anyone that the artist is more than famous in the United States, isn't it?

Although Santoro resides in Los Angeles, in the United States, he also has fixed address in Brazil to stay with his wife, Mel Fronckowiak, and daughter, Nina.

However, lately, Rodrigo Santoro moved to the East Zone of SP due to a new project at Netflix. What's next, huh?

11. Seu Jorge

For this you did not expect: the singer Seu Jorge also no longer resides in our country.

With this information, we begin the top 5 artists who no longer live in Brazil.

In the case of Seu Jorge, the artist has been living in Los Angeles since January 2013, in the United States.

He decided to move with his family to California in order to dedicate himself more to his acting career.

Which, by the way, is working very well, since he gave life to the Carlos Marighella in the film dedicated to the “number one” enemy of the Brazilian military dictatorship.

12. Luana Piovani

While some move discreetly, without saying goodbye to those who remain in Brazil, Luana Piovani, on the other hand, let all the media know about his change.

The destination she chose for herself, her ex-husband and children was Portugal.

In January 2019, the actress left Rio de Janeiro for Cascais, the same city as actor Marcello Antony, because it has a beach.

As she was moving with her ex-husband, who is a surfer, this choice was made more for professional reasons than for personal taste. However, even with the separation, the actress continued in the city.

13. Mallu Magalhães

Do you remember the singer Mallu Magalhães? She, who started her career at the age of fifteen and drew media attention for dating Marcelo Camelo from the band Los Hermanos, who is now her husband and the father of her daughter, no longer lives in Brazil.

Perhaps it is for this reason that the young singer has disappeared from the news, as she has been in Portuguese lands since 2013, which seems to have been a great decision.

This is because, in an interview, Mallu Magalhães stated that his self-esteem was built in Portugal.

Today, she continues with her musical career, but it is very different from her beginnings.

14. Pedro Cardoso

The eternal Agostinho Carrara from the series “A Grande Família”, which aired on Rede Globo between 2001 and 2014, no longer lives in Brazil.

Pedro Cardoso, who frequently appears in the news due to his controversies arising from his political position, lives in Portugal, as do Mallu Magalhães and Luana Piovani.

The actor and comedian has been in Lisbon for at least five years, but even so, he remains connected to Brazilian political life, never stop expressing your opinions.

According to Pedro Cardoso, the reason for choosing to live abroad is much simpler than it seems and apolitical: he had never lived outside Brazil before.

15. José de Abreu

Finally, finishing our text on artists who no longer live in Brazil, we have José de Abreu.

Unlike most, who ventured into Uncle Sam's lands or across Europe, the actor moved to New Zealand along with his wife, makeup artist Carol Junger.

But make no mistake! Although José de Abreu is always in Brazil because of his soap operas, the last of which was “A Dona do Pedaço”, which aired in 2019 on Rede Globo, he already has a residence in Paris for 5 years.

That is, he has been living abroad for a considerable time.

More recently, after traveling through 11 countries over the course of 75 days, the actor and his wife decided to establish their married life in New Zealand, more specifically in Aukland.

Not bad for him, is it? After all, just look at the photos of the country and see how beautiful it is!

Brazilian celebrities from 2000 who disappeared from TV

Anyone over 20 must remember the great artists of the time. However, many of them disappear. Read this post and check out who these celebrities are.

About the author  /  Priscilla de Cassia

Graduated in business administration and tax auditor, she has been a freelance writer since 2016 to cultivate her hobby for writing and to earn extra income. Currently, he writes about financial life, credit cards, air miles and travel, as well as curiosities in general.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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