
How to anticipate the FGTS for Meu Tudo? Check it step by step

Meu Tudo allows you to anticipate the 7-year FGTS with a low interest rate and a quick release of money in your account. Check out in this post all the details of the process of applying for this credit.


Get 7 years of anniversary loot in your account within 72 hours

Saiba como antecipar o fundo para esta instituição! Fonte: Meu Tudo.
Learn how to anticipate the fund for this institution! Source: My Everything.

Did you know that it is possible to anticipate FGTS through Meu Tudo? Today, this payroll loan contracting platform has joined other financial institutions and allows users to anticipate their birthday withdrawal.

That way, from Meu Tudo you can access a portion of your guarantee fund and use it to carry out your projects today.

How to query FGTS by CPF

See how to check your FGTS balance.

So, even if you are not unemployed, retired or looking to buy a house, you can use part of your FGTS amount without giving justification.

Therefore, if you have an amount in your guarantee fund that you want to access, continue in this post and see how you can anticipate the FGTS through Meu Tudo.

What is the anticipation of the Meu Tudo FGTS?

Entenda como essa antecipação funciona. Fonte: Pexels.
Understand how this anticipation works. Source: Pexels.

In short, the anticipation of the FGTS through Meu Tudo is a new type of credit that allows formal workers who have a balance in the FGTS to anticipate their birthday withdrawal.

This withdrawal is a percentage of your FGTS that you can withdraw once a year on your birthday.

That way, when carrying out the anticipation, you can have access to 7 years of the value of this withdrawal.

And the best part is that when you pay in advance, you don't have to worry about committing your income with monthly installments to pay.

In anticipation of the FGTS, the amount of the birthday withdrawal installments is paid automatically. For this, Meu Tudo communicates with Caixa Econômica Federal so that it can receive payment of the loan every year.

So, you don't have to worry about paying the loan, since the financial institutions related to it will already move to make that happen.

How to advance FGTS through Banco Inter?

Learn more about how to anticipate the FGTS through Banco Inter here.

Who has the right to advance the FGTS?

Carrying out FGTS anticipation through Meu Tudo is a very interesting practice that offers several advantages.

But, you need to know that to carry out the anticipation, it is necessary that you meet some basic requirements, such as:

  • Be of legal age or be emancipated;
  • Have a checking or savings account;
  • Having opted for the birthday withdrawal;
  • Have a balance in the FGTS;
  • Be in good standing with the IRS.

Therefore, by meeting the above requirements, you will be able to take out the loan and, therefore, anticipate the FGTS through Meu Tudo.

What are the rates and deadlines for anticipating the FGTS through Meu Tudo?

Another very important information to know about the anticipation is in relation to the payment terms that it has.

Therefore, by anticipating the FGTS through Meu Tudo, you can pay it in up to 7 annual installments that will be deducted from the value of your fund.

In addition, nowadays Meu Tudo works with an interest rate of 1,72% per month for this type of loan, which guarantees that you will be able to access a low interest rate.

Finally, from the anticipation you can contract values from R$ 300.00 to make the loan.

Is it worth anticipating the FGTS?

Before carrying out the anticipation, it is normal to have some doubts as to whether this is really a good financial option.

After all, the fund is used as an emergency reserve that you can access when something happens, such as a layoff.

To help you with this, we have separated below the main positive and negative points of this solution so that you can make a better decision.


Anticipating the FGTS through Meu Tudo can have some very interesting advantages for you. We highlight the main ones below.

low interest rate

Meu Tudo is a Brazilian fintech that manages to make loans without using intermediaries in the negotiation. In addition, they are completely digital and do not use a physical agency to operate in the field.

Because of this, they are able to lower your operation costs and offer lower and more attractive interest rates so that you can advance your FGTS without any problems.

Receive within 3 days

Another advantage is that the amount of your FGTS can be accessed quickly after completing the loan contract.

Money is released via PIX by Meu Tudo. Thus, they manage to send the money to you from 2 hours after signing up to 3 business days.

automatic payment

Finally, when taking out the loan, you still have the advantage of not having to worry about having to pay another bill every month.

The amount of advance installments is automatically deducted from your fund, without you worrying about making the payment.


Now, looking at it from the other side, as much as anticipating FGTS through Meu Tudo has good advantages, it also has some negative points.

Blocking your FGTS balance

When taking out the loan, your FGTS balance referring to the advance will be blocked for the duration of the loan.

This is done as a measure to ensure payment will be made. That way, you can't withdraw the balance for other purposes, such as buying a property or carrying out an emergency withdrawal.

Does not allow advance payments

Nowadays, it is possible to easily find loans that allow you to anticipate the value of the installments and also get a discount on the operation.

However, when anticipating the FGTS through Meu Tudo, you will not be able to anticipate the value of the installments using the FGTS balance. Thus, if you want to anticipate, you will need to use your current money and not your fund.

How to anticipate the FGTS for Meu Tudo?

Processo simples e online! Fonte: Pexels.
Simple and online process! Source: Pexels.

The process of anticipating FGTS through Meu Tudo is, in fact, very simple and can be done from home. So, just follow the steps below.

  1. Enter the FGTS application and adopt the birthday withdrawal, if you haven't already done so;
  2. Then go to the option “Authorize banks to consult your FGTS”;
  3. Allow Meu Tudo to access the data when searching for “QI Sociedade de Crédito” which is the name that the institution is registered with Caixa;
  4. When authorizing it, just go to the Meu Tudo website and simulate the credit.

With that done, the simulation will already show the conditions available to you. So, just proceed to do the credit analysis and sign the contract to advance FGTS through Meu Tudo.

But, if you want to know in more detail how the payroll loan application works in Meu Tudo, just check the post below!

How to apply for the My Everything loan

See how to borrow money at this institution that does not consult with the SPC or Serasa!

About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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