
Afinz Card or BMG Card: which is better?

Are you in doubt between the Afinz card or the BMG card? Both are great credit card alternatives with international coverage, reward programs and differentiated conditions. Learn more about them here and choose yours!


Afinz x BMG: find out which one to choose

Mas, afinal, qual é o melhor cartão entre o Afinz ou BMG? Fonte: Pexels.
But, after all, which is the best card between Afinz or BMG? Source: Pexels.

If you are in doubt between the Afinz card or the BMG card, don't worry, because today we are going to show you the main characteristics of these two cards, as well as the advantages and disadvantages so that you can choose the best card alternative.

In addition, both have an international flag accepted worldwide, Visa and Mastercard, respectively. Also, they have an application to control expenses and a benefit program offered by the brand and the issuing institution.

Next, you will know everything about these two cards. Check out!

How to apply for the Afinz card

Do you want to learn how to apply for the Afinz card and take advantage of the Vou Bem program discounts? So, read this post to learn the step-by-step application process.

How to apply for BMG card

The BMG card has a free annual fee and amazing rewards programs. Read this post and check out how to order yours right now!

Afinz CardBMG card
Minimum Incomenot informednot informed
AnnuityR$ 227.88Exempt
BenefitsUp to 40 days to pay;
Additional cards with 50% discount on the annuity;
You Well Program.
Cashback program;
Mastercard Surprise;
Free and unlimited withdrawals.
But, after all, what are the characteristics of these cards?

Afinz Card

Mas, afinal, como funciona o cartão Afinz? Fonte: Afinz.
But, after all, how does the Afinz card work? Source: Afinz.

First, the Afinz card is a product that was launched by the Afinz financial services platform in November 2020 in partnership with the Visa flag. Its goal is to make life easier for consumers looking for a credit card to make their purchases.

So, with the international Visa flag, you just need to register your card on the flag's website and have access to benefits, such as the Vai de Visa program, which gives you access to discounts at restaurants and hotels in over 200 countries.

It is undeniable that the benefits of the Visa brand are very interesting, but Afinz itself also brings several advantages, such as an application to control expenses and the Você Bem program, which, in turn, offers discounts at partner establishments in the areas of education and health.

Thus, the Afinz card is a great credit card option, so read on to see all the other features.


BMG card

Mas, afinal, como funciona o cartão BMG? Fonte: BMG.
But, after all, how does the BMG card work? Source: BMG.

So, the BMG card was created by the BMG bank in partnership with the Mastercard brand. Thus, it is a great alternative financial product for those who like to know other countries. That's because Mastercard is accepted in millions of establishments around the world.

And, in addition, you can make purchases in physical stores and online, as well as take advantage of the various advantages offered by the brand, such as the Mastercard Surpreenda program that helps you accumulate points that you can later exchange for products and services.

Furthermore, the BMG card does not charge an annual fee, that is, you only pay for purchases made with your card, and you can also control your finances through the BMG bank digital account. So, read on to find out more about this card.

What are the advantages of the Afinz card?

First, Afinz has the Você Bem program, which offers differentiated prices for Afinz customers in education courses, consultations and medical exams. As well as medicines that can be purchased with discounts at partner pharmacies.

And, in addition, the card has a Visa flag and international coverage, that is, you can use it in several countries and make your purchases safely. And yet, just register your card on the brand's website and enjoy benefits, such as the Vai de Visa program.

Furthermore, all your purchases can be paid in installments in the number of installments you choose and with each new additional card you get a 50% discount on the annuity. So, the Afinz card is a great financial product option for everyday purchases.

What are the advantages of the BMG card?

So, the BMG card has the Mastercard International flag, that is, you can use the card in millions of establishments around the world, because the Mastercard flag is the most accepted in the world. In addition, it is possible to take advantage of the Mastercard Surpreenda program.

Furthermore, the BMG card application process can be done completely online, so you do not need to go from your home to a bank branch to apply for the card. But, it is necessary to open an account with BMG.

Among other advantages, you still have access to two cashback programs in which part of the money spent is returned to your account. Thus, with the Volta pra Mim program, you receive part of the amount spent on purchases in debit and credit. With debit you receive up to 0.30% of the amount spent and with credit up to 0.80%.

On the other hand, in the Poupa pra Mim program, the expenses in your transactions are rounded off and the difference is deposited in a kind of virtual vault and as soon as it reaches R$50.00 the money is invested in a secure application so that you can redeem it. it in the future.


What are the disadvantages of the Afinz card?

Despite having several advantages, the Afinz card also has disadvantages, for example, the annual fee charged of R$227.88 is relatively high.

And, in addition, the institution does a credit analysis to release the card, so negative people are less likely to get it. If this is your case, we advise you to choose another credit card that is accessible for bad debts.

What are the disadvantages of the BMG card?

First, to apply for the BMG card, it is necessary to open a digital account at BMG, that is, if you do not want to open a new account, it may not be a good alternative.

And besides, you only have access to the Volta pra Mim basic plan. This is because to have access to more advantages, it is necessary to subscribe to a monthly plan. So, analyze each of the features of the BMG card to see if it's really worth it.

Afinz Card or BMG Card: which one to choose?

So, now that you know the characteristics, the positives and negatives of the Afinz card or the BMG card, you can carefully analyze and choose which of these two best suits your needs. In addition, both have an international flag, an application and great rewards programs.

On the other hand, if you still haven't managed to make your choice, you don't have to worry, because in the recommended content below there is another comparison between cards. Check out!

BMG card or Pride card: which is better?

Are you in doubt between the BMG card or the Pride card? Both are great credit card options with international coverage. Check out!

About the author  /  Joyce Viana

Graduated in Law from PUC Minas. Post Graduated in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure by Faculdade Legale. She produces content for different niches, from recipes and finance to beauty and health. Since he was a child, he made writing his best friend, and he never stopped!

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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