
How to calculate overnight surcharge online

Do you have questions about employment benefits? Do you work at night and don't know what your rights are? In this article we will show you how to calculate the nightly premium online. Check out!


Calculate your nightly premium in minutes

O adicional noturno vale para pessoas que trabalham a noite e de madrugada Fonte: Pexels.
The night surcharge applies to people who work at night and early morning Source: Pexels.

The CLT, Consolidation of Labor Laws, governs all employment relationships in Brazil. And one of its points is the additional night. This amount is paid to employees who work at night and it is the employer's obligation to pay the additional amount. In today's article, we'll show you how to calculate your nightly premium online. All in a matter of minutes. Continue reading and check it out!

What is the night allowance and how does it work?

The night premium is a guarantee for all employees who work at night. It is worth mentioning that this measure is only for people over 18 years of age who are legally registered in Brazilian territory.

Night work is considered all work done during the night and early morning. However, the schedule changes according to urban and rural areas. In the urban area, night work comprises the period from 10 pm to 5 am the next day. In the rural area, there are two divisions. The time for work related to harvesting and planting is from 9 pm to 5 am the next day. When associated with livestock, the time is between 8 pm and 4 am.

In this sense, the night premium exists to compensate for the physical and mental effort that working at night requires. Therefore, the hours of those who work at night are calculated differently. For those who work during the day, the hour is charged in full. Night workers, on the other hand, work 52 minutes and 30 seconds per hour accounted for. It seems like a small difference, but in the net salary it is easier to visualize.

Even when calculating benefits such as INSS, FGTS, thirteenth salary, overtime, the additional night is also accounted for. But after all, how to calculate the nightly surcharge online? See the next topic.


How to calculate overnight surcharge online step by step

The calculation of the nightly surcharge can be done by hand, however, the calculation ends up being a little complicated. Due to the amount of discounts and benefits that need to be calculated together. Therefore, nowadays there are several online tools for you to calculate your nightly premium in just a few minutes!

Generally, the calculators for this surcharge request information such as working hours, gross salary and number of night hours worked. That way, you know the correct amount of the additional. It is worth remembering that this benefit is equivalent to 20% over the daytime, that is, if the normal hourly rate is R$ 5.00, the nighttime is 20% of this value, with R$ 1.00. So, it is this value that will be multiplied by the night hours worked.

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Where to invest nightly additional money online?

Saiba como calcular seu adicional noturno. Fonte: Pexels.
Find out how to calculate your nightly premium. Source: Pexels.

If you get your nightly bonus, it might be a good idea to invest it! So your salary is left to pay all the bills. And the amount left over, you can save to carry out a long-term plan. We have gathered some investment options for you to understand more. Check out!

Treasury Direct

Direct Treasury is one of the first steps for those who are starting to understand more about investments. That's because despite being a different form of savings, it also gives a certain security. These are loans that the government makes to investors through the purchase of public securities.

The initial investment can be very low and the amount pays off daily. The main difference of the Direct Treasury is the time that your money stays still. This depends a lot on the type you invest. There are three types:

  • Prefixed;
  • Post-fixed;
  • Hybrids.

If you want to invest for the long term, Treasury Direct is a good option. That way, the yield is more worthwhile.



The CDB is the “Bank Deposit Certificate”. This form of investment is like a loan that the financial institution makes with its client in exchange for remuneration. One benefit is that the CDB yields daily rather than monthly. 

In addition, the CDB is a form of investment that is as safe as savings. The reason is the FGC, or Credit Guarantee Fund. For this reason, it is a suitable investment for those who are not used to the world of finance. As CDB are bonds, they yield according to different rates. The most common is the CDI, the Interbank Deposit Certificate. Many banks offer the yield of more than 100% of the CDI.

To invest in the CBD is simple. Several banks currently offer this possibility. Just choose what works best for you. The ideal is to analyze not only the yield rate, but also other bank conditions.


Stocks are capital of companies, divided into thousands of parts. Some companies sell parts of their companies to the stock exchange. That way, it becomes available for investors to buy. There are two ways to make money investing in stocks:

  • Dividends: the company gives part of its results to those who invest;
  • Valuation of shares: this modality is basically buying and selling. Buy at an undervalued value and sell at a highly valued one in the future.

This form of investment requires more time and understanding of the financial market. However, investing in dividends is a simpler way to invest in stocks.

Real Estate Funds

Entenda como investir o seu dinheiro do adicional noturno. Fonte: Pexels.
Understand how to invest your nightly premium money. Source: Pexels.

Investing in Real Estate Funds can be very good for individuals. This is because the initial value is low and there is more and more information to learn about.

Real Estate Funds work in a similar way to stocks. A fund is made by a brokerage firm and divided into thousands of parts. These shares are sold on the stock exchange. And all participants share the profits equally. In this sense, profit comes from the sale and exploitation of these properties.

Some advantages are that the initial price is cheap, it is easy to buy and sell and, still, it has income every month.

bills of exchange

Similar to CDB, bills of exchange are also fixed income securities. However, in this case it is credit societies that borrow the money.

Some famous companies in LC are Crefisa and Fininvest. 

The advantages of Bills of Exchange are similar to those of CDB. It is a low risk investment, with good profitability and daily income.

Who is entitled to the night allowance?

As already mentioned, any worker over the age of 18 registered in the national territory who works at night is entitled to the night premium. The periods covered are:

  • Urban: between 10 pm and 5 am; 
  • Rural planting and harvesting: between 9 pm and 5 am;
  • Rural livestock: between 20 and 4 am;

Now that you know how to invest and calculate your nightly premium, find out about one more investment option in this recommended article below.

How to invest in CDB PicPay Daily Liquidity

Do you want to know how to invest in CDB PicPay Daily Liquidity and have the spectacular yield of 210% CDI? So, read our text and find out.

About the author  /  Leticia Maia

Journalism student at UFSC, has always been passionate about writing. In the middle of college, he met digital marketing and was enchanted. She is a content producer for blogs and social networks.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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