
Work with cleaning and conservation and achieve financial independence

Understand here everything a janitor does in his day to day and how much companies are paying him. So, you can decide if this is the ideal profession for you.


Find out how to earn a good salary and benefits

Veja como trabalhar como zelador. Fonte: Freepik.
See how to work as a janitor. Source: Freepik.

Thinking about working as a janitor, but first want to know your duties? This information will be presented by Mister Panda.

In addition, you will see exactly the profile of a person who works as a janitor and in which areas he may be working.

Pessoa levando carrinho de limpeza

Best janitor jobs

If you need an urgent job, see everything you need to do to get a job opportunity.

Finally, you will find out what the salary of a janitor is today. That way, you'll know if it's worth the work for you.

Basically, everything about the janitor is in this post in a few moments. So read on and find out if it pays to be a janitor.

How is the day to day of a janitor?

Confira como é o dia a dia de um zelador. Fonte: Freepik.
Check out what the day-to-day life of a janitor is like. Source: Freepik.

When the janitor arrives at the place where he works, he needs to identify what must be cleaned, as this is one of his main functions.

Understand that this professional must always keep the environment clean, helping the environment to be always organized.

Also, if anyone has any doubts, the caretaker will indicate the path they should follow.

On the other hand, depending on where you work. Need to deliver some mail and help residents with whatever they need, making small repairs.


What is the profile of those who work in this profession?

Whoever works with this must be a person who is at least 18 years old and has completed high school.

However, depending on the company or condominium, they may require some training. In these cases, they will also have a higher salary.

In addition, it is important to be agile, communicative, dedicated, attentive to details and organized.

Any person who has these skills, has finished basic school and has reached the age of majority, can work as a janitor.

What are the areas of expertise of this professional?

Like , there are many possibilities where you can find a job.

After all, commercial buildings, condominiums and large industries are increasingly in need of someone to clean the environment. 

The main places where the cleaning worker will find employment are:

  • buildings;
  • Colleges;
  • Schools;
  • condos;
  • Big companies.

Keep reading and you will see the process to apply and pass the selection process for vacancies for this position.

What is the average salary of a janitor?

A janitor today in Brazil earns on average R$ 1,286.91. However, when it is registered, the salary already rises to R$ 1,302.00.

Also, over time he can earn R$ 1,800.00. Even if it is a position that requires a course, the remuneration can exceed that amount.


How to find job openings for this profession?

Como encontrar vagas de zelador. Fonte: Freepik.
How to find janitor jobs. Source: Freepik.

It's not enough that you find jobs in room cleaning. Well, you need to know the right way to write your resume for that position.

To help you, we wrote a complete text with tips for you to find vacancies and prepare a good resume.

It is through this publication that the main information on job opportunities for this position will be shown.

So, access the recommended content below and check it out!

Zelador limpando janela

How to get a job as a janitor

See how the janitor's curriculum should be and where you can achieve your financial independence in this service.

About the author  /  Felipe Silverio

My name is Felipe Silvério, I study Law at UniFSP, since I was very young I kept the habit of reading, that's why I found myself at work as an editor.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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