
Sadia vacancies: how to check the options?

Sadia currently has several open positions in various sectors with good salaries and benefits for you to take advantage of and grow in your career! Read this post and check out the vacancies.


Discover opportunities with salaries of up to R$ 5mil

Confira as principais vagas desta empresa! Fonte: Freepik / Sadia.
Check out the main vacancies of this company! Source: Freepik / Sadia.

Did you know that there are several Sadia vacancies open this year? And that this company offers a super complete benefits package for its employees?

This makes many people interested in working at Sadia, mainly because it is possible to work in many different areas.

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How to send resume to Sadia?

Check out the complete step-by-step to apply for Sadia vacancies without error!

Namely, through the company you can work as a salesperson, stock organizer and even as a forklift operator.

Therefore, to learn more about these opportunities and what it's like to work at Sadia, just continue with us in this post! 

Who is Sadia?

Conheça mais sobre essa famosa marca brasileira! Fonte: Sadia.
Learn more about this famous Brazilian brand! Source: Sadia.

In summary, Sadia is one of the most famous refrigerated food brands in Brazil. It was founded in 1944 and today has 100,000 employees on its team.

Namely, Sadia works with employees of 92 different nationalities who speak more than 20 languages around the world.

Therefore, when working at this company, you will have the opportunity to meet different people and cultures.

In addition, Sadia has a culture of recognizing its employees for their accomplishments, growth in the company and time spent working there.

How to check vacancies?

Sadia vacancies can be found on the official website of BRF, the company that manages the brand and many others.

Therefore, just enter BRF's careers page and select one of the several areas of activity that the company has to check its open positions.

What are the main open Sadia vacancies?

Currently, Sadia has open positions in several Brazilian municipalities, allowing you to find the ideal opportunity for you.

Namely, the company has about 4 areas of activity that are divided between the field, industry, commercial and corporate.

Below, we have selected some interesting vacancies that are open and you can apply!

forklift operator

Firstly, there are job openings to operate forklifts in Sadia's main distribution centers and warehouses.

In this position, you will load, sort and identify various boxes to store them in the indicated places.

To be eligible for this position, you only need to have completed high school, the NR 11 certification and a definitive driver's license in category B.


For those who like to talk and have sales skills, this Sadia opportunity may be a good way for you to join the company.

Therefore, with the position of salesperson, you can visit customers, place orders and perform other activities in the company's sales process.

To get this position, you only need to have completed high school and a category B driver's license. Upon joining the company, you will receive the necessary training to make sales.

District Attorney

Finally, there is also an open vacancy for a promoter, where you will work on replenishing products in stores, organizing inventories and supplying points of sale.

To get this opportunity, you just need to have completed High School, CNH and 6 months of experience in the area.

What is the average salary for this company?

Certainly, in addition to knowing the vacancies available, it is essential to know the average salary of positions at Sadia.

Therefore, according to the Glassdoor website, which publishes salaries for several companies, it is possible to find positions at Sadia that earn from R$ 1,000.00 to R$ 5 thousand, depending on the position and level

What are the benefits offered by Sadia?

In addition to salary, Sadia also offers various benefits to its employees. 

In your benefits package you can find more than 20 different services that help you on a daily basis.

Namely, some of these benefits are:

  • food stamps;
  • Health and dental plan;
  • Pharmacy assistance;
  • Transportation vouchers.

Therefore, those who work at Sadia can access interesting benefits for their day-to-day activities.

How to send resume to Sadia?

Saiba como se candidatar para as vagas! Fonte: Freepik.
Find out how to apply for jobs! Source: Freepik.

If you got this far and liked what Sadia has to offer its employees, you certainly want to know how to send your CV to this company.

In short, the resume submission process is very simple and can be done from your computer, tablet and even your cell phone.

So, to find out how this process is done and how you can send your resume, just check the following post!

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How to send resume to Sadia?

Get access to the complete step-by-step process for submitting your resume today!

About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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