
Vacancies Riachuelo: how to check the options?

Do you want to work at Riachuelo? So, check out the main opportunities open at this company here and find out where to find vacancies to apply for them!


See how this company helps you grow professionally

Conheça as principais vagas da Riachuelo! Fonte: Pexels / Riachuelo.
Discover the main vacancies at Riachuelo! Source: Pexels / Riachuelo.

Did you know that there are several Riachuelo vacancies currently open? This could be your chance to work in a company that values employees and makes them truly grow and autonomously.

At Riachuelo, all employees have the chance to see their careers shine within the company. This retail chain that has existed for over 70 years offers the most diverse conditions for professionals to develop.

Imagem cm funco branco escrito "RCHLO Riachuelo" em branco

How do I send a CV to Riachuelo?

Find out how to send a resume to this company!

Namely, Riachuelo has open positions in different segments and has around 9 different business units in Brazil and China that are full of opportunities for you.

Therefore, in this post you will learn more about Riachuelo, see open vacancies and learn about the main benefits that the company offers its employees!

Who is Riachuelo?

Conheça mais sobre essa varejista! Fonte: Pexels.
Learn more about this retailer! Source: Pexels.

Riachuelo is a large chain of retail stores that has existed for 75 years and its main objective is to create the largest ecosystem of fashion, lifestyle and financial products in Brazil.

To achieve this, today the company has more than 44 thousand employees spread across its business units.

Therefore, to win over all these people, Riachuelo works with inclusion, transparency and, above all, the appreciation of human beings, where it always seeks to take care of its employees so that they can grow within the company.

How to check vacancies?

Currently, Riachuelo has more than 100 vacancies open in various areas and units and all of them can be accessed from the company's official website.

This way, you can check the positions available, the main activities and requirements of each of them, in addition to applying for as many positions as you want.

What are the main open positions at Riachuelo?

In short, Riachuelo has several vacancies open in very different segments. Here you can find opportunities ranging from a seamstress to a financial analyst.

In this way, we can see that Riachuelo is a company that accommodates a lot of different people.

But, without further ado, below we have separated the main vacancies currently open for you to discover.

Service assistant

From this position onwards, you will be able to work providing customer service at all contact points that Riachuelo offers. In addition, you will also be able to offer the Riachuelo card and other financial products to customers.

To get this position you must have completed high school, availability of work hours on weekdays and weekends and experience in previous negotiations.


Another interesting vacancy at Riachuelo is that of a seamstress! Currently, the company is responsible for all productions carried out and for this reason it has a good sewing team at its factory in Natal to produce the pieces.

Therefore, in this position you will be responsible for making clothes using common instruments and a sewing machine. 

To access this vacancy, you must have completed high school or are currently studying and know the main operations of sewing machines.


Finally, there are also vacancies open at Riachuelo as a cashier. Here you will carry out operational processes at the checkout and provide customer service at all points of contact,

Namely, to get this position you must have completed high school and be available to work at the company.

What is the average salary for this company?

A very important piece of information to know about Riachuelo vacancies is the salary that these companies usually pay their employees.

Therefore, salaries at the company can range from R$ 650.00 to R$ 40 thousand per month.

What are the benefits offered by Riachuelo?

In summary, Riachuelo is known for offering great benefits to its employees, where you can find:

  • Discount on Riachuelo purchases;
  • Medical and odontologic assistence;
  • Discounts on undergraduate and language courses;
  • Special prices at more than 1,200 gyms;
  • Remote work assistance and transportation vouchers;
  • private pension;
  • Snack.

In addition to all of this, Riachuelo also offers a flex card that can be used at gas stations, supermarkets and pharmacies.

How do I send a CV to Riachuelo?

Saiba como funciona o envio do currículo! Fonte: Pexels.
Find out how sending your CV works! Source: Pexels.

After learning about the advantages that Riachuelo offers, you must certainly be eager to send your resume to the company.

Therefore, to learn step by step how to send your CV for open positions at Riachuelo, just check out the following post!

Imagem cm funco branco escrito "RCHLO Riachuelo" em branco

How do I send a CV to Riachuelo?

Shipping is completely online and very simple to do. See how in this post!

About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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