
Marisa vacancies: how to check the options?

This company with more than 60 years of experience is looking for new talents to compose its teams! Today she has vacancies for several cities and offers a good salary accompanied by several benefits! Learn more here.


Positions with salaries of up to more than R$ 2 thousand per month

Confira os cargos com vagas abertas! Fonte: Freepik / Marisa.
Check out the positions with open positions! Source: Freepik / Marisa.

Have you ever thought about working in one of the biggest women's fashion chains in Brazil? So you need to know the open Marisa vacancies.

Namely, this famous company, which has existed for over 60 years, has several opportunities open for you to take advantage of.

Duas mulheres sorrindo enquanto uma mostra algo no seu tablet para a outra

How to send resume to Marisa?

Submission is done over the internet and you may be called for an interview right away! Find out how in this post!

There are vacancies in stores, in logistics and even in Marisa's offices, showing that you have several opportunities to join the company and make your name.

Therefore, in the following post, you will learn more about this famous clothing chain and find out about the main open positions at Marisa! 

Who is Marisa?

Conheça mais sobre essa grande rede que vende roupas para mulheres! Fonte: Marisa.
Learn more about this great network that sells clothes for women! Source: Marisa.

First of all, it is essential to know more about the company in order to prepare for the selection process.

Therefore, Marisa is one of the largest chains of women's and men's clothing in Brazil. However, her main focus is on the female audience, where she works to strengthen women's self-esteem.

In this way, Marisa has a strong culture of empowerment and of using the feminine essence to become an exclusive platform for women.

Thus, when working at this company, you will be working in an environment that values Brazilian women and always seeks to meet their needs and allow them to fulfill their dreams.

Certainly, the purpose and mission of this company is very beautiful, which creates a more interesting work environment.

How to check vacancies?

Namely, the vacancies made available by Marisa are disclosed from the Gupy platform. 

That way, when you enter the page that the company created on Gupy, you can check open positions and apply for them.

What are the main Marisa vacancies open?

In short, Marisa currently has more than 50 open opportunities in several municipalities. Below you can find some of them.


First, there is the cashier position, which is available in several cities. 

From there you will serve customers, offer Marisa's financial services and open and close the cashier.

Administrative Assistant

As an administrative assistant, you will be able to act in administrative routines, receiving and transferring goods and also in financial routines. 

For this position, it is only necessary to have experience in a store and complete high school.

store inspector

Finally, you also have the position of store inspector, where you will monitor and audit processes such as exchanges, cancellations, high-volume sales and even monitor inventory. 

To work in this position, you only need to have completed high school and be available to work.

What is the average salary for this company?

In summary, the salaries for Marisa's vacancies vary according to the position and level, but it is possible to find opportunities with salaries between R$ 700.00 to R$ 2,000.00.

What are the benefits offered by Marisa?

Namely, those who work at Marisa have access to several interesting benefits at work, such as:

  • Childcare assistance;
  • Extended maternity leave
  • Product discounts;
  • Health insurance;
  • Transportation allowance/chartered;
  • Refectory;
  • Meal voucher or food.

How to send resume to Marisa?

Saiba como se candidatar para as vagas! Fonte: Freepik.
Find out how to apply for jobs! Source: Freepik.

So far you could learn more about Marisa and her main open opportunities. But how do you actually send your resume to one of the available positions?

Namely, you can carry out the process over the internet by accessing the website where Marisa publishes her main vacancies.

So, to get to know the site and check out the complete step-by-step on how to send your resume to the company, just check the post below!

Duas mulheres sorrindo enquanto uma mostra algo no seu tablet para a outra

How to send resume to Marisa?

Check out a complete tutorial for you to send your resume and apply for the vacancies of your choice!

About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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