
Vacancies Globo: how to check the options?

Want to work at Globo? So, find out here where to find vacancies at Globo and learn about the main positions currently open on this major Brazilian TV network!


See how you can develop your career at Globo

Essa empresa oferece diversas oportunidades para você crescer! Fonte: Pexels/ Globo.
This company offers many opportunities for you to grow! Source: Pexels/ Globo.

If you've always wanted to work with media and communication, you need to check out the Globo vacancies currently open.

This large journalistic company, which has existed for almost 100 years, operates in the market offering quality information to the public and a lot of entertainment for millions of Brazilians.

Logotipo com uma ilustração de globo em colorido

How to send resume to Globo?

Find out where resumes can be sent and how to complete this process!

To do all this, Globo has a strong team of talent that is working to improve news and use technology as its main ally.

But, as Globo is a company in constant expansion, it is possible to find several open positions for you to take advantage of! Therefore, in this article you will find out about the main open positions and see what it's like to work at Globo!

Who is Globo?

Conheça mais sobre essa empresa que existe há quase um século! Fonte Pexels.
Learn more about this company that has been around for almost a century! Pexels font.

In summary, Globo is the largest media and communication company in Brazil. She works by creating various contents that are available in open and paid media for more than 100 million Brazilians every day.

Namely, the company was born in 1925 and grew over the years until it reached where it is today.

For this, Globo has always used its passion for communication, culture, information and entertainment to offer Brazilians rich content that informs and entertains people.

Today, it is a company that values people and increasingly seeks to do good teamwork. 

For this, it has a team of very diverse collaborators who embrace different opinions, ideas and experiences to talk to millions of Brazilians.


How to check vacancies?

At first, Globo is a company that uses technology a lot as an ally in several aspects, including the search for new talents to compose the company.

Therefore, you can find open vacancies at Globo completely online from the company's official website.

Thus, you can check the vacant positions, the requirements, benefits and main activities of each one of them without leaving home!

What are the main open Globo vacancies?

Namely, today Globo has several open positions on its platform. Therefore, we separate below the three main opportunities that the company has.

Content Analyst

As content is the soul of Globo's business, it is clear that a content analyst position could not be lacking. Namely, there are 5 open opportunities in Rio de Janeiro to work on different fronts of Globo's content.

Therefore, in this position, the person will be responsible for monitoring the production of content in different areas, supporting the creation of new content, monitoring market trends and even taking care of budgets in the area.

To act as a content analyst, you must be trained in the field of communication and have experience in the area of content production.


Executive Secretary

Another interesting open position at Globo is that of executive secretary! In this position, you will be responsible for organizing the commitments of managers, guiding employees and supporting the board's actions and events.

To become a secretary, you must have completed higher education, speak English and have professional experience in the field.

UX Designer

Finally, another vacancy open at Globo is that of UX designer. Namely, this professional works in the development of interfaces for Globo's digital products, where it designs screens with elements that facilitate user navigation.

To get this position, you must have a degree in design, communication or similar courses and have experience in UX design and knowledge of the main tools used.

What is the average salary for this company?

Namely, due to job openings in different positions and functions in the company, it is possible to find different salaries practiced at Globo.

But, in general, when working in this company it is possible to earn between R$ 630.00 to R$ 65 thousand per month.

What are the benefits offered by Globo?

In summary, Globo is a company that offers very attractive labor benefits to its employees, where you can find:

  • Flexible working hours;
  • Childcare assistance;
  • Maternity/paternity leave understood;
  • Participation in profits and results;
  • Discounts on Globo products;
  • Health and dental plan;
  • Academy support;
  • Between others.

In addition, when working at Globo, you also get basic benefits such as meal vouchers, food and transportation.

How to send resume to Globo?

Veja como pode ser simples enviar seu currículo para a Globo! Fonte: Pexels.
See how simple it can be to send your resume to Globo! Source: Pexels.

So, sending a resume to Globo's vacancies is very simple to do. For this, the process is completely online and you can send your resume to several vacancies.

Therefore, to understand how the process is done in practice and check some requirements to work at Globo, just check the post below that is full of information for you!

Logotipo com uma ilustração de globo em colorido

How to send resume to Globo?

Check out the complete step-by-step to send your resume to this station!

About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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