
Coca-Cola vacancies: how to check the options?

At Coca-Cola you can find several opportunities for growth and earn good salaries. Check out everything about the company's vacancies and how to send your resume.


More than 300 vacancies open for you to take advantage of

Veja se você se encaixa nas vagas abertas! Fonte:  Pexels.
See if you fit the open spots! Source: Pexels.

If you want to have the experience of working in one of the largest beverage companies in the country, you need to know the Coca-Cola vacancies available for you to apply for.

This famous beverage company has been present in the market for many years and offers its employees several growth opportunities.

Homem realizando uma entrevista de emprego em escritório

How to send resume to Coca-Cola?

Know the main requirements of the vacancies and see how to send them through the company's website!

In addition, when working with her you will be able to access a good basket of labor benefits in addition to competitive salaries in the market.

In the following post, you will learn more about this company, the available positions and how much you can earn with it!

Who is Coca Cola?

Conheça mais sobre a empresa! Fonte: Pexels.
Find out more about the company! Source: Pexels.

In summary, Coca-Cola is a company that produces non-alcoholic beverages in several countries around the world.

Today it has more than 200 products in its catalog and 25 different brands that it manages.

Therefore, in order to be able to manage all of this, Coca-Cola has a strong team of talents, where we find more than 50 thousand employees in its offices, factories, points of sale and other environments.

Namely, what makes Coca-Cola conquer so many employees is due a lot to its great sense of diversity and inclusion, where it always seeks to offer opportunities for everyone.

In addition, it has a strong culture of sustainability, where it has the great goal of reducing the amount of waste by recycling one package for each beverage sold.

In this way, Coca-Cola manages to win over many people who identify with its vision and culture and wish to develop professionally with it!


How to check vacancies?

Coca-Cola is one of the few companies that does not use third-party services when hiring employees.

In this way, the entire process of selecting and recruiting candidates is carried out by its internal team in order to attract the right people.

Therefore, all vacancies offered by the company are on its official page, where you can check opportunities in other countries to apply!

What are the Coca-Cola vacancies open?

Currently, there are approximately 359 positions available for you to work at Coca-Cola in over 50 countries worldwide.

Logistics operator

From this position, you will be able to perform operational tasks of Coca-Cola's logistics, such as stocking raw materials, moving packaging and products, adding data to the system and much more!

To apply for this vacancy, you must have completed high school and have a license to operate forklifts.


laboratory supervisor

This position is a more technical position and also involves team leadership. Here you will supervise and coordinate laboratory activities as well as ensure the execution of tasks by the laboratory teams.

Therefore, for this position it is necessary to have completed higher education in production, chemical engineering, food and other related areas, in addition to having experience in the area and having advanced English and Spanish.

utility operator

Finally, as a utilities operator, you will operate Coca-Cola's domestic and industrial effluent stations.

Thus, here you will analyze the operation of equipment, carry out analyzes and maintenance, in addition to making presentations showing the results and identifying improvements.

To apply, you must have completed high school and a professional course in mechanics, electricity and other areas. In addition, you must have experience in the area and some certifications, such as NR-35, NR-20 and NR-33.

What is the average salary for this company?

In summary, because it is a large company with many positions, salaries at Coca-Cola can vary greatly.

According to Glassdoor, a platform where employees usually register their salaries, it is possible to find positions with base salaries to very high salaries.

What are the benefits offered by Coca-Cola?

Namely, Coca-Cola offers its employees several attractive benefits, such as:

  • Profit sharing;
  • Day off on birthday;
  • Training to develop;
  • Subsidies to carry out courses;
  • Health and dental plan;
  • Academy support;
  • More flexible working hours;
  • Company parking;
  • Between others.

In summary, each position offered by the company can give you access to different benefits from the Coca-Cola basket.

How to send resume to Coca-Cola?

O envio é online e a equipe sempre confere seu currículo! Fonte: Pexels.
Submission is online and the team always checks your resume! Source: Pexels.

Now that you know more about Coca-Cola vacancies and the benefits offered, it's time to learn how to send your resume to the company!

In summary, sending a resume takes place online, where you can send your resume without leaving home and even apply for opportunities abroad.

Therefore, to better understand how this process happens, we have separated in the following post the main information you need to know about sending a resume to the company!

Homem realizando uma entrevista de emprego em escritório

How to send resume to Coca-Cola?

Check here the complete step by step to send your resume!

About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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