
C&A vacancies: how to check options?

You can find and apply for open positions at C&A from the official website of this company! In addition, you can learn about all the benefits that the company can offer. Continue reading and check it out!


Apply for positions with salaries of more than R$ 2 thousand

Saiba como trabalhar na C&A! Fonte: Pexels.
Find out how to work at C&A! Source: Pexels.

In other words, working at C&A guarantees a remarkable work experience. Therefore, you should check out the currently open C&A vacancies.

This company offers competitive wages, attractive benefits, a healthy and productive work environment, and professional development opportunities.

Mulher loira de camisa azul usando o notebook

How to send resume to C&A?

Check out the full step-by-step to apply for open positions!

So if you're interested in working at C&A, then you've come to the right place. 

In this article, we'll talk about how to check available jobs, top job openings, average salary, and benefits offered by C&A.

In addition to how to send your resume to the company. Keep reading to find out more!

Who is C&A?

Saiba tudo sobre essa empresa varejista! Fonte: C&A.
Learn all about this retailer! Source: C&A.

Namely, C&A is one of the largest clothing companies in the world, with more than 280 stores spread across 15 Brazilian cities. 

The company is headquartered in the Netherlands and offers a wide range of clothing and accessories for men, women and children.

At first, C&A's main focus is customer satisfaction, offering quality, comfort and affordable prices. 

In addition, the company believes in the development of its employees, providing them with opportunities for professional growth. 

Finally, C&A encourages diversity and respect among all of its employees, which contributes to a healthy and productive work environment.

How to check vacancies?

Namely, C&A offers a variety of job openings in its stores, with options for people of all experience levels. 

Therefore, to check available vacancies, candidates can access the company's website and check the opportunities and job descriptions in the “Work with Us” area.

What are the main open C&A positions?

In summary, C&A is offering vacancies for the following positions in its stores.

telephone salesperson

The Telephone Salesperson is responsible for serving customers and offering solutions to their problems. 

In summary, the position requires good communication skills, as well as knowledge of products such as watches, cell phones and glasses.


The Cashier, on the other hand, is responsible for carrying out cash operations and serving customers. 

Namely, the position requires good communication skills, in addition to completing high school.

Sales Operator

Finally, the position of Sales Operator is responsible for serving customers, maintaining the store, organizing shelves and replenishing products. 

Therefore, the position requires good communication and relationship skills, as well as knowledge of the store's products.

What is the average salary for this company?

According to job site Glassdoor, the average salary for a Cashier at C&A is R$ 1,364.00 per month.

While for Sales Operator it is R$ 1,522.00 per month and for Telephony Salesperson it is R$ 2,000.00 per month.

What are the benefits offered by C&A?

Namely, in addition to competitive wages, C&A offers its employees a benefits package that includes: 

  • Life insurance;
  • Health insurance;
  • Meal ticket;
  • Discounts on store products;
  • Discounts on gyms;
  • Medical and dental insurance;
  • Agreement with pharmacies;
  • Discounts on language courses;
  • Career path.

How to send resume to C&A?

Veja como se candidatar às vagas! Fonte: Freepik.
See how to apply for jobs! Source: Freepik.

If you liked the company and want to work at C&A, you can send your resume through the company's website. 

So, to know the whole process, just check the following post!

Mulher loira de camisa azul usando o notebook

How to send resume to C&A?

Learn the complete step-by-step to send your resume without mistakes!

About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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