
Vacancies Cocoa Show: how to check the options?

Cacau Show has several open positions, where you can earn salaries from R$ 1,000.00 to R$ 3,000 per month and various benefits. Find out more details here.


Employment opportunities in all states

Confira as vagas abertas! Fonte: Freepik / Cacau Show.
Check out the open positions! Source: Freepik / Cocoa Show.

Did you know that there are several Cocoa Show vacancies open? Namely, this famous Brazilian chocolate company has over 3,700 stores across Brazil and employs over 10,000 people.

At first, Cacau Show has the mission of making a difference in the world, offering job opportunities for those who are passionate about chocolate and who want to grow.

Pessoa entregando um currículo para o recrutador

How to send resume to Cocoa Show?

Get to know the complete step-by-step to apply for the vacancies of this famous company!

Currently, the company has several vacancies open in several cities, allowing you to easily find your ideal job opportunity.

Therefore, to learn more about the company and the opportunities it offers, just continue with us in this post!

Who is Cocoa Show?

Saiba o que essa empresa valoriza em seus funcionários! Fonte: Cacau Show.
Find out what this company values in its employees! Source: Cocoa Show.

In summary, Cacau Show is a national chocolate brand founded about 34 years ago.

Today, the company aims to become a major inspiration in the world of cocoa by honoring all the possibilities of this famous fruit.

Therefore, to do this, the company now has a huge team of employees, with more than 10,000 employees spread across more than 3,000 stores in the country.

In other words, they all work with the aim of innovating and doing more with less, with great attention to detail in order to do a good job.

How to check vacancies?

The main vacancies of the Cacau Show open are disclosed from the company's official page on the Gupy platform.

That way, from it you can check the main open positions and apply for them.

What are the main vacancies Cacau Show open?

Namely, nowadays Cacau Show has several vacancies open in several Brazilian states.

Below, we share with you the main positions that have opportunities for you to enter.

Production assistant

Firstly, he has the position of production assistant, who works directly at the Brigaderia of Grupo Cacau Show in Itapevi, São Paulo.

In this way, in this position you will assist in the production of confectionery products, organize the stock and also control the goods.

To access this position, you only need to have completed high school.

shop operator

Another interesting vacancy opened in several states is that of store operator. From this position, you will prepare snacks, serve customers, restock goods and price products.

To get this vacancy, you only need to have completed high school and availability to schedule.

kitchen help

Finally, there is also this vacancy for a kitchen assistant, this time in Campos do Jordão, São Paulo.

Thus, from there you will work at the luxury hotel Bendito Cacao Resort and Spa da Cacau Show, where you will help the other kitchen staff to carry out their duties.

To get this vacancy, you must be available to work on a 6X1 work schedule (six days worked and one day off). 

What is the average salary for this company?

In summary, as Cacau Show has several different positions in its company, it is possible to find different salary values.

But, for the positions mentioned in this article, it is possible to find salaries that start at R$ 1,000.00 and go up to R$ 3,000.00.

What are the benefits offered by Cocoa Show?

Namely, in addition to salary, Cacau Show also offers great job benefits in its vacancies, where you can find:

  • Childcare assistance;
  • Extended maternity/paternity leave;
  • Product discounts;
  • Health insurance;
  • Refectory;
  • Meal voucher or food;
  • Vale-transportation or charter;
  • Miscellaneous training.

That way, when working with Cacau Show you can access several interesting benefits!

How to send resume to Cocoa Show?

Saiba como se candidatar às vagas! Fonte: Freepik.
Find out how to apply for jobs! Source: Freepik.

So, if you've come this far, you must certainly want to send your resume to the various vacancies currently open at Cacau Show.

Therefore, to do this, you just need to access the Gupy website, register and apply for vacancies.

But, to get to know this process more closely and check the main details of it, just check the following post!

Pessoa entregando um currículo para o recrutador

How to send resume to Cocoa Show?

In just 6 steps you send your resume and you can participate in the selection processes!

About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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