
Assaí Atacadista vacancies: how to check the options?

Assaí Atacadista is a large wholesaler present in several Brazilian cities that offers great job opportunities for you with 9 different types of labor benefits. Learn more about vacancies here.


More than 250 stores for you to work!

Confira as oportunidades que esse atacado pode oferecer! Fonte: Assaí.
Check out the opportunities that this wholesale can offer! Source: Assai.

Have you ever thought about taking one of the vacancies at Assaí Atacadista? This large wholesaler present in several Brazilian cities almost always has new job opportunities for you!

On its official website, you can find vacancies for packer, buyer, administrative manager, marketing analyst, cashier and many others!

Imagem com fundo azul escuro com o desenho de um por do sol no centro e escrito abaixo “Assaí Atacadista”

How to send resume to Assaí Atacadista?

Find out how you can send your resume to this large wholesale network!

In addition, Assaí Atacadista has a large network of stores with 250 units scattered around and 11 regional offices for you to operate!

See in this article how the Assaí Atacadista vacancies work, what benefits they offer and how you can send your resume!

Who is Assaí Atacadista?

Conheça mais sobre este atacado! Fonte: Pexels.
Learn more about this wholesale! Source: Pexels.

First of all, it's interesting to learn more about the company to find out if the Assaí Atacadista vacancies are really ideal for you!

Therefore, Assaí Atacadista is a large wholesale chain that is present in several cities and states and has 250 stores throughout Brazil.

Namely, in its stores it sells the most varied types of products. So, there you can find grocery items, bazaar, hygiene, drinks, cleaning and many others to use.

Due to the wide range of products that Assaí Atacadista operates with a large number of employees. 

Today, its stores and offices together account for more than 60,000 employees who work under the CLT regime and receive excellent labor benefits.

In addition, wholesale has 11 regional offices and 12 distribution centers where they can manage products and other operations to keep running.

Therefore, it is already possible to see that this wholesale has several places for you to get a good job opportunity!


How to check vacancies?

In summary, you can find all the vacancies that Assaí Atacadista has from the official wholesale website.

On the “Work with Us” page, you can find the complete list of vacancies available right at the beginning of the page, by clicking on the button “Click here and check out our vacancies”.

Thus, you will be redirected to a job search platform where you can find out about available vacancies, the main activities of each position and what benefits the company offers.

What are the open Assaí Atacadista vacancies?

Namely, Assaí Atacadista has several vacancies open in many cities across Brazil. On its official website, you can find opportunities ranging from apprentice cashiers to customer service managers and supervisors.

Below, we separate the main open positions and the main activities that each one of them has.


Firstly, there are butcher vacancies, where you can find several opportunities for this position at Assaí Atacadista.

This vacancy is available for those who are over 21 years old, have completed high school and have proven experience in the role.

In this position, the professional will work in the cuts of meat, preparation of counters, customer service and receipt of goods.


Administrative assistant

In summary, Assaí Atacadista offers several vacancies as an Administrative Assistant. But this one, in particular, is to work in wholesale distribution centers.

Therefore, this professional is responsible for updating data, creating reports, serving suppliers, preparing presentations with indicators, organizing documents, among other functions.

To work as an Administrative Assistant, you must be studying a degree in the area and have intermediate knowledge in the Office package.

Store attendant

The store attendant, on the other hand, is the professional responsible for promoting the sale of products, serving customers, analyzing documents that customers present, printing and issuing credit cards, among other activities.

To work in this vacancy, you must be over 18 years old, have completed high school and have basic computer knowledge.

bakery assistant

There are also vacancies open for bakery assistant. This professional works in cleaning the bakery, receiving goods, customer service, organizing the sector, preparing bread and many other activities.

The requirements for this vacancy are high school education and technical knowledge in food preservation and handling.

full buyer

The full buyer, on the other hand, is a position that usually works in the offices of Assaí Atacadista. 

Namely, this professional is responsible for negotiating the purchase of products with suppliers and carrying out actions to achieve the sector's revenue and profitability goals.

This position in particular asks for more requirements than the others. Therefore, it may be necessary to have completed higher education, advanced Excel and experience in the role.


The packer is the professional who works in wholesale networks and is responsible for packaging the products purchased by customers and collecting carts and products left by them.

In short, to get this position, you only need to have completed high school and be at least 18 years old.


Finally, there are several cashier positions available at Assaí Atacadista. Namely, this professional operates in the cashier's operations, where he receives the products, registers, closes the cashier, among other activities.

To get this vacancy, you must have experience in customer service, be over 18 years old and have completed high school.

What is the average salary for this company?

In summary, the average salary offered at Assaí Atacadista will depend a lot on the position for which the vacancy is being advertised.

But, in general, the salaries offered by the company can start from R$ 1,440.00 and reach even more than R$ 2,200.00, depending on the position and level.

What are the benefits offered by Assaí?

Namely, the Assaí Atacadista network offers employment using the CLT work regime. As a result, the company usually offers the following benefits:

  • Medium assistance or health assistance;
  • Dental care;
  • Mom Card;
  • Basic basket;
  • Discount purchases in stores;
  • Agreement with gyms;
  • Baby layette;
  • Extension of maternity leave;
  • Free parking;
  • Meal on site;
  • Profit sharing;
  • Career path;
  • Life insurance;
  • Transportation vouchers;
  • Food allowance;

So, these are the main benefits offered by Assaí Atacadista. However, not all of them are offered in every vacancy. But, it is possible to find at least 9 or more benefits per vacancy.

How to send resume to Assaí Atacadista?

Veja como você consegue se candidatar às vagas! Fonte: Pexels.
See how you can apply for jobs! Source: Pexels.

If you like what you've seen so far about Assaí Atacadista and want to have the opportunity to work there, know that the process is very simple!

In the following post, you will find out how to send your resume to Assaí Atacadista and thus get one of the many vacancies that the company offers!

Imagem com fundo azul escuro com o desenho de um por do sol no centro e escrito abaixo “Assaí Atacadista”

How to send resume to Assaí Atacadista?

The process is simple, online, and only takes a few minutes!

About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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