
Ambev vacancies: how to check the options?

Ambev offers great opportunities for you to grow and has positions that offer high wages and a good work environment! Find out more about this company's vacancies here.


Receive up to R$ 18 thousand when working at Ambev

Veja o que a empresa oferece aos funcionários! Fonte: Pexels / Ambev.
See what the company offers employees! Source: Pexels / Ambev.

Did you know that there are Ambev vacancies currently available for you to apply for?

This famous beverage company, which has more than 30,000 employees, is always looking for new talent to work in its units.

Imagem com fundo branco escrito "ambev" no centro em azul escuro

How to send resume to Ambev?

Shipping is very fast and can be done in a few minutes! Read this post and check it out!

In addition to sales points and offices, Ambev also has more than 30 breweries, malt shops, label factories, among other products, in addition to having more than 100 distribution centers.

To be able to handle everything, she needs new people to work in her company and grow with her. Therefore, in the following post, you will learn more about the company and the vacancies available.

Who is Ambev?

Conheça mais sobre a empresa e sua cultura! Fonte: Pexels.
Learn more about the company and its culture! Source: Pexels.

In summary, Ambev is one of the largest alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverage manufacturing companies in the country. It officially appeared in 1999 and is present in the homes of many Brazilians.

Namely, today the company has more than 30,000 employees and operates in 16 different countries in America, including Brazil, where it has more than 30 units in several different states.

In order to have so many people on its team, Ambev is committed to a culture based on inclusion, active listening to people, collaboration and a long-term vision to achieve new goals.

How to check vacancies?

Namely, Ambev has more than 100 open positions to work in several Brazilian cities.

To check all of them, you can access the official website of the company's corporate programs, where you will find several programs to join Ambev, such as an internship program, trainee program, among many others.

So, at the end of the page, you can click on the button “See our open positions” where you will be redirected to the portal where Ambev publishes its main vacancies and allows you to apply for them.

What are the open Ambev vacancies?

Namely, Ambev has several open positions in various areas of the company for you to find the ideal opportunity for you.

Below, we separate the positions most sought after by the public and that have open positions at Ambev!

Sales representative

If you have great communication skills and are willing to work outside the office, this position is for you!

Therefore, as a sales representative you will manage the relationship and performance of several clients, as well as identify opportunities to deliver new solutions to help them.

To get this vacancy, you only need to have high school or higher and a definitive CNH to be able to visit customers.


If you are looking for your first job opportunity, you can join Ambev's apprentice program!

Namely, there are open positions for several different areas where you will work by helping with activities and contributing to optimizing the services provided!

To get this opportunity, you need to have completed high school and be able to relate to people!

Logistics analyst

Finally, another open position is that of a logistics analyst, where you will control products that enter the warehouse, request new products, control assets, analyze product control and several other activities!

Namely, to get this vacancy you must have completed higher education and at least 6 months of experience in the field of logistics. You also need to have experience in managing people and know the office package.

What is the average salary for this company?

In summary, as Ambev is a large company that has many different positions, the company's average salary can vary greatly.

But, it is possible to find positions with salaries starting from R$ 1,900.00 for interns up to R$ 18 thousand when they are leadership positions.

What are the benefits offered by Ambev?

So, as it is a large company with many resources, it is possible to find very interesting labor benefits in Ambev vacancies, such as:

  • Health and dental plan;
  • Christmas basket;
  • Gympass;
  • Zenklub;
  • private pension;
  • Meal/food allowance;
  • Profit sharing;
  • Child care/babysitting assistance.

Namely, the basket of benefits can change according to the positions, where you can access more or less benefits.

How to send resume to Ambev?

Veja como você pode enviar seu currículo! Fonte: Pexels.
See how you can send your resume! Source: Pexels.

At first, CVs for Ambev vacancies are sent completely online via the company's website.

Therefore, to learn about the process and learn how to send your resume to Ambev, we separate the main information about the process in the following post!

Imagem com fundo branco escrito "ambev" no centro em azul escuro

How to send resume to Ambev?

Shipping can be done in less than 10 steps! Read the post and check it out!

About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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