Casa Verde e Amarela


Government Aid

What is the entry fee for Casa Verde e Amarela?

Do you know the entry fee for Casa Verde e Amarela? Find out here how the down payment and the reduction in interest rates work.


Government Aid

How to enroll in the Minha casa, Minha vida program

Learn how to enroll in the Minha Casa Minha Vida program and acquire your own property through subsidies that help with the installments!

What is the entry fee for Casa Verde e Amarela?

Do you know the entry fee for Casa Verde e Amarela? Find out here how the down payment and the reduction in interest rates work.

Government Aid April 12, 2022

How to enroll in the Minha casa, Minha vida program

Learn how to enroll in the Minha Casa Minha Vida program and acquire your own property through subsidies that help with the installments!

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