Financial education

How to get high score on CPF?

The search for a good CPF score has been increasingly frequent. Knowing how to get a high score is a way to release credit and acquire good opportunities. Understand here how it works!


High CPF score unlocks a lot of credit and opportunities

Ter um bom score no CPF é fator decisivo para quem busca por aprovação nos órgãos de crédito. Fonte: Adobe Stock.
Having a good score on the CPF is a decisive factor for those seeking approval from the credit authorities. Source: Adobe Stock.

A good score on the Serasa score is decisive when applying for a new credit card, financing or even a loan. This means that people who do not have a considerable score will have a hard time accessing these services. However, not all is lost, we will teach you how to achieve a high score on the CPF and look good in the square.

One of the main habits that harm the score increase is bad financial behavior. Contracting debts that escape financial planning, making impulse purchases and some other actions of this type are usually extremely harmful to the score. In this article, we will teach you how to solve this problem and maintain a high score on the CPF. 

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How much is a high score on the CPF?

Afinal, qual score ideal para o CPF? Fonte: Adobe Stock.
After all, which score is ideal for the CPF? Source: Adobe Stock.

When it comes to score, everyone wants to know what the ideal score range is, have you noticed? That's because no one wants to get a dirty name in the square. Also, you need to have a reasonably good score to access credit bureaus. 

But after all, what is a high score on the CPF?

According to information provided by Serasa specialists, a good score depends on the consumer's financial behavior in general. If he pays his bills on time, doesn't fall behind on credit payments, doesn't have debts accumulated or anything like that, his score will be good. 

The ideal score for Serasa is around 700 and above, as the maximum is 1000. In this sense, people who are in this range of points can access virtually all credit services that require analysis, according to the system.

However, this does not mean that those who have fewer points will not be able to count on any credit. Lower scores also get access to many services, this will vary from company to company, as credit analyzes differ from one another. 

Therefore, it can be concluded that in the range of 300-700 we have that average public, which has access to services, but may find it difficult with more robust credit operations. Such as mortgages or car loans with a higher value, among other things.


And, what is a low score?

Finally, scores between 0-300 are really, really bad. These people usually either don't have a financial history yet (young college graduates, etc) or they accumulate a lot of financial problems. 

Thus, access to credit services is usually very restricted. In the case of young people, over time, if there is a coherent financial movement, things will improve.

On the other hand, people with many accumulated debts need to start showing interest in clearing their name. Otherwise, the score will not reach a good level. See what counts to have a good score below!

How is the credit score calculated?

Score's main goal is to simplify a potential client's financial history. In other words, find out if this is really a good payer or not. In this context, institutions and financial systems analyze the history of payments through the CPF.

Score, both from SPC and Serasa, is a scale from 0 to 1000, in which the higher your score, the better payer you are. When this happens, banks usually give more opportunities to the customer, but be aware that this opportunity does not become harmful in the future. 

There is not a manual that explains how the Score calculation works, as it follows a statistical pattern that only computers are capable of operating. However, we know that some parameters are important at the time of calculation. Are they:

  • Paying bills on time
  • Which accounts are in default or late payments
  • Debts that accrued by the person in question
  • Which payments have been completed and which are open
  • Does the user keep their necessary and complementary data up to date?
  • Relationship of customers with other financial companies
  • Financial problems with other companies
  • Time to use credit responsibly

Added to all these factors, the calculation also takes into account other more specific information such as profession, monthly income, stable work occupation, among other things. All these points are fully relevant to the score.

High score on CPF: step by step to increase your score

Entenda os passos necessários para fazer seu score no CPF subir. Fonte: Adobe Stock.
Understand the steps needed to increase your CPF score. Source: Adobe Stock.

Well, after all this information we come to the X of the question: what to do to have a high score on the CPF? That's the question everyone wants the answer to and we're going to answer it for you right now. 

Check below what you should do to have a high score on the CPF and never go through credit deprivation in the market again. Check out:


Keep your data up to date

Financial bureaus like SPC and Serasa are very interested in learning more about their clients' financial, professional and even personal lives. In virtual environments, it is possible to insert information such as address, profession, education, salary, bank accounts, purchased goods and much more. 

In general, the more the system knows, the more it can trust you because it knows your needs and expenses. Therefore, your credibility increases, as well as your score, which can even reach the level of good (700-1000). It is worth remembering that financial institutions also provide more opportunities for these people.

Keep payments up to date

If you're going to apply for credit and the bank knows that you don't pay on time, you don't even have to say that the process will be more difficult for you, right? In addition, the score takes account payments as an important factor in the calculation. 

In this sense, it is essential to pay bills on time and do everything not to accumulate payments. For this, you can opt for monthly financial planning through a notepad or even digital spreadsheets. These services are free and available for virtually all mobile devices.

Start clearing your name

If you have debts to pay, don't wait for conditions to get better to clear your name. Every year Serasa holds the Feirão Limpa Nome, in which everyone has the opportunity to settle their debts with up to 90% discount with Serasa partners.  

As long as you don't show interest in debt settlement, Score won't increase, believe me. Using Feirão Limpa Nome, it is also possible to enter Serasa's turbo points program, which releases points for the score for each debt that the customer pays.

Create good financial habits

No more spending on impulse and not keeping up with planning. As long as you don't change the harmful habits of your financial life, you won't be able to see changes in the score. So, divide your expenses according to what you earn and remember never to exceed these amounts. 

Start having good habits and negotiate your overdue debts, change will come and finally you will have a high CPF score. It is worth noting that there are no services that increase your Score, as it only depends on your payments and contracts.

Watch out for these score booster offers, as they are often malicious scammers out to steal your money. There is no possibility to pay to increase the score.

What is the best score to apply for a credit card?

Do you want a credit card, but don't know if you have enough score? Find out the ideal score to order a card.

About the author  /  Marina Poncio

Graduated in Financial Management from UNOPAR. Acted as manager of large multinational companies. He is currently dedicated to editing, planning and producing content for the web specializing in economics and finance.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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