
FinanZero 2022 personal loan review

Looking for a personal loan with an unmissable offer? Stay tuned for this review on the FinanZero personal loan and learn about all its advantages.


Meet the banking correspondent with the perfect offers for you

Veja como é fácil e rápido solicitar o empréstimo FinanZero. Fonte: FinanZero.
See how easy and quick it is to apply for a FinanZero loan. Source: FinanZero.

In today's content, Senhor Panda will present you with a review about the FinanZero personal loan. In other words, a post that aims to provide complete information about the service offered by the company.

First of all, we must understand that FinanZero is a banking correspondent whose main function is to provide customers with the best loan offers. This, after negotiating them with the banks.

As well as offers, FinanZero seeks to provide the best interest conditions, installments and amounts available for request to all customers, including negative ones.

All of this through a very simple means of request within the website itself. But rest assured, as we have already prepared a step-by-step guide with all the details on how to request it.

Are you interested? So, keep reading and check it out!

Minimum Incomenot required
Interest rateFrom 1,49% per month
Deadline to payUp to 36 months
release perioddepends on the institution
loan amountUninformed
Do you accept negatives?Yes
Loan features

How to apply for a FinanZero personal loan

See how simple it is to apply for a FinanZero personal loan.

FinanZero loan review: everything you need to know

Conheça o empréstimo pessoal FinanZero, correspondente bancária ofertas imperdíveis. Fonte: FinanZero.
Discover the FinanZero personal loan, banking correspondent unmissable offers. Source: FinanZero.

FinanZero does not require a minimum income and does not exclude customers, in this case, those who are negative. In other words, through this company, the negative public has opportunities to obtain their loan more easily. This is because, as already mentioned here, FinanZero is not a financial institution, but rather a credit search engine. 

What does that mean? Therefore, the company functions as an intermediary in the process. In other words, from FinanZero, when the customer registers with their profile, they will have access to the best credit opportunities that suit them. And, later, to request, simply click on the desired option and you will be directed to the specific company website. But, about the request itself, we will see later.

However, the important thing here is to know that the banking correspondent negotiates with several financial institutions to be able to provide its customers with the best loans that accept negative loans.

Therefore, it is correct to say that any financial profile is accepted at FinanZero, just ask!


fees and tariffs

The rates at which FinanZero works are the famous variable interest rates. In other words, they can increase or decrease depending on the amounts involved in negotiating and requesting the loan.

In this sense, the higher the installment values and the requested balance itself, the higher the interest rates involved in the loan tend to be. Because of this, it is very important to carry out a credit simulation.

This way, the customer can have an idea in advance of the amounts they will pay in interest and the installments of the requested loan. Remembering that the rates are initially 1.49% am, but they also depend on the final company that will serve the customer.

Furthermore, it is worth remembering that the loan charges IOF to applicants. In other words, tax on financial transactions within the loan. However, these are not all the fees that can be charged, as institutions may have registration fees or even mandatory insurance.

Payment term and installment conditions

Despite offering high loan amounts, reaching up to R$50 thousand for applicants, the payment terms that FinanZero makes available to them are not as high compared to others available on the market.

In other words, after requesting the loan and starting to use the amounts involved in the negotiation, the customer will only have the maximum option of paying the loan in 36 installments.

In other words, 36 installments to pay the entire requested balance of the personal loan. This means that the installment amounts tend to be higher and the applicant will not have much time to make the payment.

Furthermore, as we saw in the previous topic, the interest rate may vary depending on the amount requested. Because, if a person requests R$50 thousand, the installments will be higher and with higher interest rates.

Advantages of the FinanZero loan

Afinal, quais as vantagens do empréstimo? Fonte: Pexels.
After all, what are the advantages of the loan? Source: Pexels.

FinanZero does not charge the customer's assets to guarantee payment of loan installments, therefore, this is an advantage that can be considered in this review of the FinanZero personal loan.

Furthermore, applying for a loan is very simple to carry out, using the correspondent's website anyone can apply in a few minutes without leaving home.

Furthermore, FinanZero provides a simulation tool, where we can carry out all comparisons of the loan offers that will arrive after we request it on the website.

Another advantage is the low rates, despite being variable, interest rates can remain low if we choose to request a loan with smaller installments and a low application amount.

Furthermore, people with irregularities in their CPF and who are negative can receive loan proposals after using the FinanZero website to request loans.

Discover the FinanZero personal loan

See here how the FinanZero lending platform works.


Disadvantages of the FinanZero loan

Among the disadvantages, despite working with high amounts, especially in relation to the R$50 thousand available to request, the loan leaves something to be desired in terms of installments.

In other words, there are only 36 installments to pay the loan in installments, which can cause the interest rate to rise more than desired depending on the amount requested.

Additionally, the fees that are charged for negatives tend to be higher than usual. This serves to force payment and avoid delays on the part of this specific group of people who requested the loan.

Still in relation to interest rates, despite starting in the range of 1.49% per month, they will probably rise. We can monitor this during the loan credit simulation.

Finally, approval rates for those with negative status are lower, even if these people are accepted, the chances of being approved are normally lower than for people with a regularized situation.

application process

Follow our step-by-step guide, which is in accordance with FinanZero's own instructions, to request a personal loan from them:

  • The first step is to access the FinanZero website;
  • After that, select the option to request a loan;
  • Define the number of installments and requested amount;
  • Simulate the values, see the offers and choose the most appropriate one;
  • So, now fill out the entire form with your personal details;
  • Ready! Now just wait for FinanZero's analysis.

Finally, after completing the entire application process, the request is sent directly to the FinanZero team who will analyze the loan request within a maximum of 5 business days.

This process is necessary in any financial institution to ascertain in depth whether the client who is requesting can actually have access to credit services and fits with the institution's profile.

Finally, the analysis will end and we will receive the approval response shortly afterwards and, consequently, the amount requested at the time of the request, as we saw in this review of the FinanZero personal loan.

Did you like the information? Want to know more about how to apply for your FinanZero loan? So, access our recommended content.

How to apply for a FinanZero personal loan

See how simple it is to apply for a FinanZero personal loan.

About the author  /  Marina Poncio

Graduated in Financial Management from UNOPAR. Acted as manager of large multinational companies. He is currently dedicated to editing, planning and producing content for the web specializing in economics and finance.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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