
Ciclic Loan Review 2022

Are you thinking about taking out a loan, but don't know where? So, check out this Ciclic loan review and find out what the institution can offer you!


Credit of up to R$3 million to be paid in up to 15 years

Veja como o empréstimo Ciclic funciona! Fonte: Ciclic.
See how the Ciclic loan works! Source: Cyclic.

If you are thinking about borrowing money from banks and financial institutions, you need to know better this Ciclic loan review!

Ciclic is a Brazilian financial institution that specializes in insurance, but can offer great loan options for you to use your credit. It originally belongs to BB Seguros and carries with it all the experience that the customer needs.

Minimum Incomenot informed
Interest rateFrom 1,49% per month
term to payUp to 15 years
release periodUninformed
loan amountUp to R$ 3 million
Do you accept negatives?subject to review
BenefitsOnline 100% application
Various types of credit
Loan features



great deadline reduced rate

Up to R$ 3 million to be paid in up to 15 years with interest from 1,49% per month.

You will be redirected to another website

That way, from Ciclic you can make loans online and protected 100%. Pos the institution itself offers you all the protection you need, as it specializes in insurance and technology

So, if you want to know more about Ciclic loans and see if they make sense for your finances, just keep checking this post.

How to apply for a Ciclic loan

The Ciclic loan offers excellent credit conditions, such as low interest rates and a long payment period. Find out how to apply here.

Ciclic Loan Review: Everything You Need To Know

Veja se esse empréstimo é o ideal para você! Fonte: Unsplash.
See if this loan is right for you! Source: Unsplash.

Ciclic's loan is known for being an option where you can apply for it easily and receive it quickly. From them, it is possible to borrow credit online without much bureaucracy.

Also, the money can quickly fall into your account. According to them, if the loan agreement is signed by 1 pm, you can receive the amount on the same day! In this way, it becomes a great option for those who need the money for yesterday.

Ciclic's loan also offers you two types of loan: personal and secured. Each of them works in different ways.

That way, with the personal loan you can borrow up to R$50 thousand and pay it back in up to 36 months with the lowest market rates.

On the other hand, the secured loan allows you to access up to R$3 million of credit and pay it back over a period of up to 15 years. In this case, you can use your car or property as collateral to access more credit.


fees and tariffs

At Ciclic, the interest rate on your loans can start from 1,49% in the case of a personal loan. But, in general, the company does not work with fixed values.

Therefore, the company customizes the fee amount according to the credit history of the applicant.

That way, if you have a good payment history, no debts in name or any other financial pending, the chances of you accessing low interest rates are greater with this loan.

But, if you haven't built a good track record at the moment or you have a dirty name, there are several loan options that other institutions offer to those with negative credit. You get to know them better in the post indicated below.

7 loan companies for negatives

Meet here 7 companies with excellent payment conditions that approve credit for negatives.

Payment term and installment conditions

A very important point to consider when researching loans is the way the institution deals with payments and installments.

This step is very important for the user to know in order to organize himself financially and see if the loan really fits in his pocket.

Therefore, the Ciclic loan has fixed installment options. In this way, the user can choose whether to pay off his loan for a period of 12, 18, 24, 30 or 36 months, and the period may be longer for a secured loan.

According to the company, the definition of how your installments will look will depend solely on the analysis of your credit profile. In this case, the closer your profile is to the institution's requirements, the longer you will receive to repay the loan.

Regarding the payment period, the institution manages to be more flexible and offer a longer period of 30 days to pay the first installment. Therefore, after taking out the loan and signing the contract, you can have up to 45 days to pay.

This rule applies to both personal and secured loans. That way, you have more time to start paying.

Advantages of the loan

Confira os benefícios dos empréstimos Ciclic! Fonte: Unsplash.
Check out the benefits of Ciclic loans! Source: Unsplash.

The Ciclic loan manages to offer great advantages for those who decide to hire it. From it, you can receive credit quickly. Thus, on the same day of signing the contract, the amount can already fall into your account.

In addition, for secured loans, you can convert up to 90% of the car's value into loan credit, and you can access interest rates 4x lower than those practiced by the market.

Finally, the credit still has personalized interest for each credit profile. That way, those with a good track record can access lower rates on their installments.

Discover the Ciclic personal loan

Check here the loan modalities offered by Ciclic and enjoy the excellent credit conditions.


Disadvantages of Ciclic Loan

Everything in life has its good and bad sides, and the Ciclic loan is no different. Therefore, it is important to know the negative points of the service before hiring it.

In the case of Ciclic, one of the main disadvantages is that they hardly accept negatives in their analysis.

For the personal loan, Ciclic does not approve the credit, but if you choose the secured option, you still have a chance of passing the approval.

application process

Veja como é fácil solicitar! Fonte: Unsplash.
See how easy it is to apply! Source: Unsplash.

In summary, in this Ciclic loan review you can learn more about this option that offers two types of credit that can deliver the amount in up to 24 hours with the lowest rates on the market.

Therefore, if you want to know how the Ciclic loan application process works, just check the post below that shows the step by step. Check out!

How to apply for a Ciclic loan

The Ciclic loan offers excellent credit conditions, such as low interest rates and a long payment period. Find out how to apply here.

About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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