
Will Bank 2022 card review

In this Will Bank card review, you will learn more about this credit option, as well as its advantages and disadvantages to make the best financial decision. Check out!


Find out more about this simple, secure and quick-to-use digital card

Saiba se cartão de crédito Will Bank é a melhor opção para você. Fonte: Will Bank.
Find out if Will Bank credit card is the best option for you. Source: Will Bank.

Do you want to have a credit card with a digital account, but don't know which one to choose? To help you on this journey, in this post we have separated a super complete review of the Will Bank card!

Using this card, users can access a service that has no annual fee, opening or maintenance fee. Furthermore, you can have your own app so you can resolve all card issues without leaving home!

minimum incomenot informed
BenefitsYou have access to the Mastercard Surpreenda program
It has an application to manage the card
card features

Credit card

Will Bank

International MasterCard

Digital card with no annual fee or maintenance, which has an intuitive application.

You will be redirected to another website

Those who have the Will Bank credit card say that it is the fastest, easiest to use and unlock option. Furthermore, it contains a very secure system. This way, you have a reliable option to maintain your future purchases.

Therefore, if you want to know more about this card and see if it is worth it for you, check out all the information, advantages and disadvantages about the Will Bank credit card in this article.

How to apply for the Will Bank card

Check out the step-by-step guide to get yours!

Will Bank card review: everything you need to know

Conheça tudo sobre este cartão de crédito digital. Fonte: Pexels.
Find out everything about this digital credit card. Source: Pexels.

When making a good financial decision, such as choosing your credit card, it is essential to know everything about it and what you can achieve with the product.

Therefore, in this topic, you will check out all the information you need about the Will Bank credit card, as well as learn about its advantages and disadvantages to make a decision that is right for you.


annuity and coverage

Here, Will Bank follows the same line as other digital banks and does not charge an annual fee to its users. 

By doing this, it ensures that more people use the card, as all payments that users make will be for their purchases and not absurd fees.

In this way, Will Bank becomes a great option for people who are younger and want to have a digital credit card. But it also works for those who are tired of having to pay annual card fees.

Furthermore, the Will Bank credit card has international coverage. This means that if you travel a lot or prefer to make your purchases on international websites, you can carry out these actions using the Will Bank credit card.

fees and tariffs

In addition to the annual fee, there are also other fees and charges that the Will Bank card does not charge the user. Monthly maintenance fees or even membership fees become free for the user, meaning they don't have to pay many fees.

The only time they are applied is when the user pays the invoice in installments. In this case, he will be able to apply a monthly interest of 4.70% to 16.90% per month.  

In addition, the Will Bank card also allows users to make withdrawals using the credit function. However, to carry out this operation, the user needs to pay a fee of 6.99%.

flag and benefits

A great advantage of the Will Bank card is that it has the Mastercard brand. This ensures that your purchases are accepted by many stores, both Brazilian and abroad.

This way, by having the Mastercard brand, the user can access some interesting benefits it offers. With it, it is possible to participate in the Mastercard Surpreenda program where the user earns points on their purchases.


Advantages of the Will Bank card

 Descubra o que há de melhor no cartão de crédito Will Bank. Fonte: Pexels.
 Discover the best of the Will Bank credit card. Source: Pexels.

One of the great advantages of the Will Bank credit card is the fact that it does not charge any maintenance, opening or annual fees on the card. This way, you can use it without worrying about the built-in fees.

Furthermore, those who have the Will Bank credit card can also access the exclusive application it offers. 

From there, you can resolve all questions about your card, such as analyzing the limit or paying your bill.

This way, the user does not need to leave home to resolve any issue with the card, as they can all be done at home, at work, at school, at college or anywhere else in the palm of your hand.

And we cannot forget that the card offers international coverage, allowing you to make purchases both in Brazil and abroad. 

In addition, you can make payments using both credit, debit and contactless payments.

Discover the Will Bank credit card

Discover all the features of this card!

Disadvantages of the Will Bank card

Conheça as desvantagens do cartão de crédito Will Bank para tomar uma decisão mais objetiva. Fonte: Pexels.
Learn about the disadvantages of the Will Bank credit card to make a more objective decision. Source: Pexels.

Now, in this Will Bank review, we're going to take a look at the card's disadvantages so we can make a good financial decision. About it, one of the main negative points is the fact that it does not provide an additional card.

Many people like to have more than one credit card to use for their purchases or leave it to a child or other family member to use. However, with a Will Bank credit card this is not possible.

Furthermore, the fact that the card does not have cashback on purchases is something that could be negative for some users who can access this facility through other financial options.

And, finally, although the card does not have any fees for the user to pay, it still has very high interest rates. One point that can be very negative is that it can apply interest on the use of the card when making transfers via PIX. 

card application

The Will Bank credit card has its own application to facilitate user access to their credit card and other issues related to it.

From the app you can access various information about your card and your Will Bank digital account. There, you can access your invoice and pay it, in addition to seeing the history of transactions in your account.

The application is available for smartphones that have an Android or iOS system, meaning it can be used by many people.

application process

Veja como funciona o passo a passo para solicitar o cartão de crédito Will Bank. Fonte: Unsplash.
See how step by step it works to apply for a Will Bank credit card. Source: Unsplash.

If you stayed this far and liked what you found in the Will Bank card review, you must be eager to find out how the card application process works.

To do this, be sure to check out the content below, which will show you a complete step-by-step guide on how to apply for your Will Bank credit card to make your purchases!

How to apply for Will Bank card

Come check out the complete step-by-step guide and request your card today!

About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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