
Pan Mastercard Zero Annuity Card Review 2021

If the annual fee of a credit card is your biggest problem, then you need to check out the Pan Mastercard Zero Annual Fee review, as this financial product could be the solution you need.


Learn all about this financial product with free annuity

 Review cartão Pan Mastercard Anuidade Zero. Fonte: Melhores Destinos.
 Pan Mastercard Zero Annual Fee Card Review. Source: Melhores Destinos.

If you've always had problems with credit card annual fees, you don't need to worry anymore, because the Pan Mastercard Zero Annual Fee review will show you that this card has everything you need: international coverage, cashback program and free annual fee. So, keep reading and check out everything about it.

minimum incomeMinimum wage
BenefitsZERO annuity
international coverage
Mastercard benefits
Pan bank app
card features

How to apply for a Pan Mastercard Zero Annuity card

Learn how to apply for the Pan Mastercard Zero Annual Fee international card. It is completely free of annual fees and offers discounts from partners in the Offers Club.

Pan Mastercard Zero Annual Fee Card Review: Everything You Need to Know

Conheça o cartão Pan Mastercard Anuidade Zero. Fonte: Pexels.
Meet the Pan Mastercard Zero Annual Fee card. Source: Pexels.

So, let's learn a little about the Pan Mastercard Zero Annual Fee card below.


annuity and coverage

So, one of the biggest advantages of this card is precisely the exemption from annual fees. This is because it does not charge you anything to keep the card services active.

So, if you are someone who doesn't like credit cards, because of the commitment of having to pay the annual fee, this card could be the perfect solution for you.

And, in addition, the card has national and international coverage, that is, if you like to shop in Brazil, but also enjoy shopping abroad, the Pan Mastercard Zero Annual Fee card can be a great ally, did you know? In fact, the more purchases you make, the more points you can earn with the Mastercard Surpreenda program, which we will tell you about in a moment.

rates to rates

Despite being a card with no annual fee, Pan Internacional has a revolving interest rate of 18.24% per month, so we recommend that you control all your expenses through the app so that you don't fall into the trap of getting into debt with the card's interest.

Just as the card also requires a minimum income of one minimum wage, that is, during the application process, you must send proof of payment for the last three months in amounts equal to one current minimum wage to prove your income.

flag and benefits

It is undeniable that the Mastercard brand is one of the most sought after on the market, whether for security or benefits.

Therefore, having this brand on the card gives users all the necessary support, such as 24-hour service, including for emergency situations inside and outside Brazil.

Furthermore, the customer also has access to the Mastercard Surpreenda program, which is basically a points program, where the more you buy, the more points you can earn and then exchange them for other products.

Therefore, if you want to check out other benefits of the Mastercard brand, you can also contact the brand or card's Customer Service Center and see the benefits available.


Advantages of the Pan Mastercard Zero Annual Fee Card

Afinal, quais as vantagens do cartão? Fonte: Pexels.
After all, what are the advantages of the card? Source: Pexels.

If you think the benefits are over, we have some wonderful news for you: they're not. That's because we've only told you about the benefits of the Mastercard brand, but now we're going to talk about the advantages of the Pan Mastercard Zero Annual Fee card.

So, to begin with, the first great advantage is the exemption from annual fees, because having a card that is completely exempt from annual fees can even help you with your finances.

And, in addition, you can obtain all your card invoices through the app, the website or you can receive them directly in your email.

And you can also pay your bill using your cell phone, without having to leave your home for absolutely anything.

Just like the card, it also offers the Offers Club, which is a Pan bank club that gives you access to various discounts and promotions from online partners. Once again, without having to leave your home.

Discover the Pan Mastercard Zero Annuity card

Find out everything about the Pan Mastercard Zero Annual Fee card, with it you don't pay an annual fee and have access to an app to manage everything in the palm of your hand.

Disadvantages of the Pan Mastercard Zero Annual Fee Card

So, there are also some negative points to this card, such as the credit analysis.

This is because Banco Pan carries out an analysis with protection agencies to find out how your CPF and credit score are with establishments.

Therefore, we recommend that you keep your credit score high, as well as your CPF regularized, so that you do not have problems with Banco Pan or any other bank.

And, in addition, another negative point of this card is the requirement to prove income, even if it is a minimum wage.

Well, there are people who cannot prove their income and this can make it difficult for them to access a credit card.

card application

Some say that today's cell phone is our greatest ally, and Banco Pan also believes this. Therefore, the card app is a way to bring you closer to the institution and help you control your spending.

This is because you can check your balance before making a purchase, see the month's bill, make transfers, as well as speak to Banco Pan.

So, the app is super easy to install, safe and with all the support you need.

application process

Now that you know all the advantages and features of the card, it's time to apply for it! So, go to the Pan bank website, follow all the recommendations and if everything goes well, in a few days, the Pan Mastercard Zero Annual Fee card will be in your home.

Also, if you have questions regarding the application process, read our recommended content below.

How to apply for a Pan Mastercard Zero Annuity card

Learn how to apply for the Pan Mastercard Zero Annual Fee international card. It is completely free of annual fees and offers discounts from partners in the Offers Club.

About the author  /  Joyce Viana

Graduated in Law from PUC Minas. Post Graduated in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure by Faculdade Legale. She produces content for different niches, from recipes and finance to beauty and health. Since he was a child, he made writing his best friend, and he never stopped!

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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