
Brazilian Business Bank Card Review 2022

In the Brazilian Business Bank card review you will discover all the features of this card that does not require a minimum income, international, with two flag options and low annuity. Check out.


Learn all about this financial product

Review cartão Brazilian Business Bank. Fonte: Brazilian Business Bank.
Brazilian Business Bank card review. Source: Brazilian Business Bank.

Discover the main features of this card through the Brazilian Business Bank 2022 card review. Thus, it is an international Visa or Mastercard card, as well as without minimum income requirement. Want to know more about this card? So, read on and check it out!

AnnuityR$7.00 monthly reais
minimum incomenot required
FlagVisa or Mastercard
Mastercard Surprise Program
Go Visa program
No minimum income requirement
But, after all, what are the features of the card?

How to apply for the BBB card

Check out how to apply for the Brazilian Business Bank credit card and if this option may be ideal for your case.

Brazilian Business Bank card review: everything you need to know

Review cartão Brazilian Business Bank 2021 Fonte: Pexels
Brazilian Business Bank Card Review 2021 Source: Pexels

Now, let's get to know this card better through the Brazilian Business Bank card review. So check it out.


annuity and coverage

First, the annual fee for the card is worth R$7.00 reais per month, so if you want to have access to this card, know that you will need to pay this fee to keep the card services working.

Regarding coverage, it is national and international and you can use it in Brazil and in other countries to make purchases, withdrawals and payments.

Therefore, despite charging a small annual fee, it is worth getting to know this international card better.

rates to rates

Still in the Brazilian Business Bank card review, let's talk about fees and tariffs. In terms of them, there are some services charged on the card, for example, you need to pay R$3.25 to recharge the card, as this is a recharge fee.

And in addition, for making transfers, a fee of R$9.80 is charged, as well as for withdrawals at ATMs.

Furthermore, to adhere to the card you must pay a fee of R$39.00. And, to issue a card statement, the rate of R$1.25. So, despite being a great card, charging these fees can be a downside.

flag and benefits

Among the advantages of the Brazilian Business Bank card, this is one of them, as you have two card options: Mastercard or Visa.

So, you can opt for one of two flags. If you choose Mastercard, you will have access to benefits such as the Mastercard Surprise Program, 24-hour assistance, car insurance, travel insurance and several other benefits offered by Mastercard.

On the other hand, if you opt for Visa, you will have access to benefits such as the Vai de Visa Program, discounts on travel, airline tickets, hotels, restaurants, taxi rides, tickets to football matches and several other benefits offered by Visa.

Therefore, all you have to do is enter the websites of the two brands and see which one better meets your expectations when applying for the BBB card.


Advantages of the Brazilian Business Bank card

Review cartão Brazilian Business Bank 2021 Fonte: Pexels
Brazilian Business Bank Card Review 2021 Source: Pexels

So, the BBB card has several advantages. Starting with the option of being able to choose which flag you want to use on your card, so you have much more security and comfort, as you can set up your credit card your way.

And in addition, the card does not require proof of minimum income, being a “hand in the wheel” for people who cannot provide this proof.

Furthermore, as it is an international card, you can use it anywhere in the world, without having to resort to physical cash.

Therefore, the BBB card brings several advantages for you to enjoy the best of a prepaid card, whether in Brazil or in other countries.

Discover all the features of the BBB card

If you want a card for those who are negative, it doesn't require proof of income or analysis of the CPF, the Brazilian Business Bank card can be your choice.

Disadvantages of the Brazilian Business Bank card

Still on the Brazilian Business Bank card review, let's talk about the disadvantages of the card. Starting with the annuity charge of R$7.00, that is, despite being a low amount, it is still charged, which is a negative point.

And in addition, the card charges fees for various services, which can bring long-term financial losses to card users.

So, before opting for this card, check your financial situation to find out if it is a viable alternative, as well as if it will not bring you financial problems over time.

card application

Still in the Brazilian card review, let's talk about the card application. So, through it, you can recharge your BBB card, make payments, check your latest purchases and still have access to other Brazilian Bank services.

application process

So, if you liked everything we've said so far about the Brazilian Business Bank card and would like to apply for it, click on the recommended content below, because we'll show you the step by step. So choose the flag you prefer and order today.

How to apply for the BBB card

Check out how to apply for the Brazilian Business Bank credit card and if this option may be ideal for your case.

About the author  /  Joyce Viana

Graduated in Law from PUC Minas. Post Graduated in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure by Faculdade Legale. She produces content for different niches, from recipes and finance to beauty and health. Since he was a child, he made writing his best friend, and he never stopped!

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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