
How to earn extra income online?

Need an extra income online? In today's article, we'll show you some reliable online extra income options. Continue reading and check out the tips!


Discover now 5 reliable online extra income options

Saiba como ganhar dinheiro pelo seu celular. Fonte: Pexels.
Learn how to earn money from your cell phone. Source: Pexels.

Especially with the pandemic, many people found themselves looking for a reliable extra income online. With prices rising, it became more and more necessary to find new ways to make money. Also, people were looking to work at home with something that didn't take so much time.

After all, for many people, obligations have doubled in the pandemic. With that in mind, we've put together 5 options for you to guarantee a reliable extra income online. Because in this process it can be difficult to find something that is really profitable. Continue reading and find out!

Reliable online extra income: 5 tips not to make a mistake

Ganhar dinheiro com a internet se tornou uma saída para fazer renda sem sair de casa. Fonte: Pexels.
Making money on the internet has become a way to earn income without leaving home. Source: Pexels.

1. Answer online surveys

These days, companies are increasingly interested in what people think of a product or service. Of course, tests have always been done with the public. However, with the internet, research has become simpler. In this way, applications were created that facilitate this relationship. That is, a company hires a search application. There, several people can register and participate in these processes with the companies.

Therefore, there are some application options to answer online surveys and earn a reliable extra income online. Look:


At first, Toluna seems like a good choice when it comes to making money online. With it, surveys are worth points. In this sense, they can be worth between 1,000 and 2,000 points for large searches and 15 for quick searches. Plus, just signing up for Toluna gets you 500 points. Together, when you refer someone you also receive 500 points. Finally, when the user accumulates 32,000 points, it is possible to withdraw R$20.00 through PayPal.


Palpito is a great option for anyone who wants to earn in dollars answering surveys on the internet. This is because the platform operates in Brazil and Portugal, paying in foreign currency. In this way, it is possible to earn between USD 0.30 to USD 4 by answering a survey. It is worth mentioning that to withdraw the money, you need to accumulate at least USD 12.50. Thus, you can receive your money directly in the PayPal digital wallet.


First of all, it is worth mentioning that UserLytics also pays in foreign currency. In this sense, it is necessary to have a digital wallet to receive payments. Also, the app has a high variety of search options. However, it is good to be aware: some surveys are done by videoconference. Therefore, it is important to be up to date with English.

make money

If you want to earn money watching videos, Make Money can be a great option. By the way, his best advantage is the payment in dollars. Therefore, through it you accumulate money by watching videos, evaluating products and also answering surveys.

When we talk about values, activities on the app are worth points. Therefore, these points can be exchanged for vouchers from US$5 to US$50. It is worth remembering that as payment is in dollars, you must have a digital wallet to receive. By the way, Make Money even makes the payment directly to PayPal. Therefore, create your account on the payment platform.


Like most of the apps we are featuring, Prizerebel also pays in dollars. Likewise, the application also offers several options for daily activities to earn money. Among them are: watching videos on the platform, answering surveys and various daily actions.

However, a negative point is that not all options are available in Brazil. That's because the app is foreign. Remember: this app pays in foreign currency, specifically in a PayPal account. So, create yours now to earn a reliable extra income online.

2. Watch videos

With the emergence of social networks, several people began to earn money being on the network. For example, influencers, who collect followers and make a lot of money. In this way, attracting more and more users to the platforms.

With that in mind, the video apps created an interaction campaign. In it, you can earn money just by watching videos. In addition, it is also possible to profit by convincing friends to sign up for the application.

Therefore, we have brought here two options to earn money watching videos on the internet. Check out:


It is undeniable that TikTok is one of the most famous short video apps in the world. In fact, the app has taken over all social networks, even being present outside of TikTok itself. Thus, the company was interested in bringing more and more people and created an interaction campaign.

In that sense, TikTok pays per guest who signs up for the app with your link. Also, if your friend becomes a frequent user, you earn money too. In tandem, you can also earn money just by watching videos on the platform.

For example, by watching 3 minutes of video on the social network, it is possible to earn 300 Rubies. However, to earn even more money, you can watch videos even longer. In this way, the value increases according to the number of videos watched.


In addition, Kwai comes to the market with a proposal very similar to TikTok. Therefore, it is also possible to create short videos of 7 and 17 seconds on the platform. In fact, Kwai is a Brazilian version of the Chinese application Kwai Show. Mainly for its profits, the application has become increasingly popular. Thus, bringing users and content creators together.

As with TikTok, the main way to earn money with Kwai is through invites. That is, when new users register using your link. For this reason, many influencers start using Kwai. Because they have a lot of followers, share the link and a lot of people sign up. In this way, it is possible to earn a lot of money, since this is the most profitable way to earn money with Kwai.

Together, Kwai also offers the options for daily activities. That is, completing some missions and watching videos, it is also possible to earn money. However, these activities don't bring in that much money. Therefore, you need to have more time to dedicate to this part of the application. 

To start earning money on Kwai, just register and you already earn Kwai Golds. In this sense, Kwai Golds are the exchange currency of the platform. There, you can exchange your coins for mobile top-ups or cash. It is worth noting that 10,000 Kwai Golds are equivalent to one real.

How to make money in Kwai fast

Would you like to earn money fast? So how about taking advantage of the Kwai social network for this? Read our post and find out how.

3. Mystery shopper

Avaliar produtos e serviços é uma das formas de ganhar dinheiro com a internet. Fonte: Pexels.
Evaluating products and services is one of the ways to earn money on the internet. Source: Pexels.

Working as a mystery shopper is similar to answering surveys. That's because as a mystery shopper you also test products and services. In this way, it is possible to be a mystery shopper on some internet sites. Currently, one of the biggest mystery shopper platforms is On You.

This site works as an intermediary between the person and the company. That is, you register on the platform and can receive some jobs. On average, a mystery shopper earns from R$50 to R$500 per assessment. It is worth remembering that as a mystery shopper, it is important to highlight the positive and negative points of each product or service. 

4. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is a great way to start earning extra income online. That's because here, you sell other people's products and receive a commission for it. Indeed, there are many people who manage to make a good income just from this. A good strategy to sell is through platforms. Therefore, Hotmart, for example, is one of the best known sites in terms of infoproducts for sale. 

In addition to this, there are some other platforms that help you get started in Affiliate Marketing. Afilio, for example, is a good option for beginners. Since you only need to pay when, in fact, there is a conversion.

5. Avon dealer

Finally, reselling Avon is the oldest way to earn extra money. However, it is currently possible to do this without even leaving home. You probably remember the famous Avon comics. The ones that normally stayed in beauty salons. Well, these days, Avon offers a kind of online store. These stores function as the virtual magazine of each reseller.

In this way, becoming an Avon reseller is simple. In this sense, it will be necessary to register through the website with CPF, full name, telephone and e-mail. Therefore, after filling in your basic data, a Sales Executive will contact you to finalize the process. From here, you start training and receive some samples to start selling.

Avon is one of the biggest cosmetic companies in the world. To become a reseller, it's very simple. It is only necessary to register on the site. With the basic data filled in, Avon's Sales Executive will contact you.

In conclusion, there are several reliable ways to earn extra income on the internet. Just do a lot of research and get to know the platforms before signing up to any of them. That way, you can guarantee that little money at the end of the month without even leaving home. If you want to know some more, check out the recommended post below.

How to make money instantly online 2021

Learn how to earn extra income online without leaving home!

About the author  /  Leticia Maia

Journalism student at UFSC, has always been passionate about writing. In the middle of college, he met digital marketing and was enchanted. She is a content producer for blogs and social networks.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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