
Like wine: meet 20 celebrities who don't age and who got better with the passage of time

While some people are afraid of getting old, others seem to have faced aging with the best possible quality. Some celebrities are there to prove this: that it is indeed possible to age very well! Will we know who they are?


While some people are afraid of getting old, others seem to have faced aging with the highest possible quality.

Conheça as celebridades que não envelhecem. Fonte: Pexels.
Meet celebrities who don't age. Source: Pexels.

That there are celebrities who don't age and who have gotten better with the passage of time, no one has any doubts. After all, with the advancement of aesthetic procedures, it is increasingly easier to face the passing of time without letting the shuttlecock fall.

If for us, mortal beings, appearance matters, imagine, then, for artists? For this very reason, they value their physical appearance and, no matter how many years pass, they continue to look good. After all, getting old is far from being a bad thing, but we need to take care of our body with care and affection so that advanced age is not a burden.

With that in mind, we've created a text about celebrities who don't age and who have gotten better over time so you can be inspired to take care of yourself with more love. Let's meet these inspirations then? If so, let's go!

Meet the 20 celebrities who don't age

Veja pessoas famosas que envelheceram com saúde. Fonte: Pexels.
See famous people who aged well. Source: Pexels.

1. Keanu Reeves

At 56 years old, Keanu Reeves is the first artist on our list of celebrities who don't age. The actor, who gained a lot of spotlight in 2019 for assuming his first girlfriend, artist Alexandra Grant, after 20 years of single life, is getting better with time.

Keanu Reeves, who is born in Beirut, Lebanon, has always looked younger. So much so that, at the age of 25, the actor still looked like a teenager and, therefore, continued acting in youth films. It was so successful that it became the darling of 1980s alternative teen movies.

2. Will Smith

Like Keanu Reeves, another Hollywood actor who doesn't see age advancing is Will Smith. One of the most beloved artists of today, mainly because of his hilarious character in the popular “Um Maluco no Pedaço”, which marked several generations, he is a success wherever he goes.

In 2019, for example, Will Smith was voted the tenth highest paid actor of the year. With this, it is very likely that the industry covers it to have a good appearance, trying to hide the effects of time as much as possible, but healthy. If this is true, one thing is for sure: the actor, who is now 52 years old, is striving to get better with each passing day.

3. Hugh Jackman

Completing the male team of Hollywood actors in their 50s and who are part of the list of celebrities who do not age, we have Hugh Jackman. Australian and British actor, singer, voice actor and film producer, he is a multifunctional artist.

Of all the works in his professional life, Hugh Jackman became known for his large-scale films, particularly in action/hero characters or in romantic characters. The most important of his career was, without a doubt, the character Wolverine in the X-Men franchise. For sure, having played this role was a great watershed for the actor, especially in terms of his professional recognition.

4. Charlize Theron

We started our text about celebrities who don't age talking about Hollywood men, so it's time to talk about women in this industry, isn't it? To begin with, the chosen one was Charlize Theron, a 45-year-old actress whose beauty remains impeccable until today.

For those who don't know her, Charlize Theron is a South African actress who won the Academy Award for Best Actress thanks to her portrayal of serial killer Aileen Wuornos in the movie Monster. With this, she was the first artist from her country to take home the award. In addition to this film, Theron also stood out in big budget films, such as Sweet November and Mad Max: Fury Road, among others that were box office successes.

5. Halle Berry

Joining the actress Charlize Theron, we have Halle Berry, also winner of the Oscar for Best Actress, but, in her case, with the performance of the role of Leticia Musgrove in the movie Monster's Ball in 2012. But the similarity between the two does not stop this way!

While Charlize Theron was the first South African actress to win an Academy Award for Best Actress, Berry was the first African-American to win the award. And, of course, in addition to the awards, there is the similarity with regard to the conservation of their appearance. Halle Berry, for example, is 54 years old, but she's better than many 20-year-old girls, that's for sure!

6. Jennifer Aniston

When talking about a Hollywood actress who has aged extremely well, it is impossible not to remember Jennifer Aniston, as we have closely followed the maturation of her life and the passing of her years. After all, she was part of the history of a generation in love with series thanks to her character Rachel in the unforgettable Friends. There isn't even a detail of her love life that goes unnoticed in the spotlight.

Now 51 years old, Aniston keeps pretty much the same look she had on Friends. It is clear that she has aged since then, as it is already 16 years since the series ended (yes, time flies by!). However, just look at her current photos and realize how advancing age has done the actress good. No wonder, Jennifer Aniston is on our list of celebrities who do not age.

7. Jared Leto

If we told you that Jared Leto was almost 50 years old, would you believe it? Impossible to believe, isn't it? But know it's true! The actor and lead singer of the band 30 Seconds to Mars will be turning 49 in 2020 and he's looking better than he's ever looked in his entire life!

And what would be the secret of her beauty? Many bet that Leto stays young and healthy thanks to veganism, which he has been a fan of for over 20 years. In addition, the artist also practices meditation and maintains his mental health very well, thank you. A curious fact is that he discovered the spread of the Coronavirus after everyone else, as he spent 12 days meditating in the desert completely disconnected and without communication. Can you imagine going back to reality and facing a pandemic like this?

8. Paul Rudd

Considered the ninth highest paid artist in Hollywood, Paul Rudd is an actor best known for his role as the superhero Ant-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Thanks to his Marvel character, the actor earned 41 million dollars in just one year. Nice ball, isn't it?!

With this, it is a fact that he did not lack money to maintain his youthful appearance. For those who don't know, Paul Rudd is 51 years old! Impressive, isn't it? Even more so if we compare it to his characters, who always remind us of younger people. May we all manage to age as well as he did, wouldn't you agree?

9. Gwen Stefani

Making part of the team of celebrities who do not age and who are also 51 years old, we have the singer Gwen Stefani. Yes, as much as she appears to be a girl of, at most, thirty years old, the artist is at least two decades older than her estimate.

The lead singer of the ska band No Doubt, who became quite famous in 1995 with the album Tragic Kingdom and the unforgettable song “Just a Girl”, is the true meaning that it is possible to age and look better than when you were young. But was her secret the same as Leto's? After all, in 2019, she and her boyfriend, singer Blake Shelton, also joined the vegan diet.

10. Jennifer Lopez

To end the list of gringo celebrities who get better with time, just like wine, let's go to Jennifer Lopez. The singer and actress joined Gwen Stefani and Paul Rudd, as she also turned 51 in 2020. By the way, would 51 be the new 20?! Thinking about it, huh?

The fact is that Jennifer Lopez is better than ever and appears to have much less than she actually has. So much so that her youthful appearance was the subject of several articles last year, as it was hard to believe that she would be turning 50. Among its discovered secrets, you can find drinking lots of water, taking care of inner beauty and always using sunscreen.

11. Sandy

We reached the Brazilian part of our list of celebrities who don't age and we couldn't start any other way than talking about Sandy. The singer, who was in the spotlight since she was a child, when she enchanted everyone singing “Maria Chiquinha”, is 37 years old and it seems that time has not passed for her.

While it's unfair to say that she's like wine, as she's still a young person, it's undeniable that Sandy hasn't changed much in the last 15 years of her life. The only more noticeable issue is blonde hair, a strategy used by many women to hide gray hair. Other than that, the singer remains the same as ever!

12. Sheila Mello

Since we're talking about Sandy, who was part of every child's and/or teenager's playlist in the 90's, how about we remember a band that was synonymous with success in that period? We are talking about É o Tchan, a musical group that popularized Bahian axé.

And what does the band have to do with our text of celebrities who don't age? Absolutely everything! Thanks to her, we can meet the dancer Sheila Mello, who is one of those people who seem to not see time pass. At 42 years of age, Sheila Mello maintains a strong and healthy body and, thanks to the care she maintains with her physical health, she is better than many 20-year-olds!

13. Giovanna Antonelli

If we asked you how old you would give the actress Giovanna Antonelli, you would never risk 44 years, would you? However, know that, as incredible as it may seem, this is exactly how old the Rede Globo artist is.

Appearance aside, in recent months, Giovanna Antonelli has gained the spotlight thanks to a controversial statement by Danni Suzuki. According to the same, she lost the role of protagonist of the soap opera “Sol Nascente”, from TV Globo, to Giovanna Antonelli, who is married to the general director of the plot, Leonardo Nogueira. At the time, the change was strange, since the character was of Japanese descent, just as Danni is. Climate, huh?

14. Fernanda Lima

One more that is part of the Brazilian list of celebrities who do not age and who is over 40 years old: Fernanda Lima. The eternal presenter of the program “Amor & Sexo”, on Rede Globo, which stopped being shown in 2018, leaving several fans desolate with the broadcaster’s decision, maintains the same youthful appearance that she had at the time of “Fica Comigo”, on MTV , which ran until 2003.

The most impressive thing is that Fernanda Lima gave birth to her daughter Maria Manoela last year, aged 42. However, what shocks is not the age considered advanced to get pregnant, but the fact that, after the part, the presenter quickly returned to her previous physical form. It is to make any woman jealous – but with good envy, by the way!

15. Rodrigo Hilbert

Since we are talking about Fernanda Lima, then why not talk about her husband, Rodrigo Hilbert? He, who also slept in formaldehyde, is 40 years old, but he looks like a young surfer from the capital of the state of Rio de Janeiro. Think of a blessed couple when it comes to looks, huh?

Many claim that Rodrigo Hilbert's secret, as well as Fernanda Lima's, is the organic food diet. Really? When in doubt, better try, right? And so, we come to the final stage of our article on celebrities who don't age. Let's see who else shows up out there?

16. Paul Zulu

Take a good look at the photo below of Paulo Zulu and estimate how old he is! Despite the appearance of some wrinkles, which only appeared now, we could bet money on you that someone who doesn't know you would guess your age just with the image below. If you wanted to risk it, we would inevitably win!

After all, Paulo Zulu's physical appearance is that of a man in his 40s, isn't it? But hold your chin because it's impossible not to drop it after this information: the former model is practically two decades older! Yes, that's exactly what you read! Paulo Zulu is approaching 60, as he is 57 years old. Unbelievable, isn't it?

17. Bruna Lombardi

Like Paulo Zulu, there is only one other person who impresses so much with the discrepancy between the age he appears to be and the age he has on his ID: actress Bruna Lombardi. Out of Rede Globo since 2002, making few appearances on HBO, she is the synonym that getting old may not be cruel.

This is because the actress has – amazed! – 68 years old! No, it's not a lie or a prank by Mallandro. Bruna Lombardi will soon reach her 70s, appearing to be 40 years old, which would already be very well preserved, by the way. According to her, all her vitality is thanks to the food she consumes and the healthy routine that ensured her balanced body and mind. Life goal!

18. Luciana Gimenez

Host of RedeTV!'s Superpop and Luciana by Night programs, Luciana Gimenez could never be left out of our list of celebrities who don't age. This is because, at 50 years of age, the artist could very well be mistaken for a thirty-year-old model.

However, Luciana Gimenez has a lot of merit in her appearance, which was achieved with a lot of dedication. Although genetics are already in her favor, it is common knowledge that the presenter takes very good care of her diet, is a practitioner of physical exercises and does not skimp on aesthetic treatments. Today, she must thank herself daily for never failing to take care of herself!

19. Alessandra Negrini

Until a while ago, few knew the real age of actress Alessandra Negrini. However, it was only when she appeared in a photo with her son Antônio Benício, the result of her relationship with actor Murilo Benício, that everyone wondered how old she was. After all, it looked more like a portrait between brothers than mother and son.

Well, the muse of street carnival in the city of São Paulo is 50 years old. Yes, it's been 5 decades already lived by Alessandra Negrini, who looks like a young woman of less than 20 years old when she parades through the Academic block of Baixo Augusta. I wanted us to age in such a mood!

20. Luiza Brunet

To finish the list of celebrities who don't age, we have Luíza Brunet. The former model, who became one of the great sex symbols of Brazil in the 80s and 90s, “rivalling” with Monique Evans and Xuxa Meneghel in male preference, has an incredible 58 years of life!

Currently, Luiza Brunet continues to activism against domestic violence after being beaten by her former partner, billionaire Lírio Parisotto. Fortunately, she managed to get out of this abusive relationship and today she says that fighting for this cause has filled an empty space for her. May we all be able to turn lemon into lemonade, even in the worst experiences of our lives.

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About the author  /  Priscilla de Cassia

Graduated in business administration and tax auditor, she has been a freelance writer since 2016 to cultivate her hobby for writing and to earn extra income. Currently, he writes about financial life, credit cards, air miles and travel, as well as curiosities in general.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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